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Four more months had passed and Jessica's life was filled with beatings and her daily dose of "medicine" as Evan called it, as he tried to "cure" her.

Jessica still resisted but she soon became a shell of her former self. She didn't know how much longer she could take. Each day that passed, Jessica began to lose hope that anyone would find her.

Evan had made Jessica cut her beautiful long blonde hair; it was now cut down to her shoulders and was dyed a dark brown color. She even lost weight; Evan had restricted her food intake and sometimes would not feed her at all.

Evan too changed his appearance and had dyed his hair black. He even began to grow out a beard.

Jessica would look into the mirror and hate what she saw. She missed her long blonde hair, she missed the light that used to be in her eyes. She missed a lot of things, she missed her freedom, but most of all she missed Sarah and Isabelle. She wondered what they were doing everyday. She wondered how much Isabelle had grown.

As time went on, Evan was finally getting into Jessica's head; Jessica began to have thoughts that maybe she should give in and marry Evan as he kept bringing it up. He also kept talking about them having a baby together, she thought how much she had wanted another baby with Sarah. Her heart ached so much over losing Sarah and Isabelle that she would become physically ill. She would vomit every so often throughout the day. She couldn't keep any food down nowadays even if she tried. As she laid on bathroom floor holding her stomach, she thought about how having a baby was impossible now. She had missed her last few cycles and she was sure she was going through menopause.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as the thoughts of giving up raced through her mind. No! Do not give up Jessica Phyllis Lange! You can't lose hope. You will get out of here and return to Sarah. She thought to herself.

As Jessica had her inner-monologue, Evan walked into the bathroom to check on her; he was really worried about her. She had been sick for the past few days now and it seemed as if she wasn't doing any better.

He had just come from the grocery store with some supplies for Jessica. He bent down and handed her a bottle of ginger ale. Jessica took it from him and tried to open it herself but she too weak. Evan took it from her and twisted the cap off then handed it back to her.
Jessica sipped it every so often; the ginger ale soothed her aching stomach. She hoped that this would help her and that she would finally be able to eat. She was really hungry.

After drinking half the ginger ale, Jessica got up with Evan's help then she laid back down on the bed.

Since Jessica had gotten sick, Evan stopped his "sessions" with her. Even though she was sick and felt horrible, she was glad she was. She hated Evan and his sessions with her. As she laid curled into a ball on the bed, thoughts of suicide crept into her mind. Yes she had just told herself not to give up but she couldn't help the thoughts that now plagued her mind.

Evan stood by as he watched Jessica's tears start up again; he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "You'll feel better soon. I'm going to make you some soup. It should help you feel better." He said as he covered her with a blanket.
Jessie just nodded her head and she closed her eyes. She hoped to fall asleep and forget where she was, even if it was for a little while.

Jessica would do this often; she would close her eyes and use her imagination to escape the situation she was in. Even during Evan's sessions Jessica would escape and be anywhere else in the world but in the same room with Evan. Yes, it would destroy her each time she would come back to reality but if she didn't do this then she knew she for sure lose her mind.

Evan walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He began to get the ingredients he needed to make Jessica her soup. He had hoped that Jessica would get better soon. She really didn't look to well. If she didn't get better in the next few days then he would have no choice but risk taking Jessica to a doctor.

As the days passed, Jessica didn't get better; she continued to throw up whatever food she ate. Evan saw how weak she became and was afraid she was going to die. He had no choice but load her into his car and drove her to a doctor.

Evan helped Jessica to the car; Jessica stopped for a moment and enjoyed the feel of the wind and sun on her skin. It had been months since Jessica had been outside.
Evan then drove Jessica to a doctor five hours away from L.A. He didn't want to risk them being recognized.

They arrived in a small clinic; before they went inside Evan turned to Jessica and said. "Alright, your name is Julie Williams. I'm your husband Tom Williams."
"Okay." Was all Jessica could say.

Once inside, Evan filled out the paper work for her. Jessica just laid her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

A few minutes later, Jessica heard her fake name being called out and was soon seen by a doctor. The doctor asked Jessica so many questions and finally the doctor drew some blood to have it tested. Evan had told the doctor that they were from out of town and were on vacation and that they were going to head back home soon. The doctor put a rush on the blood test and told them to sit tight for a few minutes.

Evan held Jessica's hand the whole time; in one way it was a sign of support but in another way, it was his warning to her to not say anything about who they truly were.

It was quiet for the entire time; Jessica was so nervous as she thought maybe she had some sort of disease. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll kill me. She thought to herself. Damn it Jessica stop!  Jessica kept playing Melanie's words over and over again in her mind. Don't give up!

A few minutes later the doctor came into the room then opened the envelope that had the results in and read the what was on the paper.
The doctor smiled then said. "Congratulations Mrs. Williams, you're pregnant."

Here's a quick update! Please let me know what y'all think so far and what are your thoughts of what will happen next.

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