Are We Going On A Trip?

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Sarah had left when Sam passed along Jessica's message. So she came back the next morning.
She walked into Jessica's room and saw Jessica sitting on the reclining hospital seat and was looking out the window.

"Jessica?" Sarah said softly.
Jessica's hand stilled on her belly; she had been rubbing it with gentle circles. She took a deep breath and turned to look at Sarah.
"Hi." Jessica replied.

Sarah relaxed but only slightly; she walked over to Jessica and was about to hug her, but Jessica held her hand up and said. "No...don't touch me right now. Okay?"

Sarah nodded then stepped back, tears already forming.

"I have done a lot of thinking and..." Jessica said. "I have decided that Liam and I are going to stay with my parents in Minnesota for a while. I don't know for how long but, what I do know is that...I need to be away from you. I hate to leave Isabelle but, I have to do this for myself. I feel if I stay...I will lose all the progress I've made. I hope she won't hate me for leaving."
Sarah's tears rolled down her cheeks; she stepped forward again but didn't try to touch Jessica. "Please Jessica. Don't go. We just got you back!"

Jessica felt the tears sting in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. "You should have thought of that before you lied to me. I get that you and Danny were drunk and slept together but the fact is, you kept it from me and hid the truth from me. If you would have told me sooner...then...maybe i wouldn't be leaving. I don't know. We could have maybe fixed this. We could have seen Dr. Bates together and worked this out. Now it's too late. I need to go."

Sarah backed away and slumped into a hospital chair and sobbed.

"When the doctor releases me, I'm packing then me and Liam will be on our way. I already called my parents. They are expecting us soon." Jessica said as she looked away from Sarah.

It was a tense few minutes when no one spoke. Sarah had calmed down a bit then stood up.

"Again I'm sorry Jessica." She said. "I understand why you are leaving. I won't beg or stop you from going. Just...please let Isabelle visit. She wouldn't be able to cope with you gone again."
Jessica nodded. "We will figure out a schedule or something about her coming to visit."
Sarah nodded then walked to the door. "I'm going to let you be for now. I'll be back later to bring you home. I love you."

Sarah walked out the door without waiting for Jessica to respond. She was too distraught and she didn't want Jessica to see her fall apart.

As soon as Sarah had left the room, Jessica let her tears fall.

Three hours later, the doctor released Jessica and Sarah was there waiting to take her home.

When Jessica walked into their house, she went straight to her closet and started to pack. After packing her clothes and some belongings, she went to Liam's nursery and packed for him as well.

Jessica was bringing her luggage into the living room when the door opened and Catharine walked in with Liam in her arms fast asleep and Isabelle following behind.

"Mama! You're home!" Isabelle said excitedly. She rushed to Jessica and hugged her.
Isabelle let go and saw the suitcases.
"Mama? Are we going on a trip?" She asked innocently.

Jessica knew it was going to be hard to leave Isabelle but she didn't expect it to be this hard.
Jessica took a deep breath then let it out. She held onto Isabelle's hand and led her to the sofa. She sat down then sat Isabelle next to her.

"I'm sorry baby girl but...we aren't going on a trip." Jessica began. "Liam and I are. I'm going to visit grandma Dorothy and grandpa Al for a while. But, don't worry, you'll get to come visit later on once I'm settled."

Catharine watched on; she felt heart breaking for this family. Sarah had to confess to her of what she had done. Catharine of course scolded her daughter for the lapse in judgment but was also there for her at the same time to comfort her. She felt torn; she wished Jessica wouldn't leave. At least, for her granddaughter's sake. She knew Isabelle wouldn't be able to handle this.

"But...but...mama..." Isabelle said with sad eyes. "But I just got you back from the bad man! You can't go without me!"

Isabelle threw her arms around Jessica and began to sob. Jessica was in agony; she hated to see her daughter so upset, and it was her fault.

"Please don't cry baby girl please." Jessica said through her tears.

Sarah looked on, her tears streaming down her cheeks. She was angry at herself; because of what she did, Jessica was leaving. Leaving their home, leaving their daughter, leaving her.

"Baby have to go to school. You have three weeks left of the school year. I promise you that when school is over, you and mama can come to Minnesota with me and Liam." Jessica said.

Isabelle continued to cry but slowly started to calm down. She knew she needed to go to school and knew that Jessica was right. She needed to finish the school year.

By this time, Liam had woken up and looked around then spotted Jessica. He immediately began to wiggle in Catharine's arms trying to get to his mother.

Catharine walked over to Jessica and placed him in Jessica's arms. "He's hungry. Poor thing doesn't like take a bottle." Catharine said softly. "Maybe you could feed him before you leave for the airport."

Jessica nodded as she held both of her children in her arms. Liam buried his face in Jessica's chest. Jessica carefully pulled her shirt up so Liam could nurse. He latched on and ate as if he hadn't eaten in days. Isabelle not once let go of Jessica.

Isabelle knew her time with her mama was coming to an end.

When it was time for Jessica to leave, she and Isabelle held each other one last time. She said goodbye to Catharine but didn't say anything to Sarah. Jessica took her luggage and left out the door with Liam in her arms.

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