The Truth

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An hour later, Jessica and Sarah were getting the kids ready for bed. They bathe them and got them into their pajamas. After, they all piled on Jessica's and Sarah's bed to read the kids a story. But before Sarah opened the book, Jessica turned her attention to Isabelle.

"Isabelle...mommy and I have something to tell you." Jessica said.
"What is it mama?" Isabelle said with a smile.
"'re going to have another baby brother or sister." Jessica said; she was feeling nervous on how Isabelle would react.
Isabelle's eyes grew wide and a smile spread across her face. "Really?!"
"Yep!" Sarah said while Jessica nodded with smiles on both their faces.
"Yay! I can't wait!" Isabelle said excitedly.
"Are you sure happy about this?" Jessica said nervously. She wanted to be sure that Isabelle was really okay with having another sibling.
Isabelle nodded. "Yes mama! I was by myself for a long time. It's nice to have someone there to play with. I love Liam and I can't wait to meet this new person that will be either my new brother or sister!"

Jessica smiled wide as her fears melted away. Happy tears formed in her eyes and she held both of her babies close to her as she thought of this new life growing inside her.
She has been through hell and back and she was slowly regaining her life again with the ones she truly loved. For the first time in a long time, Jessica felt blessed.

As time passed and Jessica's belly grew, she was finally feeling better each day. Evan was slowly making his way out of Jessica's mind and life. She began to smile more and enjoy her life with Sarah and their children even more as well.

Jessica even talked to her parents twice a week; she was so happy to have them back in her life. She was glad that they were able to accept Isabelle and Liam right away and that her children would have their grandparents in their lives.

Now in her second trimester, the morning sickness was finally gone to which Jessica was glad about. Sarah loved watching how Jessica's body was changing since she had missed her pregnancy with Liam. Sarah waited on Jessica hand and foot. Jessica was the same way towards Sarah when she was pregnant with Isabelle, so now she wanted to do the same for Jessica.

Sarah still felt guilty for sleeping with someone else but she went through her days vowing to make sure she showed Jessica how much she loved her. Sarah would tell her everyday how beautiful Jessica was, and how much she loves Jessica. Also, she would buy small gifts to give to Jessica everyday when she got home from work.

Jessica fell more in love with Sarah each day as she saw how well Sarah was treating her. She would tell Sarah that she didn't have to get her anything and that Sarah's love was enough. But Jessica had to admit that the extra attention Sarah was giving her made her feel so good about herself.

One evening, Jessica took a quick shower; she and Sarah were having a small get together with Catherine, Sam and Danny, whom they hadn't seen in a while. Jessica thought it was odd because she and Danny were best friends and he would usually be there visiting even if it was just for a few minutes.

When she was done with her shower, she walked out of the bathroom in her robe. She grabbed her lotion to help with stretch marks then she opened her robe. She had on her bra and panties on; she put some lotion in her hands then began to apply it on her five month baby bump. Jessica had yet to feel the baby kick; only feeling the flutters of the baby moving around.

Sarah smiled as she stared from the doorway of their bedroom. She had just walked in to check on Jessica. She then walked over to Jessica and placed her hands on Jessica's baby bump and said. "You look so beautiful Jessica. I mean, you always do but...seeing you with a pregnant belly"
Jessica smiled as she placed her hands over Sarah's. "Thank you." She said shyly.

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