Night Out

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Jessica and Sarah walked into the restaurant where they had their reservation at. They told the hostess the name that they used to book the reservation.

The hostess led them to a table for two; they sat down and waited for the waiter to take down their drink orders.

"You're beautiful." Jessica said as the hostess left them on their own.
"You're beautiful too." Sarah said smiling wide at Jessica.

The waiter came by and took down their orders. A few minutes later, he brought back their drinks then took down their food orders.

Jessica and Sarah sipped on their glasses of wine as they looked into each others eyes. Jessica put down her glass then reached over to hold Sarah's hand. Sarah took her hand and Jessica said. "I want to tell you how happy I am to have you in my life. Never would I have dreamed to find the love of my life again. After Melanie's death...I felt as if I couldn't breathe. As time went on, I felt as if I shouldn't find someone to resume my life with. I felt as if I would betray Melanie by being with someone else." Jessica took a moment as she thought back to her relationship with her previous girlfriend, Melanie. Melanie and Jessica had been together for a few years before she was diagnosed with cancer. After Melanie's death, Jessica concentrated on her work and nothing else. But, she had met Sarah a year after Melanie's death. Jessica wiped her eyes before her tears could fall. Jessica took a breath then continued. "When I met you...I felt...I felt as if I could breathe again. You were like a breath of fresh air for me. I know I was hesitant at first but...I'm glad I let my guard down and let you in to my heart. You and Isabelle are my whole life. I love you Sarah Catharine Paulson."

Sarah wiped her tears away and smiled then said. "I love you too, Jessica Phyllis Lange. I'm so glad that you opened up your heart to me. Melanie sounded like a wonderful person from what you told me and...I believe that she is looking down on you and is smiling, knowing that you are happy. I believe she would have wanted that; for you to be happy." Sarah squeezed Jessica's hand then let go as their food had just arrived.

They ate their dinner and talked about their daughter, their jobs, about speaking with Danny about having another child the next day then they spoke of their daughter once again.

Once they finished eating, they paid for their meal then they stood up and left to their car. Before taking off, Jessica called Danny and Sam to check on Isabelle.

Jessica put her cell phone on speaker so both she and Sarah could talk to Isabelle.
"Hi Mommy! Hi Mama!" Isabelle voice came from the speaker.
"Hi baby girl!" Jessica said.
"Hi princess." Sarah said.
"When are you coming home?" Isabelle asked.
"Soon baby. Mommy and I are going to one more place before we head home." Jessica said.
"Are you having fun Belle?"
"Yes mama!" Isabelle said. "Uncle Danny and Uncle Sam played tea party with me! And, they let me put makeup on them and princess crowns!"

Sarah and Jessica chuckled. Then Sarah said. "Oh my! I bet they looked very pretty! What are you all going to do now?"
"We gonna watch The Little Mermaid!" Isabelle said excitedly.

They spoke for a moment longer then Sam got the phone back while Isabelle went back to sit with Danny on the sofa; he had a bowl of popcorn waiting for their movie to start.

"Yeah, I don't think she'll make it past Under the Sea." Sam chuckled. "She wore herself out. Once she falls asleep we'll put her to bed." Sam said. "How's you're night going?"
"I bet, she had a long day." Jessica said. "It's going great! We are gonna go dancing for a bit then we'll be home before midnight."
"You both be careful and see you both soon." Sam said.

They said goodbye and Jessica looked over at Sarah. Jessica leaned in and kissed Sarah's lips.
They broke away both breathless.
"Let's go dancing that way I can take you home and get you out of that sexy black dress." Sarah said with desire in her eyes.
Jessica smiled wide then said. "Let's forget dancing; let's get a hotel room. I don't think I can wait!"

Sarah nodded and off they went; Jessica found a hotel then both walked hand in hand to book a room. Once they got their key, they stopped at the hotel bar for a quick drink.

While they were drinking their glasses of wine, a young man walked up to them.
"Hello." He said with a smile.
He looked to be in his late 20 or early 30's. He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. His smile was dazzling.

Jessica and Sarah looked over at him.
"Hello." They both answered.
"Sorry to interrupt but...I was wondering if I could buy you ladies a drink." The young man said.
", you don't have to that." Jessica said trying to let him down easily. "My wife and I were just having a drink while we wait for our room to be ready."

The young man was shocked at hearing Jessica say "wife" . For a second, the young man's blue eyes turned dark. After getting his bearings, his eyes lightened up and his smile returned.
"My apologies. I didn't know such beautiful women like yourselves were already taken. I'll be leaving now."

Once the young man left, Jessica and Sarah looked at each other.
"That was weird." Sarah said. "He was weird."
"Yeah, he was! He gave me a bad vibe." Jessica said as she looked around. "I don't see anymore. Anyway, let's go up to our room."

Jessica and Sarah went up to their hotel room where they spent a few hours making love to each other. They didn't know that the young man had followed them and now waited for them to leave their room.

I hope you all are liking this story.

This is unedited so please excuse any errors!

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