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Five years later...

November 7th, Fourth Age (28)

Alaina stood facing her balcony as Aria and another handmaiden got her ready for the first ever tournament in the new colosseum that had just finished being built. She wore a new crown that had been fashioned from mithril, given to her by Gimli had was the new lord of the Glittering Caves which were the caves behind Helm's Deep.

Alaina wore a long and beautiful gown that dragged along to floor behind her. Is was a custom for the ruler of the kingdom not to fight in the first tournament, and she hated that. She turned when she heard five-year-old Nuntari call out, "Mama!"

Alaina caught her daughter and lifted her up. Aria almost cringed at the idea of her dress being wrinkled because of the child. Nuntari's hair had grown lighter than Alaina's, becoming a light auburn hair color due to the fact that Legolas had a platinum blonde hair color.

"Hello darling," Alaina smiled, looking at Nuntari who wore a small princess crown made of the same mithril ore that Alaina's was made of. Alaina soon put her down and walked to Legolas, planting a small kiss on his lips. "Morning."

Legolas couldn't help but smile as a knock came from the door. "Come in!"

King Thranduil entered the room and Nuntari instantly ran up to him, jumping in his arms, "Grandpa!"

Alaina loved watching the Elven king's face light up with joy as he held his granddaughter. Over the five years, she noticed that Nuntari had quickly become the light of his life. He visited them much more frequently. Though his excuses were always that he had business to discuss, but he never actually did.

Thranduil looked strange, being so elegant but holding a child in his arms, "Are you coming to watch the tournament with us today?"

Nuntari nodded excitedly and Alaina got a worried look on her face. Legolas smiled at the sight of his father and daughter before he noticed Alaina's facial expression, "What is it?"

Alaina shrugged slightly, whispering to Legolas as Thranduil put Nuntari down and Aria escorted the child out of the room. Thranduil muttered a, "We'll be right down," before turning back to Legolas and Alaina.

"I don't think we should let her go, it isn't a good idea.." Alaina said, the thought looming around in her head.

Legolas and Thranduil laughed slightly, "Why not?" Legolas asked.

"It's violent!" Alaina defended herself. "She's five!"

It wasn't a serious conversation. There was a slight hint of humor in their words. Thranduil only nodded, "She'll have to be introduced to violence at some point, my dear."

Alaina rolled her eyes slightly, "We live in a world of peace. Children don't need to be raised to know how to fight anymore."

Legolas sighed deeply, looking at his wife with a small smile on his face. "There are still bad people in the world, Alaina.. and it may not always be as peaceful as it is now."

Alaina saddened at the idea of the world going back to war. But she nodded, "All right." was all that she said, leaving Legolas' side and walking out of the room.

"What is she worried about?" Thranduil asked, "Surely the daughter of two members of the Fellowship of the Ring couldn't turn out bad," he smiled at Legolas.

Legolas couldn't help but laugh aloud, following his father and wife down the steps to the throne room. Together, they all walked through the city, greeted the civilians as if they weren't above them, but equal.

The townspeople and guards were absolutely in love with Nuntari. Alaina loved the sight of Nuntari walking with Legolas, holding his hand from down below. She didn't look like an Elf, except for when she stood next to her father. Her pointed ears were more noticeable.

"My Lady!" A woman ran up to her, Alaina figured it was something important, "Your dress is dragging through the mud!"

Legolas chuckled at Alaina's blank reaction, she froze in her place. As the woman began to hold the back of her dress out of the mud, Alaina whipped around, "No, leave it. It's quite all right, but thank you."

The woman looked slightly offended but also surprised at the attitude before walking off to join her family in walking towards the colosseum. It was on the Northern island of the city so they walked across the bridge, following the people, surrounded by several guards.

They were soon seated in the colosseum. Since it was everyone's first reaction to the large architecture, the ring was filled with chatter about how beautiful it was.

 Since it was everyone's first reaction to the large architecture, the ring was filled with chatter about how beautiful it was

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(The concept art, though in Tharbad, it's a bit less deserty-looking. More like, dark stone, quartz and such.)

They were seated just above the wall in the stadium. It was only about seven feet to the ground, but it seemed as though they were high up. The whole city was there, and more, men from Gondor had come as well.

It was a moment for the history books. Since they had just finished building one of the greatest buildings in the world at the moment and the first tournament was about to begin. Legolas sat in between Alaina and Thranduil. Nuntari sat on the other side of Alaina and they spoke about how the tournament was going to work.

"It's time, my Lady," Ilain said, standing off in the corner of the royal seating platform.

Alaina walked to stand at the edge of the stone platform, she rose her hands into the air and the cheering and conversation died down. She smiled at all the people, "Travelers and locals! Welcome to Tharbad!" Her voice traveled through the entire colosseum, "I am proud to be part of the beginning of the many tournaments that will take place here!" People cheered and she gestured for quiet when her hands, continuing to speak. "The winner of the tournament today will be award with a spot in my person queensguard! Let the tournament begin!"

The crowd went up in a loud cheer as she sat back down, under the shade of the fabric that hung above them as two men dressed in armor walked out. "Mama!" Nuntari said excitedly, "Won't they hurt each other with the swords?"

Alaina shook her head, "No, no, the swords are dull, there may be a few bruises and scrapes, but nothing too bad," she smiled.

Nuntari nodded her head, getting excited once more. Alaina gave one clap and the men began to fight each other, the only sound were calls from the crowd and the clashing of sword against shield.

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