A Prayer

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As the months passed, Jessica began plotting her escape once again. She had learned from her mistakes from the last time she tried to escape and this time she would be better prepared.

Jessica had decided when the time came that she wouldn't worry about bringing anything with her other than her son's necessities. She made sure she had diapers, and some of his clothes. She was so glad she was breast feeding; she didn't have to worry about formula and bottles.

Evan at first was the picture of a perfect father; he helped Jessica with everything that she needed. He would let her sleep while he changed the baby or just keep the baby entertained while Jessica slept.

At first the baby was content to be with Evan but as he reached two months old, the baby wasn't too keen with being around Evan. It was as he could sense something wrong with Evan.

The baby would just want to be with Jessica only. He would fuss and start to cry whenever Evan was near. Evan didn't understand it but figured maybe the baby was just a mama's boy.

One day Evan tried to bond with his son but the baby wasn't interested. He just cried and cried. Evan's anger was rising; he rushed to the bedroom where Jessica was just getting up and roughly placed the baby in her arms.

"Evan! What do you think you're doing!? You'll hurt him!" Jessica said with a raised voice.
"Just shut him up! All that kid does is cry! And only with me! Why is that?!" Evan said, anger in his voice.
Jessica took a deep breath then grabbed a nursing cover and threw it over herself and her son then began to nurse him. The baby quieted down and began to eat. It was quiet now and the only noise that could be heard was the baby's sucking noises.

Evan stared at her; she looked so beautiful feeding his son. His anger quickly dissipated; he smiled then sat on the bed in front of her. He reached over and pulled off the nursing cover.

"Evan!" Jessica said as she reached over to grab it and pull it over herself.
"I want to see you feeding our son. It's such a beautiful thing." Evan said.

Jessica didn't want to be exposed to him but the baby covered her breast so she didn't think there was any harm in leaving herself exposed.
She looked down at her baby boy who was looking up intently at her. She smiled at him and quickly forgot about Evan. She did that most days, forgetting about Evan and the place she was in.

Once the baby was done eating, Jessica quickly covered herself up and placed the baby on her shoulder to burp him. When the baby finally  burped, Jessica brought him back down and started to talk to him.

"Mommy loves you Liam!" Jessica said in a baby voice.
Jessica named her son Liam James Lange, of course, in Evan's mind, his son's name was Liam James Peters. Jessica didn't want that but to keep Evan at ease, she agreed that the baby would have his last name.

Evan smiled wide and leaned in to Jessica's lips. Jessica moved her head to the side making Evan miss her lips and kiss her cheek.
"Jessica, why don't you want me to kiss you?" Evan asked.
Jessica didn't say anything, she just went back to talking to her son.
Evan sighed and left the room to make breakfast.

"Oh Liam...I wish we could leave right now. It's too risky right now but I promise that soon we will be free from this place and from Evan. I will take you home and you will meet mommy Sarah and your big sister Isabelle." Jessica said with sadness in her voice. Tears formed in her eyes. "You're going to love them! And I'm positive that they are going to love you too."

Liam looked up at Jessica with a smile; he made baby noises as Jessica talked to him.
Jessica's heart melted each time she saw his smiling face. She wouldn't have thought that she would ever have a child of her own. How he came to be was a horrible experience and she wished it was different, also she wished that Liam had a different father. But she was so glad to have him in her life; Liam was her light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

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