The Woods of Lothlorien

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As soon as they were off the rocks they were in tall grass, running towards the forest. Alaina had been here many times and was not exactly looking to return, but she followed her brother nonetheless.

The fellowship ran across a forest floor strewn with yellow flowers. Above is a roof of golden leaves, held up by silver pillars, the trunks of huge, grey trees. Gimli looked around nervously, "Stay close, young hobbits.. they say a Sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell... And are never seen again!" Gimli said, his axe held close to him. Alaina scoffed as the dwarf spoke, "Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

Suddenly, arrow heads were in the Fellowship's faces. Legolas, being an elf, had his bow nocked and aimed just as fast as the elves that surrounded them. He looked conflicted on which elf to aim at seeing as how they were completely surrounded. 

Aragorn and Alaina stood next to each other as Haldir, the elven captain stepped between his soldiers, looking strictly at Aragorn. "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark."

Haldir glanced nervously to Alaina as Aragorn spoke to him, "Haldir of Lorien, we come here for your help. We need your protection."

Gimli spoke nervously from behind, "Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back."

Haldir looked only at Alaina now, straight in the eyes, he spoke almost angrily, "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back." His eyes then move to Frodo and Alaina lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Come. She is waiting."

Haldir leads the Fellowship onto a Hill Top. They looked with wonderment at the vista spread before them. Several miles towards the South, a Large Hill rose out of the woods. Upon the hill rise many mighty Mallorn Trees, taller than any others. Nestled high in the crown of the mallorns is a Beautiful City. It Gleams in the low rays of the late afternoon, gold, and silver. To the east of Caras Galadhon, the Woods of Lorien run down the pale gleam of Anduin, the great river. Beyond the River, the land appears flat and empty, formless and vague, until far away, it rises again like a dark and dreary wall. The Sun that lies on Lothlorien has not power to enlighten the shadows that lie beyond.

The elves escorted them there, Legolas caught up in the back with Alaina, walking side by side. "Haldir was almost glaring at you. Is there something between you two?" He spoke quietly.

Alaina only nodded, she needed to quickly decide whether or not to tell Legolas or not. And when she looked at him, she simply couldn't stop herself, "We were together."

Legolas' eyebrows furrowed in, he was almost shocked, "What happened?"

Alaina looked ahead, "I fell in love with somebody else." She then walked ahead, leaving Legolas behind.

Legolas thought about how Alaina did to Haldir what Tauriel had done to him all those years ago. And how hurt he was. His feelings for Alaina changed slightly, not knowing how to feel about it all.

Then they were led to a platform in the tress where Haldir decided they could go no further. It might've been because Gimli said some rude things, or because Frodo carried something so evil, the elves didn't want to be a part of it, or it could've been because of Alaina.

Boromir spoke to Frodo as their feet hung off the edge of the platform. "Gandalf's death was not in vain, nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden Frodo, don't carry the weight of the dead."

Alaina took a deep breath and began to stand when Boromir got ahold of her wrist, she stayed sitting. "Alaina.. I'm sorry for what I said in Moria."

She only stared at him for a moment, deciding what to say. Being the kind person she is, she smiled, "Thank you Boromir. I forgive you." She paused, a smirk playing on her lips, "You aren't the first man to underestimate me."

Aragorn argued with Haldir for quite a while before Alaina stood up and walk over to her brother. Haldir froze when she walked up. She spoke softly, "Nin iar mellon, i amarth -o en coe rests bo cín shoulders. What cin decide will nast- with cin an sui an sui cin guin-. If cin feel i echor will endanger cín núr, then cast ammen ed-, so n- ha. But im tur- almost ber i ha won't. I onlui nad i will harm cín núr na- i evil i lies in Mordor.."

Haldir paused and thought for a long time, finding it hard to resist Alaina's request seeing as how she had only grown more beautiful since the last time he saw her. Aragorn waited for his answer anxiously. 

"Wait here," Haldir said simply, walking up the steps of the city, rushing off most likely to get away from Alaina. He came back a while later, not making eye contact with Alaina anymore, "Follow me."

They were led up into the city in the trees and waited there for a moment. Soon, Celeborn steps forward to greet the Fellowship. His hair is long and silver, his face grave and beautiful, with no sign of age upon it. Next to him stands Galadriel, the Lady of the Elves. She has hair of deep gold and timeless, unsurpassed beauty. Celeborn looks hard at Aragorn and Alaina.

"Nine there are, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him," Celeborn said, speaking formally.

Galadriel studied Frodo before speaking for Aragorn, "... He has fallen into shadow," her eyes go to Aragorn and Alaina who stood at the front side by side. She spoke so softly is sounded like music to their ears, "The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all... Yet hope remains while the company is true," her eyes then go to Sam. Alaina couldn't help but smile at Galadriel's words.

She continued to speak, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace."

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