Son of Gondor

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Passed the Argonath was a lake, not too far down the river. The boats soon came to the wooded shore and they rested on the beach. It was still daytime and the only sounds were the birds chriping and the large waterfall at the end of the lake. 

"We'll cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the North," Aragorn said, unloading the boats onto the shore.

"Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks. And after that gets even better...a festering, stinking marshland, far as the eye can see," Gimli grumbled on.

Alaina walked up to Legolas who was staring deep into the forest. "What do you see, Legolas?"

"We're not safe here," he said, looking to Alaina with worried eyes. "Stay together and keep an eye out."

Alaina nodded as Aragorn and Gimli continued their conversation in the background.

Aragorn only stared at him, "That is our Road... I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf."

"Recover my.." Gimli went on indignantly.

Aragorn approached Alaina and Legolas who looked as though they were keeping guard from the empty forest. "We should leave now," Legolas told him.

"No. Orcs patrol the Eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness," Aragorn said, looking into the forest with them.

"It is not the Eastern shore that worries me," Legolas stated, looking around the Parth Galen forest, "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near, I can feel it."

Now Alaina was really worried. Merry returned with some logs he had gathered only to look around as Gimli went on about recovering strength, "Where's Frodo?" Merry asked.

Everyone's attention turned towards Merry, looking around to see that Frodo had been gone. Alaina then nudged Aragorn with her elbow, "Boromir's gone too.."

"Legolas stay here, Alaina and I will go out and find Frodo, we'll split up," Aragorn commanded, Alaina nodded, grabbing her bow and swinging it around her shoulder.

Legolas protested, "It's not safe out there, you can't split up!"

Aragorn had already gone into the forest and Alaina held her hand out at Legolas, telling him to stop, "We will be all right, I'll yell if we need help."

Legolas only nodded as Alaina ran off in a different direction from her brother, looking around the forest. She was deep in, unable to see the shore now. That's when she could hear the low roar of the orc herd and her brother's war cry. 

Alaina's eyes widened and she ran towards it only to find Frodo running down the hill being chased by several orcs. "Frodo!" 

Frodo stopped when he saw her and tried to run a different way only to trip and fall, sliding down the hill. Both the orcs and Alaina saw the ring laying on the ground, he had lost it when he fell. 

Frodo was surprised by how quickly Alaina snapped back into reality after looking at the ring. She got her bow out and nocked two arrows, letting go and hitting two of the orc. She then took two throwing daggers and took down the other two. Frodo laid on the ground and she past him, walking to the ring. She grabbed the chain and the ring touched her skin, a voice called her name but she ignored it, her brother was her concern right now.

She helped Frodo up as he stared at her with disbelief as she simply handed the ring back, "I have faith in you that you will complete this quest, Frodo. Keep the ring safe, but do not let it overtake you." She spoke softly but quickly. She once again heard her brother up the hill and smiled at Frodo, "Go!"

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