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I Breathe in the smell of Deep rich Honey and I know where I am. I Slowly open my eyes to see, Just like I had thought, That I'm in Ryan's room. A shiver runs through me. If I'm here.. And This is here, Where is he? I cough Horribly and Slip off of the bed, rubbing my temple.

I hear muffled noises and I Hesitantly inch towards the door. I open the door and Poke my head out, Wondering if  would still get in trouble for wondering around. Well.. That's not my fault. I heard a noise. I blink. Wait. What the hell am I talking about? Am I actually afraid of him? Forget that.. I should be able to wonder around. He's got me so fucking tied up I can't even think straight. I walk down the hall and Than the noises are heard more clearly. Shattering. Glass shattering to be more specific. I Fumble myself down the stairs and whip around in the door to the kitchen to see Ryan Standing there, flinging glasses and plates off of the table and onto the wall across from him, where they shatter into pieces and fall shamelessly to the ground.

I stand there until He grabs a huge glass, Then I come to my senses, He's going on a rampage, calm him down!

I run over to him, but instead of heading around the whole counter, I use the shortcut, Which Wasn't the smart way to go. I forget that he's throwing shit at the wall where I'm standing and suddenly I get bashed in the shoulder with the cup, the glass Bouncing off my bone and back onto the counter, where a piece of it breaks off and rolls around the counter. I Sit there, Whining as My arm turns red. I rub it and Slump down against the wall.

"What the fuck, why are you down here?" Ryan more than growls slamming something unseen down.

I peek up at him. "Well, Sorry. Just hearing noises downstairs really gets my Curious side going and-"

"I don't give a shit. What I do give a shit about is that your down here when your not supposed too. Plus, When did I give you the rights to fucking roam around here like it's your own personal beach House? " He hisses slamming his hand on the counter, staring down at me.

I say nothing, Not feeling like responding to him when he's being a prick.

"Don't fucking answer, Just sit there like a Stupid bitch.. "  hear him mutter to himself as he turns around and starts doing whatever it is he was doing.

I growl at the back of his head and dust myself off, Standing up. "Don't call me that!" I squeak, not sounding as demanding and confident as I wanted to, but.

"Or what?" He says whipping around to face me. "Or what? Are you gonna hit me back?" He Laughs lightly and I feel embarrassment showing up on my face like a pile of blood.

"Why are you doing this." I mumble, Questioning myself more than him. But he seems to answer. "Why? Because. I have my reasons, and I'm sure you'd understand that, since This is basically all your fault."

I Look at him confused. My fault? "My fault?" I say hoping he made a mistake.

"Yes, your Fault, I don't make mistakes." He says turning around again, so his back is to me.

"Excuse me?" I snap. "Actually I think you did make one tiny mistake there, Because This is not my fault. It's yours. Yours, got it? I didn't kidnap myself, throw myself in your car, bring myself here and tie myself up did I? I didn't violate myself did I? I didn't give myself all those bruises did I ? And I didn't hurt my own emotions did I ? I didn't think so, So who else could possibly do that? Oh, right. So it is your fault. " I say.

He slams something and I flinch, grabbing onto the counter for support. If he's going to hit me he can go ahead and do it. I'm used to it anyways.

He turns around, avoiding eye contact with me as he rudely pushes past me, making me lose contact with the counter and fall over onto the floor. I Struggle to get up and huff, brushing myself off again. Fuck him. Fuck this. Fuck everything. I stomp over to the backdoor when his voice rings out.

"Don't make me come back down these fucking stairs or you'll regret it."

I keep my hand on the knob, not moving to remove it but not moving to open it either. What happened in the last ten hours. He changed, something changed, snapped in him. I sigh, feeling my stomach knot. I'm just going to have to deal with this.. deal with it until I find away to avoid it, to get away from him and this. Everything. I still don't trust him, never did. Never will. I lean my forehead onto the door and Exhale slowly, my breath trembling on the way out. Nothing is right. Nothing will ever be right and I'm just going to have to deal with that... for now. I'll get another chance soon, And when I do, I'm going to snatch that chance up and Run for my fucking life, My own will. I'm going to run free.

I'm not going to let it go because if I do I'm going to hate myself forever, or at least that's what I'm telling myself. I will, because that is what I need to do. That is what anyone else sensible would do. And I will not let myself be different from the others, I will not choose differently, I will not. I will run, I will run, I Will run. I repeat this to myself nonstop, implanting it in my brain. I can not forget that important detail. It's too important to forget, Too important. I breathe again and turn around grazing the knob again before letting go. I stop and Freeze when I finally see that Ryan was standing behind me the whole time, Must have came back down to make sure I didn't run..

I clear my throat and Peer down at my feet, ignoring his intense glare.

"Well. I guess it is my fault, huh?" I mumble in monotone, stating his quote from earlier. He's stupid; I'm stupid too.

I brush past his shoulder and walk myself upstairs feeling like a robot as My legs lift up every step robotic-like and my arms swing in unison. I turn to face the long hallway. I passed out yesterday.. that's why I didn't have to choose where to sleep or lay down, but now.. Where do I go?

Surely that fight with Ryan was very awkward and I'm not going in his room for sure.. Plus, I don't wanna go in his room anyway. But I'm not ever going back to my old room... ever. Like that's even a choice. I rub my face. I groan.. Damn it. I kick the wall over and over again and finally just lay down on the floor, grazing the wooden surface with my fingertips. I sigh and close my eyes. A world without him, A world without this.. A world without All of this. I rub my weary eyes and sniff, feeling my body shake with shivers.

I'm so Tired and weak from all of this. If He could just tell me what the hell is going on, Then maybe, Just maybe I wouldn't be so damn clueless.

I relax on the floor, resting my head against the wall, just now noticing that I was indeed completely clueless; bewildered. It was supposed to get easier, Not more complicated, Anything but that. I feel my hands tangle in my hair as I growl out in frustration. Here goes another day. I sigh. Soon my breathing evens and My body grows limp, Leaving me alone in the dark world.



Hiii o.o Yeh, So this is the chapter which took me so long to update -.- I know, I suck but I promise that you'll like the Thing thats coming up..yeah the secret, drama...Thingy. Yeh! So no more of this boring blahblahblah stuff Anymore. Maybe o-o idk -.- We'll see how the plot goes you guys o.0 Like the song? Comment, vote, share and all that good stuff! And Go find a carrot or something and use it as a makeshift horn and prance around naaing everywhere like a unicorn ! ;DD

           Hugs and carrot kisses, C:

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