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"What?" Sarah asked still wide eyed.
Jessica began to get nervous; she looked down at Liam who was still eating. She thought Sarah was upset because Sarah hadn't said in anything for what felt like forever.
"Are you mad?" Jessica said her voice filled with sadness.

Sarah shook herself out of her reverie; she relaxed then and sat close by Jessica.
"Of course not. I'm just...well, I'm shocked." Sarah said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "He's so cute. He has your beautiful eyes and he looks just like you."
Jessica smiled and relaxed again.
"How many months is he?" Sarah asked.
"He just turned three months." Jessica answered. "Oh Sarah! I...I couldn't help but fall in love with him when I found out he was in my belly. He was like a bright light in all the darkness that surrounded me." Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks. "It was horrible Sarah! He kept me locked inside at all times! The first few weeks he kept locked inside the bedroom. He withheld food and water! I soon started to play along and hoped he would trust me but...oh Sarah! I tried!!! I tried so hard to escape and fight back but he was too strong. All the times he raped me I wanted to die!"

Jessica was sobbing hard now; Liam stopped suckling and began to fuss. She tried to calm herself and tried to comfort Liam.

Sarah brought her close into her arms; her tears too flowed down her cheeks but she was a bit calmer. She knew she needed to be for Jessica and Liam's sake.
Sarah started to speak softly to Jessica, saying words filled with love and comfort.
"I love you." Sarah repeated over and over again.

Soon, Sarah managed to calm Jessica down.
Jessica laid back feeling extremely exhausted.
Sarah saw how tired she looked, she stood up and said. "Let me hold our son, so we can get to know each other. If he doesn't cry then maybe I can keep him some company while you rest and take a nap. You don't want to be too tired for your visitors now do you?"
Jessica smiled a little. "Okay, that would be great." She said then looked down at Liam who had calmed down now that Jessica was calm.
"Liam, go with mommy Sarah okay? Mommy needs to get some rest."

Liam just stared at her then smiled; Jessica chuckled then motioned for Sarah to take Liam. Sarah took him into her arms and smiled lovingly down at him. Liam stared up at her for a moment with furrowed brow then he relaxed in Sarah's arms. He smiled at Sarah then reached up and put his tiny hand on her cheek and was making baby noises.

Jessica smiled at the sight in front of her; she closed her eyes that now became too heavy to keep open. Jessica drifted off into a dreamless sleep now that she knew Sarah and her baby boy were getting the chance to bond. Yes, she had a long road of healing ahead of her but she knew that her life would soon be filled with happiness once again.

Sarah sat down on the chair by Jessica's bed; she looked down at Liam. She couldn't believe Jessica had a baby. Now that Jessica was asleep, Sarah let herself think about everything that Jessica told her. Her tears started again as she imagined Jessica being locked in a room and being held against her will. It hurt when she knew that Evan had raped her wife multiple times.
She looked down at Liam and couldn't help but feel angry; his father hurt the love her life. She was so glad that Liam looked nothing like him.
Her anger went away as quickly as it came then she wiped her tears away. Liam wasn't at fault and she became upset at herself for a moment.

She took a deep breath and smiled back at Liam and said. "Welcome to our family Liam. I'm so glad to have your mommy back in my life. And you, well, I didn't know about you but I'm glad you are here with us. Your mommy is right you know, you are the brightest light to come into our lives. You complete our family Liam."

An hour later, Dr. Ford came into the room to check on Jessica. He gently woke her up and asked her a few questions then examined her.

"Well, you are on the mend. The medication we gave you seemed to help your injuries heal up a bit." Dr. Ford said. "I'm going to keep you here for a few days then I can release you to go home."
"Thank you doctor." Jessica said.
"Ms. Lange, would you like a nurse to take your son to the nursery so you can rest a bit more?" He asked.
"No. I want him here with me." Jessica said.
"Um...Jessica. I think maybe it would be a good idea for now. At least until we tell Isabelle about him. She'll be so confused, and she'll need to be told about your injuries first before she sees you." Sarah said gently. "She'll be here in a few minutes so, it won't be long until we can ask them to bring Liam back."

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