I Will Do Anything

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Jessica felt as if the air got knocked out of her. She didn't react much as Evan embraced her in a hug.

"Did hear that baby?! We're having a baby!" He said with a chuckle.
"Um...yeah, we...we are." Jessica said in a whisper, tears forming in her eyes.

The doctor thought how unusual for a wife not to be excited about the happy news but thought maybe she was just too shocked to react.
The doctor then asked her to lie back and lift her shirt. Jessica didn't want to because she still had bruises that were fading from the times Evan had beat her.

Jessica had no choice but to do as she was told; the doctor looked concerned when he saw the fading bruises. He then looked at Evan with a knowing look.
"She was in an accident a few weeks back." Was all Evan could think to say.

Everything after that was a blur to Jessica.
The doctor had said she was eight weeks. He also told her that she needed to start taking better care of herself and eat more. He gave her a prescription for prenatal vitamins and a medication to help with the vomiting.

On the drive home, Jessica was quiet. Evan however was talking excitedly. He was so happy he was going to be a father. He made a vow to be the best father there was. He for sure knew Jessica would be an amazing mother.

Jessica held in her tears; she couldn't believe she was pregnant. She thought she was too old to get pregnant. She didn't want this baby. She didn't want to have Evan's child growing inside of her. Maybe she could think of a way to end the pregnancy. A few minutes passed of Jessica's erratic thinking when finally she let her tears fall. What am I thinking! This baby is innocent! I can't kill them.

Evan looked over and saw that Jessica was silently crying. "Hey, Jessica? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. "Are you not happy?"
Of course I'm not happy you piece of shit! She thought to herself. Then said. "I'm just...scared. I didn't think I would ever have a child of my own." I have Isabelle! God I miss her! Jessica sobbed louder after thinking of Isabelle.
"I'm just terrified Evan. What if I can't do this?" She asked trying not to say her true feelings.
Evan pulled over on the side of the road and said. "Yes you can! You can do this! Just think in a few months we will have our son or daughter in our arms. We will love them and cherish them! And who knows, maybe soon after we can try for another baby! They'll need a playmate."

Jessica couldn't believe how crazy Evan sounded. He was already thinking of having another baby when she hasn't even had this one. Jessica just nodded then said. "You're right. I can do this!"

Evan smiled then leaned over and kissed Jessica; she just smiled a little, not sure of what to do. Evan then drove off again so they can get home.

Jessica continued to look out the window and think. She was afraid of Evan and what he would do to the baby. Sure he seemed excited but she believed he was capable of doing anything. Even hurt his own child.

Jessica put her hand over her belly and thought to herself. Don't worry little one. I will keep you safe. I won't let him hurt you. I love you.

Danny grabbed the bottle of wine from Sarah's hand. "Damn it Sarah! Stop this right now!"
"Oh fuck off Danny!" Sarah slurred as she snatched it back.
Danny sighed; he shook his head then tried again. He was sure glad that Sam took Isabelle out for the day.
"Sarah...I know you are hurting but you need to pull yourself together and think about Isabelle." Danny said calmly. "She misses you. You know what she told me and Sam the other day?"
Sarah didn't say anything, she just drank her wine straight from the bottle.
"She said that she misses her mommy." Danny said.
"I know she misses Jessica." Sarah said.
"Yes she does miss her but you misheard what I said. She said mommy. You know full well that Isabelle calls Jessica mama. She's been saying mommy a lot lately. Sarah, Isabelle misses you. We are all hurting and we all miss Jessica. But you need to be there for our little girl Sarah. She's struggling as it is and you push her away."

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