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September 4th, Fourth Age (23)

Alaina had been there as they rode into the camp capital of Dunland. Aragorn had come too, since he was supposed to be heading back to Minas Tirith. He told Arwen to go ahead with them and the three old friends, Aragorn, Alaina and Legolas rode up on horses.

Alaina simply wanted to get this over with and get back home to Nuntari. Though she trusted Aria to take care of the baby while they were gone.

As soon as Alaina rode up, she became pissed off. Along the edge of the walls stood spikes with the heads of riders of both Arnor and Gondor. She suddenly came to a realization, turning to her brother, "All of our messengers had been intercepted."

Aragorn had a disgusted look on his face, and he turned his head slowly and twistingly as three other men came up. "We've come to discuss the terms of surrender," Aragorn stated.

"Your surrender will be most appreciated," the man in the middle spoke, a smirk on his face.

"You seem to be mistaken," Alaina began, looking down at her hands. "You will surrender and complete our demands or your region will be completely demolished and your people along with it."

"What do you want?" The man asked after a long moment of thought.

"You," she looked up at him, "will be executed. The systems of government that you have in your region will be disbanded. You will no longer be considered a country.  Camps may only contain ten people. And you will provide a certain amount of animal hide for Arnor each year. And for that, your people will live."

The three strangers looked and whispered to each other. After about a minute, they turned back. "No." Is all he said and suddenly, arrows were on them from many different directions.

Alaina and Legolas had figured this would happen. Their men had been sneaking into the camp as they spoke and suddenly arrows were pointed back at the Dunlendings.

Alaina clasped a throwing knife in her hand, unable to be seen by anyone else. "Tell your men to stand down," Alaina warned.

He didn't speak, he only chuckled at the woman. "I don't listen to women."

Alaina threw the knife straight into the man's head without a second thought. An arrow was shot at her from a watch tower, barely missing her and her horse and the man was soon shot at by one of her own men, "Everyone stop!" Alaina shouted causing all eyes to turn towards her.

"Your leader is dead, give up and follow the rest of our demands," Alaina now looked to one of the other men.

He nodded quickly and Alaina turned her horse around, walking out of the camp as all the soldiers lowered their bows. Alaina then heard the whizzing of an arrow, a hit and then a grunt. Her heart stopped for a moment before she turned to see that an arrow had pierced Legolas' shoulder, knocking him off of his horse. She didn't hesitate to reach for her bow and nock an arrow, aiming at the man whose bow had been raised, hitting him in the head and knocking him off the wall.

She hopped off her horse to see Legolas had stood up. "I'm okay," he winced at the pain.

Alaina looked at him with a caring look, placing her hands on his arms, "This is going to hurt."

"Naturally," he joked as she put her hands on the base of the arrow and then shoving the arrow in more, through the rest of his shoulder before snapping the arrow in half and pulling both pieces out.

No one else fired an arrow, under Aragorn's glare. Alaina turned towards the men who lead the group of rascals, "I am giving you mercy, remember that."

They were soon back at home, Aragorn at his own. Alaina and Legolas both waved off the doctor as they came into the castle. Simply grabbing a stitch kit and walking up to their room. They were to be having the beginning of the tournament in their under construction stadium the next day, in celebration. Legolas was disappointed he wasn't going to be able to fight.

Alaina began to stitch up his shoulder as they sat on the bed. Legolas remained looking at the crib where Nuntari was fast asleep. "She's so beautiful," Legolas stated causing Alaina to look up from her handy work.

"I'm obsessed with her," Alaina agreed. She tied the small knot at the end of the stitching string, "I'm done," she stated, looking around at the washcloths covered in blood that sat around. "I've never seen you bleed before."

Legolas chuckled, his head lowering. "It's only happened once before.. when the Dwarves went to retake Erebor, they put Lake Town in danger.. Tauriel and I left to help them but she focused on the dwarf instead. I ended up fighting a big white orc and he got away. Left my nose bleeding."

"Oh.. a nose bleed," she joked, "poor you."

Legolas laughed louder, though he was being careful not to wake Nuntari. He turned towards her crib again and his smile stayed, looking at their beautiful daughter. Suddenly he felt Alaina's lips on his neck, near his ear. He knew what she was doing and as she kissed, licked and bite towards his ear, his voice turned deep, "Alaina.." he warned. "Nuntari is here.. we can't." Though he let out a  groan of pleasure as she got closer to his ear.

She didn't care, and she smirked before running her bottom row of teeth along the side of his ear. Elves' ears were extremely sensitive and she loved the affect it had on him. He couldn't resist it for long and let out a deep moan. As she got towards the tip he turned and grabbed her, pinning her onto the bed harshly and clasping her hands tightly, raising them above her head.

She moaned as his teeth roughly clasped the skin on her shoulder. She could easily get what she wanted just by focusing on his ears. They could easily be tickled or hurt there but if you know how to do it right, it sent a large rush of adrenaline and pleasure through their body.

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