Let's Get You Home

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Dorothy and Albert were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the daughter and grandson. They were both worried for Jessica. Jessica had been vague about what had happened. She had called in the middle of the night from her hospital room and told them that she needed to come home and she asked if it was okay for her and Liam to stay with them. Dorothy told Jessica right away that it was okay and once she got off the phone with Jessica, she couldn't go back to sleep.

Dorothy woke up after a few hours of sleep and started to clean the house even though it was already spotless. She went to Jessica's old room which had been left untouched since Jessica left and so Dorothy put on some fresh bed sheets and just made her room more cozy. It was going to be a long flight for Jessica and they were impatient.

To pass the time, Dorothy and Albert went shopping for Liam. They bought him a crib and some toys and new clothes. They wanted to make Jessica's stay as comfortable as possible, and for Liam, they wanted him to have his own place to sleep in at night. They also didn't want him to be bored so they bought him a few toys that they thought would help keep him occupied.

Once they got home. Albert set to work of putting the crib together. He placed it in Jessica's room in a corner where it fit perfectly and hoped Jessica would love it.

Now all they had to do now was wait for Jessica and Liam to arrive at the airport and bring them home.

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks; the flight was a long one and she had to change planes a few times before finally making it to her final plane exchange.

She looked out the window; it was noon and by now she was beyond exhausted. It was a whole 24 hours or maybe more to get to Minnesota. Liam had done well on the other flights until this final flight. He was becoming fussy and no matter what Jessica did, he wasn't calming down.

The other passengers were becoming visibly upset and Jessica tried to feed him one last time since she had tried a few times before.

She grabbed her nursing cover then she covered herself and Liam and after a few tense seconds, he latched on. Jessica breathed a sigh of relief and she began to hum a song.

She began to hum Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You? by Stevie Nicks. It was one of her most favorite songs. By the end of the song, she peeked under the nursing cover and saw that Liam had fallen asleep. He had stopped suckling so Jessica fixed herself and after pulling her top up she took the nursing cover off.

Jessica was relieved that Liam had fallen asleep. She didn't know what she would have done if Liam had kept on and disturbed the other passengers.

Jessica leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "Come on Jessica. Hold it together. You can rest and cry once mom and dad get you home." She thought to herself.

Finally after hours of flying non stop, Jessica had reached the airport. She had trouble carrying Liam and his car seat and was about to give up when a fellow passenger helped her with it. She was very grateful to this stranger.

The women walked next to Jessica and soon Jessica spotted her parents. She thanked the woman and she placed the car seat down and gave Jessica a hug then the woman was on her way.

Albert and Dorothy walked over and looked at their daughter with concern written on their faces. Jessica looked as if she would pass out at any second.

They hurried over and quickly Dorothy reached for Liam whom at first didn't want to go with her but finally he let her carry him. Albert grabbed the car seat and he said. "I'll get your luggage sweet pea. Dorothy, take Jessica and Liam to the car, please."

Dorthy nodded and wrapped her arm around Jessica's waist. "Come on baby girl. Let's get you home."
Jessica nodded and was glad to be back in Minnesota and with her parents.

It was a quiet ride to Jessica's parents house and as soon as they got home, Dorothy said. "Jessica...I want you to go upstairs and go to bed. You look exhausted honey. Your father and I will watch Liam for you. Please get some rest and we can talk later."
Jessica let a few tears fall and she said. "Thanks mom. Thanks dad." She gave them a hug then said. "If you have any trouble with Liam just let me know okay."
"Okay Jessie." Albert said. "We will call you down for dinner."

Jessica nodded then walked upstairs to her old bedroom. When she walked into the room she smiled through her tears as soon as she saw the crib in the corner. She then walked to her bed and laid down. She groaned and said while holding her belly in both hands. "I'm so sorry baby for putting you through so much these past few hours. Please try to hold on in there. It's way too early for you to join us. I love you."

Jessica had been feeling some cramping for the past few hours and she grew more worried. She didn't want to go back to the hospital so she just hoped and prayed that once she got some rest that the cramping would stop.

After a few minutes, Jessica's breathing evened out and she drifted off to sleep thinking that tomorrow would be a better day.

Just a quick update! Didn't want to leave you all hanging too long.

I will try to update this story again during this coming week.

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