Our Family Is Complete

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Once Jessica started seeing Dr. Bates, she was slowly regaining her life back. Dr. Bates told Jessica to take it one step at a time and to not push herself too hard.

Jessica really liked Dr. Bates and found some comfort in each session. One day during a very hard session, Dr. Bates told Jessica about herself. She told Jessica that she too had suffered from sexual assault. Just like Jessica, she too had a long road of recovery and once she did, Dr. Bates decided to become a therapist so she could help anyone who has suffered from any type of assault.

Jessica opened up so much more to Dr. Bates after hearing her story. Jessica felt so connected to her doctor and felt that because she had been through almost the same situation, Dr. Bates understood better than anyone what Jessica was going through. Jesica didn't feel so alone anymore.

Jessica was slowly healing emotionally, and physically her bruises and injuries from Evan's beating were now faded and almost gone.

Jessica began going on small trips to and from the grocery store and also family outings to the park. She was happy with herself each time she went out and each time would go further and further away from her comfort zone.

Isabelle was beyond happy that her mama was back in her life and at home, and yes, at first, it was difficult to see Jessica so scared of everything around her. But now, Isabelle was so proud of Jessica as she took the steps she needed to get better.

Liam was the happiest baby Jessica and Sarah had ever seen. He always had a smile on his face or would laugh. He rarely became cranky or too upset. He became attached to Sarah quickly and he absolutely loved Isabelle.

Isabelle loved him in return; she loved being a big sister and liked helping Jessica out whenever help was needed.

As time went on however, Liam was becoming extremely clingy to Jessica. He didn't want to be held by anyone else but her; Sarah would try to hold him so Jessica could have some time for herself and rest but Liam wasn't letting go of Jessica. He cry and pout whenever they would try to take him from Jessica.

Sarah had to sneak out with him to take him to the park or even outside to their backyard so he wouldn't see Jessica. While Liam played outside with Isabelle and Sarah, Jessica would take a long hot bath or just lay down in bed and relax for a while.

Jessica was worried about him and took him to see his pediatrician but his pediatrician said Liam was healthy and nothing was wrong with him other than him being a mama's boy, to which the doctor chuckled.

When Liam turned five months old, Jessica began to feel tired all the time; she didn't understand how she didn't have any energy to do anything. She even became sick to the point where she would vomit at all times of the day.

"Honey, I'm taking you to see your doctor tomorrow." Sarah said as she helped Jessica up from the bathroom floor. Sarah led her to their bed and helped her into it. "This has gone on long enough."
Jessica nodded her head as she laid her head on her pillow. She closed her eyes and Sarah placed a cool wash cloth on Jessica's forehead and kissed her cheek.

"I know that food is the last thing on your mind, but, I'm going to make you some soup." Sarah said. "And don't worry about the kids. Their Uncle Sam and uncle Danny are taking them to the zoo for the day."
"Thank you Sarah." Jessica said weakly with a small smile. "I love you."
Sarah smiled back and replied. "I love you too!"

Once Sarah left the room, Jessica's smile disappeared and she let out a sigh.
Since she began to feel sick, Jessica had some suspicion of what could possibly be wrong.

Jessica let her tears fall at the thought; she hoped this was just a bug that was going around and not what she was really thinking.
She didn't if she could handle it.

Sarah brought Jessica her soup a few minutes later and helped Jessica sit up so she could eat.
Sarah placed the tray on Jessica's lap and sat close to Jessica as she ate her soup.

"Sam and Danny picked up the kids already. I didn't want to bring Liam for you to say goodbye because well, I'm not sure if he would have gone with them." Sarah said with a chuckle.
Jessica smiled at the thought of her baby boy. She took another spoon full of her soup then said. "I love him so much and I love when he is with me and when he gives me hugs but I'm a little worried. I just don't know why he's been so clingy."
Sarah nodded. "Yeah, I don't know. All I can say is he for sure loves his mommy." She said then smiled wide. "Oh Jessica! Liam is a cutie! I can't believe we have a son. Our family is complete!"
Jessica smiled but deep down she was worried. Only after seeing her doctor would she know for sure what was wrong with her. She didn't know what was going to happen if...
Stop Jessica! Don't say it...don't think it. She thought to herself.

After Jessica ate her soup, she smiled in satisfaction. Her stomach finally settled down; she laid back in bed and sighed in content. Sarah took the tray away and placed it on the floor for now and climbed in bed then hugged her close to her.

"I called your doctor and she said she'll fit you in tomorrow morning." Sarah said. "I'm going to take the day off of work so I can take you."
"Alright. Thank you sweetie." Jessica said as she closed her eyes. She felt exhausted; she was about to drift off to sleep when she was hit with a wave nausea.

Jessica jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She vomited into the toilet bowl as tears sprang to her eyes. Sarah rushed to her side and tried to give her some comfort as she leaned over the toilet bowl.

Sarah was really worried about Jessica; she just hoped it wasn't anything too serious and that it was just a stomach bug.

The next day after dropping off Isabelle at school, Sarah drove Jessica to her doctors appointment.

When they got there, Sarah helped get Liam out of his car seat then held him in her arms. She walked towards Jessica who was waiting for them in front of their car.

Liam instantly began to make baby noises as he reached for Jessica. Jessica couldn't help but giggle then take him in her arms. Liam buried his head in her neck and continued to make cute baby noises.

After Jessica's doctor asked her some questions, her doctor wanted to have some blood drawn to rule out any other possible illness.

While Jessica was being questioned and having blood drawn, Sarah tried to help with Liam but he wouldn't budge from Jessica's side. So, Jessica held him the entire time.

"Since our lab isn't swamped today, I'm going to put a rush on your blood results." The doctor said. "Give me at least thirty minutes to get the results back."
"Alright that's fine. We'll wait." Jessica said with a small smile. "Thank you Dr. Wilson."

Sarah stood up from her seat and joined Jessica on the exam table. She held her hand and both were silent; both of them were nervous for the results.

They tried to have small talk but their nerves were just too much. Also while waiting, it was time for Liam's next feeding. So Jessica pulled up her blouse and nursed him.

Finally after what felt like hours, Dr. Wilson walked into the room and opened the results.
Jessica tried to read the doctors facial expression but their was none.

Just then, Dr. Wilson looked up and smiled. "Well, congratulations Jessica. You're pregnant."

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