A Real Man

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"I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me." Jessica said as she stood up. "I think my hormones are just...still crazy from having Liam."
Evan helped her up and held her close to him. "Awe! Babe, it's alright. You had me worried." He said. "Hey...let me take care of our guest, then I'll make you some dinner."
Jessica just nodded her head; fear ran through her body as she knew what would happen next once Evan realized that Amanda was no longer there.
"Say...why don't you come watch!?" Evan said smirking.
"What?!" Jessica exclaimed. "No Evan! I mean...I'm not ready to do that just yet. Maybe...next time."
"Okay baby, I won't make you. It was just a thought." Evan said. "Alright, let me get this girl taken care of. Come on, get Liam and come back to the living room until I'm done."

Evan grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom. He walked in expecting to see the girl he brought home and Liam but found the room empty.
He let go of Jessica's hand and ran to the bathroom. When he came back out he rushed right to Jessica and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Where is she?! Where's Liam?!" Evan yelled.
Jessica looked into Evan's eyes and put on a brave face. She had been through so much in the last year or so that she felt as if she could get through anything at this point. She stood up taller and accepted her fate, whatever would happen now she would welcome it as long as Liam and Amanda were safe.

"I helped Amanda escape." Jessica said her voice even. "I told her to take Liam with her so he could be safe."
"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Evan said his anger rising fast due to all the alcohol he consumed.
"I did it so that girl wouldn't have to suffer from what you were going to put her through. I gave her Liam so he wouldn't have to grow up anywhere near you! I wasn't taking any chances that you would fill my son's head with your idiotic and psychotic ideas!" Jessica said her voice rising.

Evan's face grew red. "What are you saying?!!!! I thought you changed!"
"No I didn't! I haven't changed and I never will!" Jessica screamed back as she pushed Evan making him stumble back. "You can beat me and rape me however many times you want but I will never ever change who I am!"

Evan rushed towards Jessica and pushed her up against the wall. He slapped her across her face but she slapped back. She wasn't going to back down, that wasn't her. She would fight until she wasn't physically able to fight back anymore.

Amanda had been walking for an hour now; where Evan had taken her was in the middle of now where and all that surrounded them were abandoned houses.

She looked down at Liam who was staring intently up at her. "We are almost there!" She said out of breath. "I hope."

She walked on a few more minutes when she saw something that made her heart flip with joy. She ran towards the police car that was driving down a busy street she was coming towards. She flagged the car down; the two police men that were in the car rolled down their window.

"What can we do for you?" One officer asked.
"Please help! My name is Amanda Winters and was abducted earlier today! The man who took me....his name is Evan Peters!"

The two officers looked at each other with a knowing glance. They then looked a the photo that was sent to them over an hour ago.
They quickly got out of the car and began to radio other stations to call in that the fifteen year old girl that had been abducted was found.

She was put into the police car to sit and was given a bottle of water to drink. She then told them everything that had happened since getting taken by Evan. She then told them about Jessica and the baby she was holding was Jessica's son.

Soon she was taken to the police station while all the officers discussed what their next move was going to be.

Back at the house, Jessica fought Evan off as long as she could. Now however, she laid on the bed completely naked, her body and face were beaten severely. She was coming in and out of consciousness.

Evan came back into the bedroom; he had left to grab a quick drink. He climbed back into the bed and back on top of Jessica. He had already forced himself on her several times in past hour or so.

He reentered her and began to thrust into her harshly. Jessica whimpered; tears rolled down her face once again.

"Oh I'm sorry, does that hurt?" Evan asked sweetly. "Well, I don't give a damn if it does! You deserve every inch of pain you feel!"
Evan moved faster and harder; the bed creaking with each movement.

The minutes ticked by when finally, Evan screamed in pleasure as he released himself inside of her. He then kissed Jessica's lips and said. "Once again that was great! Oh Jessica...I'm going to change you. You are going to be the perfect wife and the perfect mother. We can try again for another baby. You know I'm kinda glad that little shit is gone. He cried so fucking much and he didn't like me anyway! The next time, they will like me! I'll make sure of it."

Jessica just listened to Evan talk, not really paying attention to him. She just thought about Amanda and Liam. She hoped they made it safely to the police station. She hoped that Amanda had told her story to them and that they were working on a way of getting Jessica out of there.

Evan relaxed for a little while then climbed back on top of Jessica. She groaned, she wanted this to be over but every time Evan would be finished, he would just restart all over again.

"Don't complain. You only have yourself to blame. I'm going to show you once again that you don't need women for enjoyment. I'm the only man you will ever need." Evan said as he kissed Jessica along her face.

Even though she knew better, Jessica couldn't help the words coming out of her mouth.
"You are no man Evan. A man doesn't do this to a woman." Jessica said with last bit of anger she had. "You are nothing more...than a little boy! You're nothing....but a boy...who throws a temper tantrum every....time he doesn't get what he wants."

Evan saw red; his anger grew ten times than what it was. "Oh yeah. Well, I'm going to prove to you that I am a man! I'm going to make you come over and over again until you are satisfied."
Evan got off of Jessica then roughly turned her over on her belly and entered her from behind. He thrusted in and out furiously; Jessica cried in pain.
Minutes ticked by and the only sounds that could be heard were the bed creaking, Jessica's sobbing and the sound of their skin clapping together.

"Evan...please...stop!!!" Jessica managed to yell out after ten minutes. "It...hurts...so much!!! Stop!!!"
"Not a chance!" Was all Evan said.

Jessica didn't know how much she could take; she began to black out. Jessica felt him release himself inside her before she completely passed out.

What Jessica didn't know was at that exact moment when she had passed out, the front door was kicked in and a swarm of police officers quickly entered the house.

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