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4 Years Later...

August 26th, Fourth Age (44)

Once again, it came time for the whole realm of men and the Elves of Mirkwood to turn their attention towards Tharbad. The time of celebration started sixteen days earlier with Nuntari's twenty-first birthday.

"Uncle!" Nuntari said with excitement as she ran to Aragorn with her arms outstretched.

He laughed as their arms flew around each other and he swung her around. Alaina watched them happily as Legolas' arms slid around her big stomach. "And so the greetings begin.." he said with a sly smile on his face.

Alaina giggled and then her face lit up as Arwen walked in carrying their one-year-old son. Aragorn's first son. He had been born just last year and it was Alaina's first time meeting her nephew.

She didn't hesitate to leave Legolas' arms and walk to Arwen, "He's so precious," she smiled happily. Since Alaina was pregnant at the time, Legolas didn't want her travelling and wasn't there for Eldarion's birth.

The child grabbed Alaina's finger and wiggled it around. Everyone smiled at the child's laughter. Everyone who had been a part of the Fellowship was there. Gimli, the dwarf lord. Samwise the brave, Merry and Pippin, and Aragorn.

Since Alaina was close to giving birth, they had all decided to stay a few extra days. And now they were all sitting in Alaina and Legolas' large bedroom, the balcony doors were open. It was a fairly large room with many chairs which allowed many people to hang out in there.

"He looks like King Elessar," Thranduil said looking at the baby boy. They all sat around the room, bringing their attention to the Elven king when he spoke.

"The men of our family line have all been described the same way. My mother used to say I was practically a copy of my father," Aragorn said from the corner as Arwen played with little Eldarion.

Thranduil only nodded and Alaina could see the jealousy that their child didn't look more like an elf. His ears were normal too, not at all like Nuntari's, whose ears had gotten pointier throughout the years.

"Do you have a name for him yet?" Gimli spat out, a pipe in his mouth.

Legolas smiled at his dwarf friend as Alaina look over at the crib from her chair. "Arathorn. Named after my father."

"Arathorn the Second, to be exact," Legolas added afterward.

Alaina instantly turned to see her brother's reaction to their child's name. He looked stunned, as did King Thranduil. Aragorn's mouth parted slightly and his eyes finally connected with Alaina's, "That's a strong name."

Alaina nodded, "We've had it planned for a while now. Though we were expecting to have a child much earlier.." Alaina paused and watched Thranduil's disappointed reaction, "We plan to name our second son, if we have one, Tharan."

Thranduil's face lit up, his smile being the widest that Alaina had ever seen. The room was lit up with smiles from the hobbits, Gimli, and others. By the night, they all had a drink in their hand and were speaking of old tales. Nuntari very much enjoyed nights like these, listening to the adventures that they had all been on.

"I miss Gandalf..." Alaina whispered quietly, out of nowhere. "And Frodo."

The hobbits all lowered their heads and Gimli let out a loud sigh. Thranduil eventually stood up and spoke softly, looking at Nuntari, "I have something for you, a present."

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