His Story

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A week had passed and Jessica laid on the bed curled into a ball.
She wanted nothing more than to go home with Sarah and Isabelle. She didn't understand why this man had targeted her and Sarah.

She didn't know what to make of him; the man was treating Jessica well. He fed her, gave her something to drink, he even gave her clean clothes. He didn't tie her up to keep her in place. The man however had the house they were staying in boarded up and locked tight; there was no way out but the front door which the man kept locked and only he had the key.

The man sat next to her and tried to get her to talk. He hadn't touched her just yet; he was hoping he could win her trust. But he decided if she wasn't going to cooperate with him soon, he would have to get tough with her.

"Hey...look...I just..." he began. "I don't want you to be scared of me. I know I took you but...I hope you can give me a chance."
Jessica sniffled but didn't respond.
"Okay...I'll tell you a little bit about myself." He said when she didn't answer he was trying to break the ice. "My name is Evan...Evan Peters. I am 31 years old. I grew up not to far from here. I lived with my mom. She was...." he stopped and took a deep breath. "She wasn't a good mom. She used to beat me everyday and tell me how much I ruined her life. She started dating a woman when I was ten. Her name was Kate."
Jessica just laid there and listened; tears continued to roll down her cheeks.
Evan continued. "Kate...she...she began touching me inappropriately until one day she took it too far and well, she took away my innocence. I told my mom but she didn't believe me. How could a woman who claimed to be a lesbian want to do such a thing to a ten year old boy." Evan stopped for a second then went on. "So...I made it my mission to cure as many woman I could from this sickness. Oh yes, I've taken a dozen woman already and I was able to cure them all. When I saw you and Sarah having drinks at the bar I knew you both had the sickness. I was going to take Sarah. I was going to cure you then let her go. But, you got in the way of course. Now that I have you here though, I have to say I'm glad it was you who I took. You're so beautiful Jessica. When I brought you here, you were fast asleep. I watched you sleep and I couldn't help but fall madly in love with you. Once I cure you...I want to marry you. You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Evan stopped talking and reached out to touch Jessica. He gently caressed her arm; Jessica recoiled and rolled out of the bed then rushed to the corner of the room where she sobbed and hugged her knees as she sat on the floor.
"Please let me go! I don't want to be here! I'm sorry that happened to you but....that doesn't give you the right to do the same to others!" Jessica said as she sobbed. "Please let me go! I want to be with my family! Also...I'm not sick!!! I don't need to be cured!"

Evan stood up from the bed and walked towards her. He bent down and said. "I get you're upset. I'll leave you be for now." He stood up then walked to the bedroom door. "I'm going to start dinner. I'll be back soon. Oh...just know, this is your only warning. If you don't start to cooperate with me well, I'm going to have to start punishing you."

As soon as the bedroom door closed, Jessica heard a click and she knew Evan locked the door. Jessica hid her face in her knees and continued to sob. She then began to pray. Please God, help me get out of here! I know I don't go to church as often as I used to but...I've never stopped believing. I want to go home and be with Sarah and our daughter. Please, help me! Please!

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