I Can't

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Sarah had managed to catch Jessica before she could hit the floor. Sarah then tried to wake Jessica up; they were both on the floor now. Danny quickly panicked and called for an ambulance. Sam looked on sadly.

Suddenly a little voice was heard. "Mommy! What's wrong with Mama!?" Isabelle rushed to Jessica's side and began to gently shake her. Isabelle's tears rolled down her cheeks. "Mama! Wake up please!"

Sam stepped in and bent down to Isabelle's level. "It's okay Belle. Mama is going to be just fine. She just needs to get some medicine from a doctor and she'll be good as new. Come on. Sit with me while we wait for an ambulance, okay?"
Isabelle nodded her head then took Sam's hand and sat with him while they waited.

Danny got off the phone with 911 then walked over to sit next to Isabelle. Sarah was trying her best not to cry so Isabelle wouldn't worry that there was something more serious going on.

The paramedics were soon loading Jessica into the ambulance. Sarah was getting Liam from his crib when Danny came in followed by Sam and Isabelle.

"Sam and I will get the kids ready and we will drop them off at Catharine's. We will tell her what happened." Danny said.

Sarah nodded then passed Liam off to Danny while she rushed outside to the ambulance and she got to ride in the back, holding onto Jessica's hand.

Once at the hospital, Jessica was checked over and a fetal monitor was placed around Jessica's belly. Instantly the room was filled with sound of the baby's heartbeat.

Sarah broke down when she heard it; this was the last thing she ever wanted. She hadn't wanted to hurt Jessica ever. Hearing the baby's heartbeat just made the situation even more real. Jessica's health and the baby's health was now at risk.

The doctor and nurses left the room now that Jessica was stable and so was the baby. Now they would just be checking on both of them and wait for Jessica to wake up.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Danny and Sam walked in. It was quiet but for the sound of Jessica's heartbeat and the baby's heartbeat.

Suddenly, Jessica began to stir; her eyes opened slowly then they rested on Sarah.

"Get out." Jessica said without emotion. She drew her hand away from Sarah. She then turned away from Sarah and saw Danny. "You too. Get out."
Sarah stood up and grabbed Jessica's hand. "Please Jessie! Listen to me! Let me explain."

Jessica tried to pull her hand away but she was too weak. She turn away from Danny and Sarah and didn't say anything.

When Jessica didn't say anything, Sarah decided to speak. "Jessica...I...I was so lost without you. I lost my mind not knowing if I was going to ever see you again. I started drinking and...it turned into a everyday thing. I couldn't even take care of Isabelle. My mom had to take care of her for a while. One day, Danny had come over and he too was missing you so much, we were both lost without you in our lives. We both got shit faced drunk! We didn't know what was up or what was down." Sarah was sobbing.

Danny sat by and hung his head, his own tears rolling down his cheeks. Sam just stared out the window with his arms crossed.

"The next morning...we woke up in bed...naked. After that day we swore not to ever speak of it. But a few weeks later...I found out I was pregnant. I was so conflicted. I wanted another baby but...not that way. I wanted you back in my life then we could have a baby together. I told Danny as soon as I found and then we both agreed to terminate. I...I did regret it as soon as it was over but...I couldn't turn back. That's when the drinking was worse than before. I wanted you and that baby back in my life but I couldn't do anything about it. After a few weeks, Danny once again came over to see how I was doing and...and that's when he saw how bad I had gotten. He grabbed the bottle of wine out of my hand and he reminded me off the things I needed to concentrate on. Danny helped me stop drinking and he helped me be the mother I always had been. Isabelle came back home soon after and well, we just waited for you to come home. Please Jessica, forgive me. I love you!"

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