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Jessica and Sarah spent two more weeks with Jessica's parents so Isabelle could spend time with her grandparents. Albert at first was stand offish with Sarah but after Jessica and Sarah spoke to him, he warmed up to Sarah and knew that Jessica would be okay.

When Jessica returned home with Sarah, she called Danny and asked him to come over. Danny came over feeling nervous; Jessica hugged him as soon as he walked into the house. Jessica told him how she felt now and that she forgave him. She asked him about Sam and he responded that he and Sam had decided to fight for their relationship and were getting counseling. Jessica was happy to hear that her best friends were going to be okay.

Time went on and Sarah made sure Jessica was taken care of. Especially now that Jessica was in her ninth month of pregnancy. Liam had become so energetic that Jessica couldn't keep up with him. Sarah and Isabelle helped and Jessica was so grateful for her little family.

Also, they had just celebrated Liam's first birthday and Jessica and Sarah threw him a huge party to which Sarah had to do most of the planning to which she didn't mind at all. She would do anything for Jessica and their children.

Amanda was one of the guests at Liam's birthday party and she was so happy to see Jessica and Liam doing so well. She told Jessica she was so grateful to her for helping her escape. Amanda told Jessica that she was going to go to college so she could get her degree in law enforcement. She wanted to be someone to help find kidnapped victims and help them return to their family.

Jessica was so happy to hear Amanda doing well and she told Amanda that she believed that she could do it and she was so proud of her. Jessica also told her that she was a part of her family now and that they will always keep in touch.

Also, Sara got the baby's nursery ready with Jessica's input of course and were ready to bring their new member of their family home.

One evening, Jessica was taking a nap when Danny and Sam had come over for dinner. Sam volunteered to cook and everyone else sat in the living room. Danny was playing with Liam and Sarah was helping Isabelle with her homework.

Liam giggled at the funny faces Danny was making and was clapping his hands together.

Jessica woke up and freshened up a bit then walked to the living room. Well, more like waddled to the living room. This baby was taking a lot out of her. She couldn't wait to finally hold her baby in her arms.

Jessica smiled when she saw her family relaxing in the living room. Liam was the first one to see Jessica and he immediately got more excited.

"Ma-ma!" He exclaimed reaching for her.
She sat next to Danny and reached for Liam.
"Hi my baby boy! Did you miss me?" Jessica chuckled and brought Liam close to her, well, as close to her as she could due to her big belly.
Liam hugged her and laid his head on her shoulder. Jessica rubbed his back and held him.

"How are you feeling Jess?" Danny asked.
Jessica sighed and said. "I'm okay. I'm just so ready for this baby to come out already!" She then laughed.
Danny chuckled and they began to talk until Sam called out that dinner was ready.

Danny helped Jessica up and tried to help her with Liam, but he didn't want to let go of his mother. "It's okay Danny. I've got him."

They made their way to the dining room and Jessica managed to put Liam in his high chair then all sat down ready to eat. Liam was eating solid foods now so he enjoyed his meal, feeding himself with his hands and making a mess.

After some time, Sam stood up and said. "I'm sorry to interrupt but, Danny and I have an announcement."
Danny stood up and smile and took Sam's hand. Jessica, Sarah and Isabelle turned towards them and waited for them to speak again.
"Sam and I have adopt a baby. Actually, we are in the middle of the process of adopting a baby boy soon." Danny said with a smile. "The birth mother is a teen mother and she has decided that adoption is the best choice for her and her baby. It will be an open adoption and she will still get to a part of the baby's life. She picked us out of thousands applicants and we are truly blessed. She's due in three months."

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