The Bridge of Khazad-dum

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They ran as fast as they could. Alaina and Boromir stayed in the back to make sure no hobbits got left behind. Alaina carried her bow now, her daggers were sheathed and she was ready to shoot anything that came close to them. 

Behind them they could hear and see an enormous hoard of goblins chasing after them. They crawled down the columns and the walls as they ran through the giant chamber. There must've been thousands of them completely surrounding them. They came from the front now too, and no matter how many turns they had taken, they ended up encircled by the goblins.

Then everything went silent. The goblins stopped screeching and it was quiet. Alaina watched the look on Gandalf's face which was completely fear. A loud roar came from the right so everyone turned their heads towards the right, and down the hall there was a faint glow through the tunnel. It looked like fire, "What the hell is that..." Alaina mumbled as the roar shook the entire place.

The goblins took off when a giant thud was heard. They descended up the walls and in minutes they had all completely vanished. Boromir stood over Gandalf's shoulder, "What is this new devilry?"

The glow got closer to them, lighting up the chamber. Gandalf shut his eyes for a moments until a low growl was heard, "A Balrog.. a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you.." he paused and Alaina saw something she had never seen before, Legolas looked completely terrified, a look of full fear on his face. Gandalf then turned, "Run! Quickly!"

Alaina was first to hear his words, they all ran towards a small door to the left, opposite way of the Balrog. Alaina ran down and came to a large room with a staircase leading down, she ran down it only to find it wasn't a full staircase and almost plummeted hundreds of feet into nothingness. She struggled on balancing herself until Legolas wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her back.

She stumbled and fell on top of Legolas, only to have Boromir quickly help both her and the elf up. They went right, turning down a completely staircase, then turned down again and were now on a series of narrow bridges.

There was a gap in the staircase and everyone stopped. Legolas took the jump, making it look rather easy. He turned around and looked up at the Fellowship, the Balrog was closing in from behind, the roof was shaking along with the ground, making it much hard to jump.

Alaina didn't look, she kept her eyes on Legolas as she then made the jump, putting her full trust in Legolas who easily caught her and steadied her on the stairs down. He turned back, "Gandalf!"

That's when Gandalf took the jump, Legolas easily helped steady him. Then an arrow ran straight into the stone stairs. Alaina took out her bow as fast as possible and aimed at the goblins that were on a ledge up above them shooting at them. Alaina missed the first shot and groaned, "Legolas, switch places!"

Legolas nodded and took the lower stairs, shooting back at the goblins and not missing a single shot. Alaina put her bow on her back and held her arms out, "Throw them!"

Boromir furrowed his eyebrows in, "I'm not entrusting the lives of two hobbits in the hands of a woman!" 

Alaina clenched her jaw as Boromir grabbed both of the hobbits and jumped, Merry and Pippin made it just fine but Boromir stumbled, thankfully Alaina reached forward and grabbed his shirt, the end part of the staircase they were on completely crumbled, making the gab bigger. She looked at him straight in the eyes for a moment, "I should drop you," she said angrily before yanking him up and moving away, down the steps, taking out her bow next to Legolas and defending the group from the goblins as it was time for Sam, Frodo, Gimli and Aragorn to jump across.

"Sam!" Aragorn said, taking the hobbit by the arms and tossing him across into Boromir's arms.

Gimli put his hand out as Aragorn reached for him, "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" And then took the leap. He would've fallen if Legolas hadn't grabbed ahold of his beard. "Not the beard!" he yelled.

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