Don't Give Up

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Jessica wasn't going to back down; she stared at Evan with rage. "Is that so?" She asked with a smirk. Before Evan could react, Jessica grabbed a lamp that was right by her and smashed it on Evan's head. Evan fell to the ground with a groan. Jessica picked up the other lamp and smashed it on top of Evan's head. Evan was out for a moment; he was groaning in pain.
Jessica began to pick his pocket where she knew he kept his keys. She fumbled the keys and they fell to the floor. She grabbed them again and ran to the door.

Jessica already knew which key was for the bedroom so she tried the next key and tried the first lock. It didn't work, so Jessica tried the next lock. She heard a click then moved on to the next key. She tried the first lock and she was relieved when she heard another click.

Just one more Jessica! Then you are free! She thought to herself. But before she could get to the final key inside the lock, Evan rushed towards her and grabbed her wrist making her drop the keys. Jessica shoved him and tried to grab the keys again.

Evan pushed Jessica up against the wall but Jessica wasn't going to give up without a fight. She pushed Evan again then began to punch him in his face. She had the upper hand for a moment but then in one swift motion, Evan swung his arm really hard and hit Jessica in her face.

Jessica grabbed her face and tears rolled down her cheeks. Evan's anger fueled his body with pure adrenaline. He pushed Jessica down and got on top of her and began to punch her all over her body.

"You made me do this! I loved you!!! Damn it Jessica! I thought you were different!" He screamed as he continued to hit Jessica. "But you are just like the rest of them!!! Lairs and manipulators!!!"

Jessica tried to protect her body and face as best she could but it was no use. After a while, Jessica began to feel numb. She soon began to drift off into blackness.

That night, Sarah woke up screaming.
Danny and Sam ran into her bedroom as they heard her scream. They had been staying with Sarah and Isabelle for a few weeks now, helping Sarah keep things going for herself and Isabelle.

Isabelle cried as she lay next to Sarah; Isabelle reached for Danny. He took her in his arms as Sam went to comfort Sarah.

After a while, Sarah and Isabelle calmed down. Isabelle was now drifting off to sleep in her mother's arms as Sarah rocked her to sleep.
Once Isabelle was asleep, Sarah told Danny and Sam about her dream.

"I don't...I don't know what my dream means but...I dreamt of Jessica and she...she was in so much pain." Sarah said softly. "She was lying on the ground and called out to me but I couldn't get to her. I saw him standing over her laughing. God! I hope the police find him soon. I want Jessica back home with us. I can't stand it! I need her."

Sarah began to cry again but this time silently.
Sam left to the kitchen to make Sarah a cup of tea to calm her nerves as Danny sat close to Sarah and Isabelle. He felt hopeless. He wished there was some way to comfort his best friend and his daughter.

When Sam returned, Sarah drank her tea silently. The tea took affect and slowly, Sarah began to relax. "Thank you Sam. Thank you Danny. I would be so lost right now without the two of you here."
Danny and Sam smiled a little and Danny said. "You don't have to thank us Sarah. We will always be here for you."
"Yeah Sarah." Sam said. "That's what families do for each other. They are there for the good times and the bad. We are family. You can't get rid of us."

Sarah smiled then hugged the two and all said goodnight. Sarah still laid awake a little longer, she still couldn't shake the feeling that Jessica was in grave danger.

*Trigger Warning*

A few hours later, Jessica began to stir.
Her whole body was in pain; as she became more aware, Jessica realized she was in bed. She also felt something heavy on top of her.
Dread spread throughout her whole body as she realized that she had no clothes on.

Her eyes flew open and saw Evan on top of her. He smirked then began to kiss her lips.
Jessica moved her head away but Evan grabbed her face to make her look at him.

"I'm glad you're awake. I was waiting on you so you could participate." He said calmly.
Jessica felt his naked body against hers; her eyes grew wide and she began to fight back.
But she was too weak from the beating Evan gave her earlier. Evan grabbed her hands and held them above her head.

Jessica tried with all her might to squirm under him. He was just too strong; he began to kiss her neck then moved down towards her breasts. Jessica's sobs grew louder as she felt his mouth on her. Evan sucked one of her breasts then the other. Just then, Evan spread her legs with one of his knees and got between her legs.

Even though Jessica knew it was going to happen, she did try once again to fight back. Evan let go for a second and slapped her across her face. "Be a good girl Jessica. I promise you are going to enjoy it. If not this time...well, you will learn to."
"Evan please! Don't do this!" Jessica pleaded.

Evan didn't respond; he just grabbed her hands again with one of his strong hands and held them above her head. With his free hand, he guided himself inside Jessica. Jessica tried to squeeze her legs shut but it was too late.

Jessica let out a scream as Evan began to thrust in and out. As Evan thrusted into Jessica, he began to kiss her lips then her neck again.
"Oh feel so fucking good!" Evan said against her skin.
Jessica didn't say anything; she just sobbed, her tears streaming down her cheeks. She stared at the ceiling wishing this would be just a nightmare.

As the minutes ticked by, Evan moaned and groaned in pleasure as Jessica moaned and groaned in pain.

Jessica could tell Evan was close to his breaking point. Jessica became animated again. "Evan! No!!!! Please don't come inside me!!!! Please don't do it!" She cried out.

Evan pumped in and out viciously and furiously a few more times before he thrusted one final time and pushed himself even more into Jessica.
Evan gave out a loud groan as he released himself inside Jessica.
"Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!" Jessica screamed as she felt his warm release inside her.

Evan collapsed on top Jessica and stayed there till he caught his breath. Jessica felt her body crawling; she wanted to run to the shower and scrub her skin raw and try to get him out of her. But Evan stayed where he was; he let go of Jessica's hands that were still above her head. Evan gave her a few kisses on her face and lips then he removed himself from her and laid in bed next to her with a smile on his face.

Jessica was too much in pain and shock to move or do anything. She felt Evan pull the covers over the both of them and he scooted closer to her as he brought her into his arms. He held her close and said. "I know you hate me right now but I know that you will learn to listen to me and you will learn to love me. I will forgive you for what you did but it'll take a lot for you to show me that I can trust you again."

Jessica just nodded; she didn't have it in her to fight or back talk. She just wanted to sleep and forget even for a little while about what had happened to her.

Evan began to caress her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "You will see that you can be happy with me. Once you earn my trust back, you will see that I can give you all you need. Maybe one day, we will be blessed with a child of our own." He looked down at Jessica whose eyes were closing. "You get some rest. We will continue to cure you again soon."

Jessica closed her eyes fully and just wished for death. I rather die than live like this! She thought to herself. Jessica soon drifted off to sleep; as she slept, she dreamt of Melanie.

Melanie was dressed in a beautiful white dress, she had this golden glow radiating off of her. She smiled at Jessica then embraced Jessica in her arms and said. "I know you want to give up Jessica, but please don't. You have so much more to do on earth. It's not your time yet." Jessica looked into Melanie's eyes with a sad expression. Jessica couldn't speak. Melanie continued. "I know it seems impossible after what that monster did to you, but you are stronger than you think. I mean, you kicked his..." she giggled. "He wouldn't be too happy if I cursed. Anyway, you kicked his butt! You fought! Yes it will be tough to overcome this but I know you can fight back. You have a beautiful wife at home and an adorable little girl who are waiting for you. Don't give up Jess! Don't give up."

Jessica woke up the next day and couldn't help but feel as if everything was going to be alright. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon I know I will be reunited with my family. Jessica thought to herself.

Jessica smiled a little but her moment of relief was cut short when Evan rolled on top of her and said. "Time for round two."

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