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Adigo reared up and kicked open the door to the kings tomb, her bow was raised, "Get off," she whispered to Pippin who instantly hopped off the horse.

She saw Faramir's father standing over Faramir's body in the middle of wood covered in oil. Her bow was raised directly at him, "Stop this madness!"

Lord Denethor turned around wickedly, grabbing the torch from a nearby guard. Alaina pulled her bow back tighter and squeeze her legs causing Adigo to slowly creep forward, "You may triumph in the field of battle for a day, but against the power that has risen in the east, there is no victory."

Alaina couldn't bring herself to let go of the arrow and instead threw her bow and arrow down and ran towards the fire that Lord Denethor started that surrounded himself and Faramir. "No!"

As soon as she got close she stepped onto her saddle and used it as a boost to throw herself at Faramir's father, grabbing him in middair and crashing to the stone ground with him. Pippin ran to get Faramir off the fire. Lord Denethor jumped up faster than Alaina did and in an attempt to grab Pippin who stood on the wood attempting to push Faramir off, Denethor jumped onto the fire, just missing Pippin and Faramir as they rolled off.

Faramir groan on the ground and his father watched as Faramir opened his eyes, the flames surrounded the old man quickly. "Faramir.." he whispered before he began to scream and catch on fire. 

Alaina winced at the sight as the old man jumped off the wood and ran out of the room, completely ablaze. He would be found dead after the battle, having jumped off the top level of the city.

Alaina once again heard the sounds of the horns of Rohan and turned towards Pippin, "I mean it this time, Pip, stay with Faramir, get him medicine!" She demanded as she ran and grabbed her bow from the ground, jumping onto Adigo with a running start.

The army of Rohan had almost completely demolished the orc army but now the mercenaries from the south were coming in on giant elephants. "Yah!" Alaina yelled, giving Adigo a kick as she ran down to the lower city levels. She shot arrows at any orc that was still in the city. The lowest level had been overrun but she was determined to get out onto the battlefield to ride with the Rihirrim. Alaina ran through the thick crowd of orc near the gate and Adigo jumped over the piles of bodies as she ran out onto the battlefield. The Riders of Rohan had begun to reform the line as they faced the mercenaries. The orc ran back to the river, retreating like the cowards they were. "Faster, Adigo."

Adigo pushed harder and Alaina got there in time for the charge. She rode up next to Théoden and Éomer, "Mind if I join you?" she breathed out.

They both laughed and the elephants ahead began to not look so bad. "Aim for the heads!" Alaina yelled to the Rohirrim, referring to the elephants that began to charge in.

The elephants then began to charge forward, running at full speed. "Sound the charge! Take them head-on!" Théoden yelled, raising his sword into the air. The riders let out a yell, a battle cry. Alaina joined them, ready to keep fighting. She had been in this battle for almost a full day now, without rest. But she was more motivated than ever as the line of horses charged forward towards the mercenaries.

As soon as the horses and elephants met, the elephants swung their trunks and stepped on as many riders as possible. It became a game of dodging now. The archers aimed at the elephants' heads, shooting them in the eye. It was a game of chase, and Alaina finally turned around and took out her dual blades, running straight for the elephants feet. She ran in between its legs and held her arms out, letting her blades cut through the tough skin of the elephant's feet and then kept riding, doing the same to its front legs. Then she had to outrun the crash of the elephant, the whole ground shook as the head lie dead right behind her. She sheathed her blades and took out her bow, turning around and shooting the driver in the head.

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