Blood on his hands

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(Ryan's POV)

I stare at the door to the bedroom, Still dazed. What I did, was stupid. I killed her mother. I run a hand through my hair and the memory flashes across my vision..


 I turn around and Walk away from the basement door from which I just threw Emma down and locked. I take a deep breathe and walk out of the front door, Heading towards my car.

I get adjusted in the seat and then feel my phone buzzing. I glance at it on my headboard. I'm tempted, I am. But I can't. Phone calls are risky. But.. I sigh. Fuck it. I grab the phone and tap the bright green circle tempting me. The ringing stops and I hold it to my ear. Then I hear it. The one thing that can screw up all the work I put into this. My whole plan, can be fucked up, just by this one voice.

"I know you have my daughter." Emily spoke. I lick my lips, Not making a move to respond. She can play her games all she wants.

"I'm giving you a chance, Because I know she loved you. She wouldn't want this, for you to get a life sentence. But on the other hand, I bet I can guess what you've done to her. My beautiful daughter. How could you possibly do this to her? Screw her life up so suddenly? She was recovering, you know. She was getting over it! Your past, both of yours. She was getting over.. you. And then you came back. And you did this. Do you know how much you screwed everything up Ryan ?"

My throat burns. I used to think of her as a replacement mom, because My mom died when I was eight years old. Two years after I met Emma. Emma.. I close my eyes and grip the steering wheel.

"Ryan. You can't come back into her life. I Even called you on her sixteenth birthday. I told you to never come back, because She would just break down again. You Promised me Ryan, You promised !" She screams on the other end. " I hope you didn't tell her who you are. You can't. She can't go through it. She can't.. Ryan let her go !"

I blink as my eyes prick. I look out the window. " Fuck off." I growl.

"What happened to you Ryan." She mumbles and then with a firm voice she says, " I'm giving you now. If you just let her go, I won't call the police. You can leave, far from here. Leave us alone. she'll get better again and she won't remember this. She won't even know it was you. Just listen-"

"No! I'm not going to fucking listen, now stay out of it Emily." I yell into the phone.

"I'm calling the cops. I gave you a chance. I know where you are, I'm not stupid. You know, Taking her to your old house is very mindless. It does nothing and to be honest, It is quite foolish." With that, she hangs up.

I close my eyes, and breathe out of my nose.

I let out a string of foul words as I punch the headboard multiple times.

There's only one thing left to do. And I have to do it.

I start the car up, and head onto the street. 

I open the door, After picking the lock. It took me two hours to get here and I'm more than pissed. How can she fucking call me and even dare to call the cops? She knows that Emma has to learn sooner or later what happened to me.

I walk through the small hallway and I Slip up the stairs to hear music playing. Soft music. I hear crying. I Step into the room.

Emily, Emma's mother, sits there on the edge of the bed, crying. She holds onto a picture of something. I Shuffle trying to get a better view but the loose floorboards creak and suddenly Emily stands up, the photo frame in her withered hands. Her face is pale, her lips a lighter pink then I remember. Her hair is a darker brown and I see some grey in it here and there. her body is small, and fragile. Like even the lightest touch will break her. Her eyes glow that same bright blue color as Emma and I can't help but find myself getting lost  in them Until she steps back, grabbing the phone behind her.

I snap out of it and step forward, "stop, Emily. You don't wanna do that." I came here to talk. " Can we please talk?"

"Never, your out of your mind if you think I'm going to let you get away with this !" She screams, and I have the urge to slap her. 

I clench my jaw. "Emily-"

"No ! Don't you ever call me that! You've lost the right to call me that, your the spawn of the devil himself." She spits, Grabbing the phone and dialing what I assume to be 911.

I freak, jumping at her and grabbing her small shoulders, I pull them towards me making her drop the phone and we both collapse on the bed, me in a sitting position and her head laying in my lap, her body twisted on the floor in a painful position. Before I know what I'm doing, I pull out my pocket knife.

She gasps as the knife touches her tender skin. My mind is set to kill. " Ryan, I love you and I love Emma too. Tell her that. Tell her .. I love her. Don't make the wrong decision-" I slice the knife across her neck, and I gasp along with her. Her hands stop trembling and the photo that I noticed she was still holding slipped from her tight grasp, landing on the floor and breaking, pieces of glass flying from the frame and onto the floor. Her hands now lay limp by her sides. She slumps down against the side of the bed as I slowly let go of the back of her t-shirt.

I stare with glossy eyes at the woman that I used to love just as I would my real mother. I stare at her until My hands start shaking. Her dead eyes stare blankly back at me and I do nothing but sit there, staring back. I feel like she's still accusing me, even when she's dead. I see her blood on my hands and I wipe it off as best as I can on the bed. It's impossible. Just a minute ago she was alive, doing fine. Now she's .. this. She's nothing. She's gone. Because I did it. I killed her. I slit her throat. I murdered her. I did it. No one else. This is going to be on the news. I'm a murderer. I'm a rapist too. And a kidnapper. I didn't intend on anything going this way. Something wet falls from my eye and onto my cheek. I wipe at it, only getting blood on my face. I didn't want anything to go like this, I didn't plan on anything going this way. It just happened. I didn't mean it. I didn't. I clench my fists watching her on the floor. She looks so helpless, it sickens me. My body shudders inside out. My throat burns.

I'm on fire in the inside. I look over to the broken photo. I step over her body and Peek at it, almost Breaking in half.

It's the picture one of Emily's friends took of me and Emma. I was carrying Emma on my shoulders that day and We were so happy. Emma was smiling and I was too. I couldn't help but smile around her. Her happiness was always contagious. Emily was half in the picture too, She had popped her head and half her body in the picture before it was taken. My chest aches longingly and I peek over at Emily's body once more and Then my stomach clenches and Stuffing the picture in my pocket I burst out of the bedroom as fast as possible, But I don't make it and I crouch over on the top step, Vomiting my guts out.

I close my eyes and Cough. the smell of blood is in the air. It's strong. But the pain I'm feeling, it's stronger. Stronger than anything.

I open the front door and dust myself off, taking one last look over at the beginning of the steps, which not too long ago, I was just walking up, planning to talk to Emily. But things turn around and plans change and lives end. So I was now walking down them, alone, with blood on my hands for a whole different reason then I planned to. Some things are meant to be, but I don't have to agree with all of them. I Grit my teeth together just Looking back. I turn around again and shut the door, Walking away from the bloodied mess I made. The horrible, Bloodied mess.


I look around the room. Fucking flashbacks. I rub my eyes and Then Sigh. Emma's long gone, and so am I. I'm a murderer, I'm wanted, and I'm giving up.

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