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After dinner, Jessica sat with her parents in the living room. She relaxed a bit as she watched Liam playing on the floor with his new toys.

She still felt exhausted but not as much and the cramping she was feeling was slowly fading. Dorothy sat next to Jessica as she told her parents everything that had happened. She sobbed in her mother's arms.

Albert was angry; he couldn't believe that Sarah had hurt his little girl. He wanted to go and tell Sarah a piece of his mind but knew he had to stay and take care of his daughter and grandson.

Liam stopped playing with his toys and he crawled over to Jessica and tapped her leg to get her attention. "!" He said.
Jessica gasped and managed to smile through her tears. "Oh my goodness! Oh Liam! You said you're first word!"

Dorothy lifted Liam for Jessica and placed he in his mother's arms. Jessica held him close and she had managed to stop crying. Liam laid his head on Jessica's chest and he had his arms around her.

"I love you baby boy." Jessica said to Liam as she rubbed his back.

"Its getting late. You and Liam have had a long day. Let's you get you both ready for bed." Dorothy said. "Why don't you take a shower and I'll bathe Liam for you and put his pajamas on?"
"Thank you so much mom." Jessica said. "I really appreciate it."
"You are very welcome." Dorothy said as she helped Jessica stand up.

While Dorothy bathed Liam in her bathroom, Jessica took a nice warm shower. She closed her eyes as the water fell in her body. After a moment, Jessica opened her eyes and her tears mixed with the water.

"I miss you so much Sarah! Why did all of this have to happen? Why did he have to take me? We were so happy." Jessica sobbed. "Gosh! My poor baby girl Isabelle!"

Jessica slumped to the floor of the shower and just sobbed. She thought about Sarah and Isabelle and how much her heart broke at the sight of her little girl crying for her.

"Mama loves you Isabelle! I love you!" Jessica said softly.

After a few minutes, Jessica got a hold of herself and got out of the shower. She dried herself then dressed in a nightgown.

She brushed her hair and left it loose. She walked out of the bathroom and found Dorothy sitting on the bed with Liam. His eyes were closing but he still fought against his sleep.

Jessica smiled a little and sat next to her mother and took Liam into her arms. She pulled down her nightgown from one side and began to nurse Liam.

"I'm sorry you're going through such a difficult time Jessie." Dorothy said as she watched her daughter feed her grandson. "Just know that, your father and I will support you no matter what. You and Liam can stay for as long you like."
"Thank you mom." Jessica said softly. "I don't know for how long I will stay here but for now, I just want to focus on myself, Liam and this baby I am carrying."

Soon, Dorothy retired to her room and Jessica placed Liam in his new crib. Liam didn't even stir when she placed him down; he was too tired. Jessica laid her head down and she too fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow.

It has been three weeks since Jessica left to stay in Minnesota with her parents.

In that time, Jessica started to see the family doctor and was glad to hear that she and the baby were doing well. In one of the appointments, Jessica was given the option of finding out the gender. Jessica said she wanted it to be a surprise just like Liam. All she cared about was that the baby was healthy. She was now in her sixth month of pregnancy.

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