The Tomb of Moria

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As Gandalf touched part of the wall, the door lit up. The luminous silver outline outline faded into view. Legolas helped Alaina stand up after patching up her leg. Aragorn left them both to unsaddle Bill the only, to send him home. Alaina smiled at him and muttered a quick 'thank you'.

" mirrors only starlight and moonlight," Gandalf said as the moon appeared through the clouds, shining on the door. The lines grow broader and clearer, forming a glowing arch of interlacing ancient letters and symbols. "It reads, "The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter," Gandalf informed, reading the elvish on the door.

Merry, who sat in the corner was the first to ask "What do you suppose that means?"

Gandalf spoke simply, and confidently, "It's quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password and the doors will open." He raised his arms and incanted, "Annon edhellen, edro hi ammen!"

Nothing happened. The doors didn't move and Alaina noticed that Frodo was shivering as the wind blew colder. As Gandalf began trying different spells to open the door, Alaina took off her cloak and left Legolas' side, crouching down by Frodo and wrapping it around him.

It startled him at first but once he saw it was her he smiled kindly, looking up at her. She decided to plop herself down right next to him, staring at the water, the rock wall against their backs. Aragorn grabbed Pippin's arm before him or Merry could throw another stone into the water and she could see ripples form in the water. Aragorn gave Boromir an uneasy look and put his hand on his sword for safe measures.

Alaina looked over at Frodo who seemed rather troubled and spoke softly to him, "You are doing a great job, Frodo.." She paused as Frodo looked up at her as a smile formed on his lips. "Not even Aragorn or I could bear the burden you are bearing. You are the bravest man I've ever met.." 

Frodo knew she meant it and it helped. His eyes traveled back to the ground as Gandalf finally gave up, sitting next to Frodo and Alaina. It went silent for a moment before Frodo turned and looked at the door, standing up and examining the Elvish inscription, "It's a riddle.." he muttered.

Everyone raised their eyebrows in question, "Speak, friend, and enter. What's the Elvish for friend?" Frodo turned towards Alaina first, then glanced to Gandalf.

Alaina smiled, "Mellon," she said softly.

With that, the rock face silently divides in the middle and two great Doors swing outwards... revealing a blackness deeper than the night. The darkness scared Alaina as the Fellowship stood and began to walk in. 

Alaina walked in front of Legolas and Gimli, who spoke of the greatness of Moria, "So, master elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin...and they call this a Mine..." he snorted, "a mine!"

Finally, Gandalf lit up the cavern with his staff. Alaina stepped back with a gasp, almost running into Legolas who had fast enough reflexes to stop her by placing his hands on her shoulders. She didn't mind it, she was too focused on the scattered dwarf skeletons littering the ground. 

Boromir scoffed, "This is no mine.. it's a tomb."

Gimli began crying out, "Oh no.. no.. no.."

Legolas left Alaina's side and pulled an arrow out of one of the skeletons and examined it, "Goblins!"

Most of the Fellowship heard the word and instantly drew their weapons. Alaina pulled out her sword, as did Aragorn and Boromir. They all began backing away, towards the entrance of the mine. "We made for the Gap of Rohan, we should never have come here."

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