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They had the forest completely surrounded. The entire perimeter of the forest was covered by warriors trained by the best. Legolas had his bow in hand, a quiver stuffed with arrows on his back. Thranduil had his sword in his hand as they all ran from tree to tree, all the way to the center of the forest where the attackers' camp was set up.

Alaina had her daggers and Aragorn had his long sword. It was going to be a glorious fight, and they all had their jobs. As soon as Legolas and Thranduil had eyes on the camp, Legolas turned to Alaina, "Find Nuntari, and get her out of there."

"I know my job, Love," Alaina reminded, seeing the nervousness in Legolas' face.

Legolas nodded, looking at Thranduil who was getting anxious. But he followed Legolas into the trees, along with any other Elves that had volunteered to fight for Nuntari.

Then the Men were looking at Alaina, she took a deep breath, quickly turning around the tree and stealthily running up to a mercenary and cutting his throat, letting him drop to the ground before moving onto another one.

The Men followed behind her, doing the same to any mercenaries they could. "Ambush!!" A man yelled before Alaina cut his throat.

The entire camp was alerted, turning and picking up their weapons. Alaina ducked underneath a punch thrown at her, grabbing the man's elbow and stabbing him with the knife that was in his hand. Alaina ran through the camp, a man came at her but an arrow from above hit him in the chest.

Legolas was covering her as Alaina searched every single tent, killing men that were just waking up when she would pull a tent cover back. Suddenly she pulled back the cover and saw Nuntari laying on the ground on her stomach. Alaina was quick to run over, Nuntari's face had tear stains on it and she had been knocked out.

Alaina looked around, the fighting outside of the tent still continuing. Without a second thought, Alaina sheathed her daggers and threw Nuntari over her shoulder. As soon as she stepped out of a tent, a man in front of her was shot with an arrow from above.

As soon as Alaina was running out, warriors on her side gathered around her, protecting her from any men who were attempting to reach Nuntari and herself.

"Take her!" Alaina demanded, handing Nuntari to Ilain.

"Why me?!" Ilain asked, carrying Nuntari bridal style.

"Because I can take more men out than you can!" Alaina yelled over the screams and metal clashing that rang throughout the forest.

Ilain only glared at her, gesturing for some men to follow him out of the forest. Legolas jumped down from the tree above them and handed Alaina an extra bow, she instantly turned around and fired at a man coming at them.

"We fall back," Alaina said, firing arrows next to Legolas. "We'll come back with a stronger force, and keep them from leaving the forest."

"You're the queen," Thranduil replied for Legolas, simply being anxious to get back to check on Nuntari.

"We need to cover to get our wounded out of here," Alaina said, also speaking to the numerous warriors surrounding them.

"Got it," Legolas replied, running forward and shooting at mercenaries at close range. Alaina did the same, eventually running out of arrows and taking out her dual blades and slicing through every man she could while warriors dragged the wounded back.

"Fall back!" Alaina yelled, causing all of their army to follow their orders and fall back through the trees, towards the city.

Alaina, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Thranduil and Eomer were the last people to follow their army out of the forest, providing cover for their army to get out of the trees. Alaina let out a yelp of pain as an arrow skimmed passed her waist, Legolas instantly pulled her back and together they ran out.

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