Prepare For Battle

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Alaina followed Faramir back into the keep where they found Pippin waiting on a bench, speaking to himself, "What were you thinking Peregrin Took? What service can a Hobbit offer such a great lord of Men?"

"It was well done," Faramir spoke to the hobbit, "A generous deed should not be checked with cold counsel. You are to join the tower guard."

Alaina followed closely behind Faramir as she gave Pippin a wink from behind him. Pippin smiled, "I didn't think they would find any livery that would fit me."

Faramir examined the outfit that Pippin was wearing, "Once belonged to a young boy of the city. A very foolish one.. who wasted many hours slaying dragons instead of attending to his studies."

"This was yours?" Pippin asked excitedly.

"Yes, it was mine," Faramir reached forward and straightened it out for the hobbit, "My father had it made for me."

"Well," Pippin started, "I'm taller than you were then. Though I'm not likely to grow anymore, except sideways."

Both Faramir and Alaina laughed, Pippin joined them, laughing at his own joke. Faramir's laughter died down, "Never fitted me either. Boromir was always the soldier, they were so alike, he and my father. Proud. Stubborn even. But strong."

"I think you have strength of a different kind," Pippin said causing Alaina to smile happily, "And one day your father will see it."

Faramir and Alaina soon stood in the great hall, Pippin was knelt in front of Lord Denethor. "Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me."

Lord Denethor stood up and held his ring out for Pippin to kiss it, "And I shall not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given, fealty with love, valour with honour," The lord walked to a table where food was placed out for him, he looked at Faramir, "disloyalty with vengeance," he finished.

Alaina stepped closer to Faramir, the front of her arm brushed against the back of his as his father spoke. "I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer defences; defences that your brother long held intact."

"What would you have me do?" Faramir asked, his head tilting.

"I will not yield the River and Pelennor unfought - Osgiliath must be retaken," Lord Denethor said.

Alaina's face twisted as she ran her hand onto Faramir's shoulder, underneath his shoulder pad. "My Lord, Osgiliath is overrun," Faramir protested.

"Much must be risked in war. Is there a Captain here who still has the courage to do his Lord's will?" The Lord spoke, not facing his son as he began to eat his food.

Faramir's back straightened as he came to a realization, "You wish now that our places had been exchanged, that I had died and Boromir had lived?" Alaina's gripped on Faramir's shoulder tightened gently, comfortingly.

The lord hesitated for a moment as he brought his cup up to his lips, "Yes, I wish that" he said coldly.

"Since you are robbed of Boromir, I will do what I can in his stead," Faramir said.

Alaina whispered, "Faramir, don't."

Faramir walked away, Alaina's hand dropped back to her side. He then turned back to his father, "If I should return ... think better of me,. father."

Alaina looked at the lord uneasily, "That will depend on the manner of your return."

Faramir then exited the room. Alaina waited a moment before following after him, once again glaring at the lord as she did. "Faramir!" she called out once she stepped onto the courtyard and the doors shut behind her.

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