You Saved The World

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Alaina watched as her brother charged forward, alone

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Alaina watched as her brother charged forward, alone. It took a second for them all to register what had just happened. The words, "For Frodo," rang throughout Alaina's head.

Then Merry and Pippin charged forward at full speed. Aragorn and two hobbits. And then Alaina took off, followed by the entire army of Men. Legolas fired an arrow past Alaina's head as she ran, hitting an orc in the chest. Aragorn took the first swing directly into an orc and then the two armies collided.

It was a messy battle, blood flew around everywhere in the tightly compressed fighting area. Alaina swung around as fast as her could, using both her blades to guard herself from every side while also making sure to keep an eye on Legolas, and Merry, and Pippin, and Gimli, and Éomer, and her brother. She trusted Gandalf to be able to take care of himself.

Alaina heard the ringwraiths from overhead, "Legolas!" She yelled out, blocking an orc's swing and then stabbing it with both of her blades. "Aim for their heads!" She yelled, gesturing to the Nazgul in the sky.

Legolas nodded, taking out his bow and beginning to shoot at the Nazgul. Alaina ran to him and began to cover him as he did so. Her reflexes had advanced over the war, she was quicker at defending herself now.

Then she turned and saw Gandalf had just stood there looking at a hummingbird that floated in front of his face. She watched as a ringwraith flew straight towards him. She ran to push him out of the way but instantly stopped when a giant eagle intercepted the ringwraith and its mount. 

"The eagles are coming!" Pippin's small voice yelled out.

Alaina turned to see the birds flying through the air, stopping the ringwraiths from attacking their army. they continued to fight when all of the sudden the ringwraiths started flying towards Mount Doom and the Eye's attention turned towards the volcano as well.

Alaina knew something was going wrong as she heard the loud roar of a troll. She turned and looked all the way across the battle field to see Aragorn taking on a troll by himself. She looked around and began to fight through all the orcs that she could to get to him. Then he got struck down by the troll, falling onto the ground.

Alaina noticed Legolas had a look of panic in his eyes as he attempted to run through the soldiers to get to him. Legolas and Aragorn were practically brothers, and neither Legolas or Alaina could stand the thought of losing Aragorn. 

She swung and cut off an orc's head, sheathing both her blades in one swift movement and unsheathing her longsword in another. She hacked through any orc that dared stand in her way as she watched the troll push her brother down with its large foot.

Everyone in the field stopped when a large screech was heard coming from the eye which was now enlarged in flame. Aragorn stood and Alaina made it to him, practically stumbling into him but he caught her as she did. They all watched as the orc didn't hesitate to run, the tower holding the eye in the distance broke down from the bottom. 

As the eye got closer to the ground, it popped in midair, sending the tower into pieces. The army watched with amazement as their enemy was finally destroyed. "Frodo!" Merry yelled, raising his sword in the air.

Alaina couldn't help but have a large smile on her dirt and orc blood-covered face. The orcs began to run as the ground collapsed below them, stopping where Aragorn and Alaina stood. Mount Doom began to erupt and Alaina lost her smile, the hobbits must have still been in there.

Alaina looked to Gandalf with a worried look on her face, pleading with her eyes for Gandalf to do something to save Frodo and Sam. And something to he did. With the Eagles help of course. 

They now waited outside of Frodo's room in Minas Tirith. With the help of Gandalf, Aragorn and Alaina's healing expertise, they were simply waiting to see if Frodo would wake up now. Sam was all right, he was in much better shape than Frodo was. Alaina rest her head against Legolas's shoulder. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. And grass had begun to grow where the battlefield in front of Minas Tirith was. 

"Gandalf?" They heard Frodo say some inside the room. And then they heard laughing, from both Gandalf and Frodo.

Merry and Pippin were the first to run in, jumping on Frodo's bed with excitement. "Frodo!"

They all stood up and walked up the small steps to his room, Gimli was the first one in. "Gimli!" Frodo said with excitement from his bed. Gimli clapped and ran to the hobbit.

Then Aragorn stepped in, and Alaina had never seen her brother have a bigger smile. Legolas grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs, they entered together. Frodo grew any even bigger smile as Alaina ran forward, leaving Legolas in the dust.

She leaned over the hobbit's bed and wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could. "You saved the world, Frodo," she whispered before pulling away.

He smiled at her but his attention was soon brought to the door as Sam entered. Sam briefly told the group what they had been through, and Alaina couldn't help but feel guilty that they didn't go with him. That they weren't strong enough to control themselves around the ring. 

Legolas put his arm around Alaina and she leaned into him, putting her arms around his waist as they watched the hobbits tell brief stories of their adventures. 

The hobbits would stay in Minas Tirith until the coronation and the wedding, hopefully for a second wedding as well. That's if, Arwen was still alive. And Alaina knew that was all Aragorn was thinking about now. 

Aragorn and Alaina stood in the White Hall together, looking at the statues of the kings before them. Alaina was dressed nicely, though she was not in a dress since she refused to wear them unless it was detrimental circumstances. Her mind was on Legolas, since he had left to speak to his father in Mirkwood about two weeks ago. Though he was certain he would be back in time for the coronation.

Aragorn then turned towards Alaina, his eyes pleading for him to accept the offer that he made on their way to Mordor almost a month ago. "Aragorn..." she muttered, "It's not a good idea."

Aragorn groaned and rushed towards her, grabbing her hands. "I don't want to be up there getting crowned without you by my side, Alaina.." he paused, looking at her in the eyes, "You deserve this more than anyone."

Alaina let out a sigh, pulling her hands away and turning towards another statue. "Many years ago, Elendil and his sons split up the United Kingdom, Aragorn. We must reunite it once more, having two different rulers will be a bad idea."

Aragorn swallowed and rolled his head in annoyance, "I don't want to be the High King!" He said, raising his voice slightly. "I don't... I don't want that kind of power. It's a solid deal, Alaina. My son will be the next High King, not me."

Alaina turned towards her brother once more, looking at the pleading expression on his face. She let out a long sigh and crossed her arms. "All right. I accept your offer. I will rule Arnor, only until your son comes of age. Then we will build up the Reunited Kingdom."

Aragorn wrapped his arms around her and spun her around, "Yes! Thank you!"

It was as though he felt relief. Relief that he didn't have to rule by himself. As though he barely even wanted to be king, especially not alone, especially not without his sister. They had spent the last month gaining the favor of the people just for Aragorn to be crowned king. Alaina wasn't looking forward to how Arnor was going to react when Aragorn and his sister take claim to the kingdom.

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