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I lick my dry lips and open my eyes to find I'm still in the field. Did I fall asleep?                    

Of course I did.

I Look around to find The sky a heart stopping beautiful orange color. Clouds are floating over and It's getting darker by the minute. Not too far away there's a bunch of trees and I can only assume it's a forest of some kind. Well, I'm not going in there. I'll only get more lost and at this point I can't afford to get even more lost then I already am.

I sit up and stand on my aching legs, Then I shuffle and trip to the right before Deciding to keep on in whatever direction I'm in now. I sweep my messy hair out of my face and I keep shuffling forward, going nowhere in particular, just trying to find some sign of civilization or life in general. Some type of road, anything would be great at this point. I find myself Getting cold and I wrap my arms around myself, In attempt to somewhat Bring heat back to myself.

The Orange sky illuminates the Field making it all look like one magical wonderland. It's as If god Painted the sky orange and It rained down on everything. It's so mesmerizing I keep finding myself caught up in staring at the trees or the sky itself.

I feel so free here, it's like nothing I've ever experienced, Yet I don't feel completely safe because I know I had only Left view of the house before I fell asleep. I'm still shaken up about the whole situation and every time I hear some type of noise I jump like The boogeyman himself Has appeared in front of me. It's like every moment I just expect Leon to attack me from behind and Beat me until I'm black and blue. I'm sure If I do get caught or found He'll punish me. So I'm begging god himself to take pity on me, To show me a way out. To give me some escape...Some Path. But If He put me in this situation himself, will he be willing to get me out?

I've been asking myself that question ever since I entered the field.

But I have no answer.. I bite my lip and dig my fingernails into the soft flesh of my arm. This is too much.

Too much thinking.. Not enough doing. If I want to escape I have to stop being such a pansy and I have to start doing things to make this hope reality. Because God doesn't love me that much that He's going to send a fucking fairy and she's just going pop up and say 'Poof''  and  all my problems will be solved. Nope, doesn't work like that. I have to do it all myself. If Only god gave me what those smart people call brains and Cleverness. Goddamn I'm stupid when It comes to fucking survival and wilderness situations. And Of course I have to get put into that position. Why couldn't someone who knows how to get out of situations like this be Where I am now? And I could be at home.

God, Now I regret switching the channel when A survival show came on.

I stop in mid-thought when I hear cracking.

Shit.. Please don't tell me it's a snake or raccoon..

Now I regret not watching animal planet too.

The crackling gets louder and I, Not knowing what to do, Quickly trot over to the farther right, Getting closer to the deep woods. This is Just great. Bears are probably in there and I have something over to the Left munching and crunching it's way to wherever it's headed.

A Burst of cold air Swims through the air and Hits me so hard I let out a gasp and I tug my shirt down, wrapping my arms around myself again.

The crunching had stopped as soon as I gasped, maybe the animal heard it?

I blink Because the darkness has fully taken over by now. The only thing I can see is some dim light off in the distance. Most likely a firefly.

I swallow and then continue on, wincing and whimpering every time my bare feet met something hard or rough. I finally get out of the littered area and all I feel on the bottom of my feet is cool dirt and an occasional patch of grass or wheat. As I push and shuffle through bunches and patches of wheat I soon come to a halt, seeing as It gets even taller, scaling up to my chest now.

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