Stuck With Me

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The weekend passed by quickly, but it was a nice weekend. Jessica had started taking all her prenatal medication and anti-nausea medication. The anti-nausea medication helped a bit but Jessica still would have waves of nausea hit her at different times of the day.

During their weekend with Jessica's parents, they took the kids to the movies, the zoo, the aquarium, and to the park. Isabelle was still getting used to Dorothy and Albert, so she would alternate between calling them by their first names or by grandma and grandpa.

Dorothy told Isabelle to take her time and to call them whatever she felt comfortable with.

On Jessica's parents last day in town, they took the kids to the park. Albert pushed Isabelle on the swing while Sarah pushed Liam.
Dorothy and Jessica sat on a nearby bench watching over their family.

Jessica held her stomach as it was doing flips as she willed for the nausea to go away.
"Jessica? Are you okay?" Dorothy asked worriedly. "You look a little pale."
Jessica took a breath then said. "I'm fine. I think lunch just didn't agree with me."

After a moment however, Jessica jumped up and ran to the bathroom; Dorothy followed after her.
By the time Dorothy walked into the bathroom, she heard Jessica vomiting into the toilet bowl.

"Jessica?" Dorothy said tentatively.
It was few minutes before Jessica could respond. "I'm okay mom." She said softly as she opened the door and slowly walked over to the sink.

Jessica rinsed her mouth out then gently patted her face with water. She then grabbed some napkins and dried her face.

Dorothy could tell something was wrong; even though she hadn't seen Jessica in years, she could still tap into her mother's intuition and felt something was going on with her daughter.

"Jessica...tell me what's going on?" Dorothy said stepping closer to Jessica.
"Nothing is wrong." Jessica said. "Lunch just didn't..."
Dorothy put a hand on Jessica's shoulder; as soon as she felt her mother's touch, Jessica broke down into sobs.

Jessica turned around and wrapped her arms around her mother. She sobbed as she clung to Dorothy; Dorothy was worried but didn't say anything just yet; she just let Jessica cry.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." Jessica said softly after a few minutes.
Dorothy pulled Jessica away to look at her; she smiled and said. "Pregnant? Oh Jessica...I didn't know you and Sarah were planning on having another baby. But...isn't it too soon. I just had Liam."
Jessica continued to sob. "We didn't...we didn't plan on having another baby. It wasn't planned! That monster got me pregnant again on the day I got rescued!"
Dorothy's tears formed then rolled down her cheeks as she listened to her daughter.
"When I was pregnant with Liam...he said he wanted to try to get me pregnant again soon after Liam was born! He was so adamant about it. Well, he succeeded!" Jessica said as she continued.

"Shhh..." Dorothy said softly. "It's going to be okay. Come on. Let's get you calmed down then we can get everyone and get you home."
Jessica nodded as she wasn't feeling her best.

Dorothy got a new napkin and put some cool water on it and began to dab at Jessica's face to wipe her tears away and to cool her down a bit.
Jessica closed her eyes. When Dorothy was done, Jessica was now okay to go back outside.

Back at the swing set, Albert and Sarah had made some small talk. They were now quiet for a few minutes. Albert broke the silence and said. "Sarah...I want to thank you for being there for Jessica and for not giving up hope when that...person...took her." Albert wanted to call Evan so many horrible names but he didn't want to say them in front of the kids. "Thank you for loving my daughter."
Sarah's eyes teared up and she gave Albert a small smiled. "You don't have to thank me. I love Jessica very much. I would wait forever if I had to. I'm so happy to have her back home."

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