We Go Home

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Alaina's hands were shaking as Legolas' body collapsed, she couldn't speak for a moment. Legolas' hands were covered in blood as his head rested in her lap. Suddenly, her gears kicked into place and her hands went to adding pressure onto the stab wound.

"Someone get me Athelas! Go!" Alaina commanded, her voice raspy, loud and demanding.

Nuntari was quick to run around searching for anyone who might've had some on them. Alaina took a deep breath as Wil handed her a cloth, she got out from underneath Legolas' torso and laid his head on the ground gently.

Blood started to stain his lips and his eyes were facing the ceiling. Alaina quickly coiled the cloth around the base of the knife, not wanting to take the weapon out. "You're going to be okay, Legolas, I promise."

Legolas choked words out between grunts and groans, "Don't— make— promises you— can't keep."

The space around them began to light up more as soldiers holding torches circled around them watching them. "I can keep this one, and I will," Alaina said, looking into Legolas' eyes, though his were facing the ceiling.

Suddenly Nuntari shoved through the crowd and bent down next to Legolas, opposite of Alaina. She handed Alaina the Athelas and Alaina refused it, "You're going to need it."

Nuntari's eyes widened, "What? Why me?"

"Because you share blood with Legolas, you have the power of the Eldar running through you. I do not. Learn these words: Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth," Alaina demanded.

Nuntari remembered what Alaina said about following orders and instantly began to run through the Elvish words in her mind, saying them over and over again. Alaina took the cloth off of the blade to see that the bleeding had gone down slightly. She took a deep breath and put her hand on the blade's handle.

"Alaina," Legolas whispered before Alaina pulled it out. "It's poisoned, I can feel it.." He muttered, the back of his head hitting the ground rather harshly.

Alaina's mouth parted and she looked around at the soldiers, many of them had cuts and her eyes widened. "You all need to clean your wounds as well as you can, some of their blades have been poisoned!"

The soldiers began to disperse, running around and finding their water jugs to poor water through their cuts. Alaina put her hand back on the handle of the knife and tightened her grip before pulling it out quick and steady, making sure not to make the wound any bigger. 

Legolas screamed out in pain and Alaina winced at the pain that came out in his voice. She grabbed Nuntari's hands and placed them and the athelas directly onto his wound, pressing the plant into his body slightly. 

"Now, Nuntari, close your eyes, take deep breaths and calm yourself. Say the words and feel the power of the Eldar, you can do it, go," Alaina instructed.

The whole room went silent and all that was heard was groans from Legolas Alaina's heavy breathing that also came with words of comfort for Legolas. Nuntari closed her eyes, calming her body and spirit. She took a deep breath, pressing her hands onto Legolas' stomach more. The words came out strong and and confident but also serene and beautiful sounding.

"Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth," Nuntari repeated, over and over again.

As the words flowed through the air, everybody seemed to be entrance by her. Legolas was able to deepen his breath now as the bleeding stopped and everything became calm. Alaina's hand was on Legolas' shoulder in comfort as Legolas' eyes slowly blinked and his breathing and movements slowed.

Suddenly, Nuntari stopped and fell back, Wil put his hands on her back so she didn't fall over completely. "I'm too tired," she said softly. 

Alaina nodded, understanding why. Legolas opened his eyes once more, "I'm surprised that worked.."

Alaina chuckled, "I am too."

Lord Durin approached, eyeing the Nuntari and Legolas carefully. Alaina spoke before the dwarf lord could, "Start getting the soldiers out of here, some of them are going to need help with the poison."

Lord Durin eyed Alaina's arm, which had a horizontal gash on her upper arm. Alaina shook her head, "I will be fine, I don't feel anything yet."

Legolas' head turned towards her and he gave her a worried look. She brushed his hair out of his face, "Seriously, I will be all right." It went silent and Alaina looked back to her daughter, "Are you all right?"

Nuntari had been zoning out on the stone below her, her head whipped up to her mother, nodding, "How did I do that?"

Legolas shut his eyes once more, resting. Alaina pressed her lips together, "We'll talk about it later. I think you should be told by King Thranduil or your father."

Nuntari simply nodding, looking back at the stone. Alaina looked to Legolas, sighing for a moment before a dwarf medic came and began to bandage him up. Alaina stopped the dwarf, taking the bandages from him and wrapping them around Legolas' bare stomach.

Lord Durin had stayed behind with them as the soldiers left to go outside, some of the dwarves had split into groups to roam around the great dwarven kingdom to find the leftover goblins. Durin was standing over Farin's body, watching it with great sorrow. Nuntari stood to join him, telling Wil that she was okay.

"He was my best partner," Durin said, looking down at his friend's body. "A very skilled fighter."

Nuntari looked over at the dwarf, though he stared down still. "He died protecting me. I am sorry.."

Durin shook his head, looking over at her now, "He died protecting someone with great potential to be a leader and he died for a friend," he said, forcing a small smile on his face.

"Can you stand?" Alaina asked, Legolas' eyes opened, his and Alaina's hands were clasped together.

Legolas nodded slowly, letting go of Alaina's hand as she stood first. She grabbed Legolas' outstretched arm and slowly lifted him up. He sat up, wincing at the pain. She stopped for a moment before lifting him up once more and putting his arm around her neck.

"You're going to carry me all the way out there?" Legolas asked, a small chuckle as he used his other arm to hold his stomach.

"Of course," Alaina said, a sly smile on her face as she practically dragged Legolas through the dark mine followed by Nuntari. The dwarves had already started to light the place up, walking around and lighting the large torches that lined the walls. 

It seemed abnormal to Alaina, the images of the shadow demon they faced many many years ago came back to her. It was strange how in just a few days, they had managed to wipe out the entire goblin population in Moria. It really showed everyone how teamwork could solve everything.

"What do we do now?" Legolas asked as a couple of dwarves bowed and greeted them.

Alaina took a deep breath, "We go home."

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