The Happiest Woman In The World

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"Oh Jess! It's a girl!" Sarah said happily.
Jessica stared at her baby girl in awe. She smiled then said. "Hi baby girl! It's so good to finally meet you."
The baby quieted down a little from hearing her mother's voice but still cried a bit.
"Oh my goodness you're so precious." She continued.
"She sure is." Sarah said as she wiped her tears away.

The doctor gave Jessica a small amount of time with her baby girl then picked her up to give to the nurses to clean her off, weigh her and make sure she was doing okay. The doctor then turned his attention back to Jessica and helped her deliver the afterbirth.

A nurse was about to bring Jessica the baby back when suddenly, Sarah noticed Jessica's eyes became unfocused.

"Jessica?" Sarah asked worriedly. "Baby, are you okay?"
"Sarah...I...I don't feel...good." Jessica said weakly, her eyes fluttering close.
Jessica's vision blurred then everything went black.

Sarah paced the waiting room; she was terrified when Jessica passed out. She prayed like she had never prayed before; she didn't want to lose the love of her life.
Their baby girl was taken to the nursery while the doctor and nurses worked on Jessica.

"God please! I can't lose her! After everything we've been through I can't...lose her!" Sarah said as her tears rolled down her cheeks.

An hour later, the doctor came out to speak to Sarah. Sarah rushed to meet the doctor halfway when she saw him approaching her.

"How is she?" Sarah blurted out.
"Jessica is doing just fine now. Exhaustion and blood lose were the culprit for Jessica passing out. Also, her blood pressure was a little high but she is stable now. We are moving her into a regular room in the maternity ward to recover." The doctor said with a warm smile.
"Thank you so much." Sarah said as she wiped her tears away.

Sarah took the time to call Sam and Danny to tell them that the baby was born and what had happened to Jessica. Everyone decided to wait till Jessica had some time to rest and they would come visit later in the evening. Sarah told them the room number to Jessica's room then hung up the phone.

Sarah walked to Jessica's room and walked in. She smiled a little as she saw Jessica sleeping peacefully. She walked over and sat down in the chair by the hospital bed. Sarah held her hand as she waited for her beloved wife to wake up.

Thirty minutes later, Jessica began to stir. Sarah looked up and saw Jessica open her eyes.
"Sarah?" Jessica said softly. "What...happened? Where's...the baby?"
"Shhhh...the baby is doing great and is in the nursery." Sarah said soothingly. "And, you lost some blood and were exhausted which caused you to pass out."
"I don't remember much after they took her from my arms." Jessica said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. The door opened after Sarah told whoever it was to come in.

A nurse rolled the baby in then lifted her from the hospital bassinet. "This precious one is hungry. Would you like to breastfeed?" She asked Jessica.
Jessica nodded then with Sarah's help, she sat up with the help of the hospital bed and reached for her baby girl.

The nurse asked if Jessica needed help but Jessica told the nurse she had breastfed before. The nurse smiled then left the room to give them some time alone with their new baby.

Jessica was nursing the baby in no time and Sarah watched on. Jessica had her eyes on her baby girl with a huge smile on her face. She then turned to Sarah and said. "I know what I would like to name her."
Sarah looked up from the baby and said. "What's our daughter's name?"
Jessica looked back down at her daughter who fell asleep while nursing and said. "Ella Grace."
"Awe! I love it Jess, it's beautiful." Sarah smiled then kissed Jessica on her lips then kissed Ella on her forehead.

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