The Beginning

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*Set in 2000*

Jessica Lange is a successful architect and works for a well known company based in Los Angeles. She is fifty years old and she lives in a three bedroom house with her forty five year old girlfriend Sarah Paulson. Sarah is a well respected journalist for the L.A. Times newspaper. They've been together for almost ten years now.

Also, Jessica and Sarah have a five year old daughter named Isabelle. Sarah is Isabelle's biological mother; she calls Sarah mommy and Jessica, mama.

After being together for four years Jessica and Sarah had wanted to start a family together, so they asked one of their dearest friends for help.

Danny Huston has been friends with Jessica since high school and they both attended the same college together. Danny moved to Los Angeles a little while after Jessica had moved there.

Jessica had introduced Danny to a coworker while he was visiting her a few months after she moved to L.A. His name was Samuel Shepard.

Soon after, Danny and Sam began a close friendship then they dated each other and soon they became a couple.
A year later after having a long distance relationship, Danny moved to Los Angeles and moved in with Sam.

When Jessica and Sarah made the decision to have a child together, they asked Danny if he would donate his sperm. After talking it over with Sam and making sure he was okay with it, Danny agreed.

Isabelle knows that Danny is her biological father but likes to lovingly call him uncle Danny. Danny doesn't mind; he loves that little girl with all his heart. Even though he isn't in her life as much as Jessica and Sarah, he made a promise when she was born that he will be there for her as her father for what ever she needs.

Today was Jessica and Sarah's ten year anniversary; their morning started off with a full blown love making session.

Now they laid in bed in each other's arms talking about a topic they had been discussing for the past few days.

"So...we are going to do this again? Well, you?" Jessica chuckled.
Sarah nodded with a smile on her face. "Yes! I'm so excited to have another baby with you."

Jessica kissed Sarah's lips then deepened their kiss, but before they could go for round two, there was a small knock on the door.

They pulled apart and quickly reached for their nightgowns then put them back on.
"Come in." Sarah called out.

Isabelle opened the door then ran to the bed.
She hopped up to the bed and got between Jessica and Sarah.
"Morning mommy!" She said giving a kiss on Sarah's cheek then turned to Jessica and said. "Morning mama!" Then she kissed Jessica on her cheek.

"Good morning princess." Sarah and Jessica said together. They chuckled then they took turns and kissed Isabella's cheek.

"Are we going to the zoo today mama?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes, we are going to go after we eat some breakfast." Jessica replied.
"Yay! I wanna go see the ALL the animals!" Isabelle exclaimed.

Jessica and Sarah laughed with happiness; they loved their daughter with all their hearts. They loved watching her grow and loved to see her little personality come out more and more.

They all laid in bed for a while longer, just listening to Isabelle tell both her mother's different stories she would make up.

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