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A little over one year after the events of the last chapter.

December 3rd, 3020 (Third Age)

Alaina was beginning to panic as the news of Tharbad's health state came to her. She sat in her throne, a few wise men sat around her, Legolas sat in a chair next to the throne. It had been over a year since she was crowned Queen and Aragorn was crowned king and she had finished the tour of Arnor's cities. And although they tried to make the transition to her becoming queen as smooth as possible, after being a little over a month in to her rulership and there were still small uprisings. 

Tharbad was a beautiful city that sat on the river that ran through Eriador (The realm that the kingdom Arnor is in)

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Tharbad was a beautiful city that sat on the river that ran through Eriador (The realm that the kingdom Arnor is in). It consisted of three main parts of the city, the top isle, the bottom isle and the center isle. The center isle is where the Great Keep sat. 

Men spoke out against her in taverns and although she tried to talk to the people and become friends with them, she never had time to fully gain their trust. Especially with winter coming in and it was time to make sure they had everything they needed to survive it. 

Alaina leant against the table of the map of Middle Earth, her husband did the same across the table. A new man named Ilain was on the side, he was one of Alaina's most trusted advisors. 

"The Shire?" Alaina asked, worried about her hobbit friends.

"They are fine on food for the Winter," Ilain said.

Alaina nodded, looking around the map. "So Tharbad is the only city that is low on the food for the Winter? All because of a rain storm that happened two days ago? Five days before winter starts?"

Ilain nodded slowly, "Most the people will starve halfway through winter, and king Thranduil and king Aragorn will not be able to reach us with more food until winter is over, which starts in a couple days."

Alaina walked around the table to the other map that sat next to the one of Middle Earth, this one was just a close up of Tharbad itself, which was a very large city. "And there is no possible way for us to get enough food before winter?"

Ilain nodded once more, "Not a single way."

The city had just been rebuilt and repopulated, it wasn't completely populated though yet. Alaina could guess that only half the city's space had been filled by civilians. Alaina bit her lip looking down at the map before taking a deep breath. "How long would it take to evacuate to Minas Tirith?"

Ilain looked at her strangely, "The whole city?" She nodded. "About a week I can guess, if we head straight south and into Gondor."

Alaina chewed on the inside of her lip, "All right, we'll leave immediately. Send the fastest rider that we have to tell my brother I am coming. We will stay there through the winter." She paused, looking at the farms that had been marked flooded on the map, "Leave a couple dozen farmers here with all the food they need to be able to restore the farms for when we get back."

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