Where's Mama?

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Sarah had stayed the night in the hospital making sure the injury to her head wasn't serious. She gave her account of events that had happened and finally gave the police her statement and even described their attacker to a sketch artist.

Once she was released, Sam drove her home while Danny stayed with Isabelle. Sarah was quiet, tears rolled down her cheeks.

After a few quiet seconds, Sarah said. "What am I going to tell Belle? Should I tell her the truth about Jessica?"
Sam let out a sigh; his eyes were red puffy from crying. He too was extremely worried about Jessica. "I think you should. It's best if you tell her the truth of what's going on. If not...I mean...I pray that Jessica is found and home back with us...but...if she isn't home soon, Belle will have questions. If you tell her Jessica went on a business trip or something, she'll know it isn't true when she sees that Jessica isn't coming home."

Sarah stared at Sam; she couldn't believe he said that. But she knew what he said made sense. Tears returned to hers eyes as she took a moment to fall apart before she had to face her daughter.

Isabelle was inconsolable; Danny held her close as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Uncle Danny?" She asked.
"Yes princess." He replied.
"Where's mommy and mama? They taking a long time to come home." She said, her voice small; she was close to tears.
Danny didn't know what to say. Before he couldn't answer, they heard a car pull up.

Isabelle raised her head; she climbed down from Danny and ran to the door.
Her brow furrowed as she saw only Sarah walking towards the door with Jessica no where to be found.

When Sarah walked through the door, Isabelle rushed to her side and wanted to be held by her mother. "Mommy! Where have you been!?" She asked. "You and mama said you would be home soon but, it's the next day now!"
"I know sweetie. I'm sorry I'm late." Sarah said trying her hardest to keep it together for her little girl. "But I'm back now."
"Mommy? Where's mama?" Isabelle asked as she saw Sam walk in through the door.

Sarah took a deep breath to hold in her tears. "Baby girl, I have to...talk to you about something. Something that happened last night."
"What is it mommy?" Isabelle asked as fear spread throughout her little body.
Sarah walked over to the sofa and sat down then placed Isabelle on her lap.

Danny and Sam sat close by Sarah to give her some support. Sarah smiled a little at her daughter then pushed Isabelle's hair back away from her face.

"Belle...mama and I were out having dinner and we...we were on our way to go dancing." Sarah began as that would be her only lie she would tell her child. "I didn't want to tell you baby but, I think you need to know the truth. You need to know what is going on."
Isabelle looked at Sarah with wide eyes, tears filled quickly.
"A...a bad man came out of no where and...he took..." Sarah paused, she couldn't stop the tears that began to roll down her cheeks.
"He took mama away from us."
"What!?" Isabelle said. "Why did he take her!?"
"I don't know baby. He was just...looking to cause trouble." Sarah said.
Isabelle's tears rolled down her cheek. "Are we ever gonna see mama again?"
Without think Sarah answered. "Yes baby! We are. I don't know when but...the police are looking for the bad man right now. Once they find him, they will take him to jail and they will bring mama home."
Isabelle wrapped her arms around Sarah and sobbed. Sarah sobbed harder; Danny and Sam came in close and engulf Sarah and Isabelle in a groups hug. They all prayed that Jessica would be found soon so she could home and be with their family where she belongs.

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