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About nine months later...

August 10th, Fourth Age (23)

Demolishing all of Dunland had proven to be harder than Alaina and Legolas both intended. Mainly since after her and Legolas' intimate time in the forest on November 19th, nine months earlier, Alaina had gotten pregnant. It was a joy and a frightful moment when Legolas and Alaina both found out, after they had declared war on Dunland. 

Her words were, "I can't lose another one, Legolas."

And she didn't. To their much needed luck. So the war ended up being harder than they had planned, only having one ruler in the lead of their army. And it caused Legolas to constantly be away from Alaina. And at a time of her being pregnant, he loathed himself for it. 

Being at Tharbad all alone, Alaina managed to keep herself busy with developing the city. They had the ruins of a small fighting pit that she ordered to become a great stadium for tournaments for anyone who desired to "tryout for her personal queensguard".

Though, Alaina went into labour around eight o'clock at night on August 9th, and Ilain, who stayed with her, was quick to ride out to the encampment that Legolas' battalion had set up near the capital of Dunland. It was a clear ride from Tharbad since they had taken over most of the region of savages.

She was in labour throughout the night, and most of the morning. And she had decided that it was ten times worse than being stabbed. She tried to think about happy thoughts, filling herself with the hope that Legolas would get back in time. She pain surged throughout her body as the doctor began to get prepared and her handmaidens ran around preparing to help him, bringing her water and such. 

She closed her eyes and let out a muffled scream and she suddenly felt someone's hand clasped her own. She didn't hesitate to squeeze it to relieve some of her pain. Contractions stopped for a moment and she opened her eyes to see Legolas there with her. She smiled deeply at him as he brought his other hand up to clasp the other side of her hand. "I'm here," he said, a genuine smile on his face.

Alaina sighed for a moment, thankful to be relieved of the pain for the moment, "You were right, you are the faster rider," she said, referring to how fast he had gotten there, he chuckled.

"Anything for you, always and forever," he vowed, getting onto his knees next to her side of the bed.

It wasn't soon before the pain stopped altogether and it went quiet. Absolute silent filled the room until the small whimpers of a baby rang throughout the ears in the room. Alaina had been looking at Legolas, whose ears perked up, sensitive to the noise.

They both turned their heads to the doctor who held something that looked so small that Alaina and Legolas were both too afraid to hold it. The doctor looked at the parents and smiled, "You have a beautiful baby girl, my king and queen.."

Legolas let go of Alaina's hand, instantly being entranced by the small thing that the doctor walked over with. Legolas' eyes widened as his arms instinctively reached out and gently took to baby from the man. He looked down at the child, her ears were only slightly pointed, you wouldn't be able to tell unless you paid attention. Definitely a half-elven child. 

Legolas stared down at the baby, getting lost in her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of silver. They reminded him of the silver, with a hint of blue, glowing engravings in the door to Moria, which he remembered so vividly. 

They hadn't planned for a daughter but as Legolas turned and got onto one knee next to the bed for Alaina to lay eyes on their child, a name popped into Alaina's head

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They hadn't planned for a daughter but as Legolas turned and got onto one knee next to the bed for Alaina to lay eyes on their child, a name popped into Alaina's head. The baby had very few hairs but they were already almost black, which is what the Dúnedain were described to look like. 

Piercing blue-gray eyes and black hair.

"Nuntari," Alaina involuntarily said aloud causing Legolas' head to pop up to look at his wife.

The name was Sindarin, he knew that much. And finally it translated into his mind, he smiled. "Nuntari," he confirmed. Alaina smiled, her finger being taken by the small child's whole hand. 

The word spread over all of Middle Earth that Nuntari had been born and many people came to see the baby. Though, Alaina decided that she wanted only people close to them to be the first to meet her. In about a week, all of the people she had been close to showed up. The first was King Thranduil, who arrived on Monday.

Alaina had lost her belly though was still weak and only calmly walked around when she needed to. Her and Legolas mainly stayed in their bed chambers with Nuntari as people began to show up. There was a knock at the door and Alaina went to open it, revealing the Elven king.

"King Thranduil," she said with a large smile on her face.

"Alaina.." he said gratefully, taking her hand in both of his and inclining his head respectfully. "You look beautiful."

Alaina blushed slightly, walking back over to Nuntari's crib where Legolas stood, watching his baby with a large amount of curiosity. Legolas turned, getting a hug from his father, "My son.." he smiled, pulling away and then freezing in his tracks as his eyes gazed upon his new niece. "Oh my... she's beautiful."

Alaina sat at the foot of Nuntari's crib and she hadn't been able to stop smiling since the child was born. Sam, Merry and Pippin were the next to show up in Tharbad, having come from Hobbiton.

Alaina greeted them all with the largest hugs before she turned to Sam, "Mayor Gamgee," she bowed her head slightly.

He waved her off, "No," he shook his head, his cheeks becoming red, "You're the one we should be bowing to."

Alaina only chuckled, "I have no time for such formalities," she joked, bringing the three hobbits into the room to see Nuntari. They gave the same reactions that Thranduil had, which is just about what she was expecting.

Chairs throughout the room had been brought towards the crib where people who came began to sit, talking with Alaina and Legolas. Gimli was the next to show up, coming in on Wednesday. He let out a large yell of laughter when he saw Legolas. 

Alaina couldn't help but laugh at Legolas and Gimli as they gave each other a large hug, much to Thranduil's annoyance. Gimli greeted the hobbits and then grabbed Alaina's hand, giving it a small kiss, "It is a great honor to look upon you once more, my Lady."

As soon as Gimli saw Nuntari, he let out another large noise, one of joy. "She's beautiful! You two are very lucky."

Alaina stood above the crib, "So we've been told," she joked.

Wine was soon brought in and chairs had been placed on the balcony for Thranduil and Legolas who didn't sleep and chose to stay in the room. The hobbits slept around on the multiple cushioned sofas round the room. Gimli simply laid on a blanket on the floor, being perfectly comfortable. 

Alaina slept in her bed, falling asleep with the sight of Legolas and Thranduil on the balcony. Sometimes, Nuntari would wake the room up by crying, but they all seemed to love it.

On Thursday, much to Alaina's joy, Aragorn and Arwen arrived in Tharbad. Alaina greeted her brother and sister-in-law downstairs in the throne room, giving him a great bear hug. "I've missed you, brother."

Not having seen him in two years upset her. They went from seeing each other every second of everyday to seeing each other every year or so, and it was always on business. She would've seen him more if she had gone to Dunland to wage war, but she had been pregnant and didn't.

Legolas had Nuntari in his arms when Aragorn and Arwen walked in the room, following Alaina in. They were very pleased to see all of their old friends but as soon as Legolas turned around and Aragorn's eyes landed on Nuntari, he froze in his tracks. 

Legolas grinned at his reaction, holding Nuntari out to Arwen who took the child with such grace that made Aragorn make slow movements. The couple stood looking at the child, playing with her. Alaina was sure that this made Aragorn want to have kids much sooner.

It was a happy time, they sat around in the room, discussing how their lives had been since the War of The Ring. In between Alaina and Legolas' chairs sat Nuntari's crib, allowing her to be filled with the stories and great adventures of the hobbits, dwarves, elves and men.

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