The Nightmare Begins

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Jessica woke up in a dark room; the only light that she could see was the light shining through the tiny window. She could feel the maters underneath her, she moved slightly but her body felt heavy.

Jessica groaned; she then felt a hand caress her cheek. "Sarah?" She asked, her voice above a whisper.
"No my love. It's not Sarah." A man's voice said.

Jessica's eyes grew wide as she gasped. "Who...who are you? Where am I?! Where's Sarah?!"
"Shhh...slow down my love." The voice said. "You will forget about her very soon. I'll make sure if it."

Jessica began to sob; she tried to think how she ended up here in this room with a stranger. His voice sounded so familiar, after a moment it finally came to her. The voice belong to the man she and Sarah talked to at the bar.
It all started to become clear.

Jessica and Sarah had come out of their hotel room after a few hours of love making. As they walked to their car, the man from the bar came rushing towards them. His target was Sarah; Jessica saw the man trying to drag Sarah away. Jessica began to fight to get Sarah away from him. Next thing she knew, the man threw Sarah to the ground and over powered Jessica then covered her mouth to keep her from screaming.

Sarah tried to get up to help Jessica but had hit her head hard on the concrete and she felt dizzy. "Jessica!" Sarah called out.

Jessica again tried to break free but then man covered her whole mouth and was pressing so hard that Jessica began to lose consciousness.
Jessica blacked out and knew nothing else.

"Don't cry my love. You will see that everything will be alright and you will soon love me." The man said as he held Jessica close to him. "I will cure you of this sickness that you have inside you. God will forgive you and you will be saved. We can live happily ever after and who knows, maybe god will bless us with a little one of our own." His hand rested on her belly. "I love you Jessica. I love you."

Jessica wanted to pull away from him but he was holding on tightly. She just laid there sobbing as she thought of her love Sarah and their daughter. She wanted more than anything to run away from this man and run straight to her family. Jessica prayed with all her might that this was just a nightmare and that she would wake up in her own bed with Sarah wrapped in her arms.

Soooooo....I feel as if this story is a flop. Haven't gotten too many reads, comments or votes.

Maybe I shouldn't continue...

I'm going to write a few more chapters and hopefully things will get better.

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