You Lied?

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Sarah laid awake in her bed; Isabelle kept having nightmares since she was told about Jessica. She would try to sleep in her own bed but each time would wake up crying for Jessica. Now she slept snuggled close to Sarah's side sound asleep.

Sarah's mind raced; it had been two weeks since Jessica's abduction. The police worked hard to find Jessica and the man who took her.
Sarah had used her power at the L.A. Times newspaper and would put an article about Jessica with a photo in the paper each day in hopes that people would see the article and help find Jessica.

The police had managed to find the identity of the man who took Jessica. His name was Evan Peters and he had just been released from prison for doing the exact same thing to another woman. Well, several women. There were five total; two of the women had come forward and testified against him. They all told the court that they had been kidnapped then raped. They said that Evan would say things such as "I'm going to cure you." They told the court that the only way to make him let them go was by saying they were "cured" and they had told Evan that they liked men now and that they would find a perfect man like him to marry and have a family with. Of course, these women only said that because they wanted to get far away from him as possible. After Evan released them, they were back with their girlfriends or wives trying to pick up the pieces of the mess Evan made.

Sarah's tears rolled down her face as she thought about all she had learned about Evan. She hoped that Jessica was okay and that he didn't hurt her. As the days dragged on, Sarah would hold it together while around Isabelle. She would only breakdown when Isabelle was napping or spending time with Danny and Sam.

Sarah went through the motions of everyday life; she wasn't really living. She missed Jessica with all her being. She hoped that they would find Jessica soon.

It was now one month since Jessica was taken. Evan was happy how things were going with Jessica. He was right when he saw her; she was the one. He hadn't treated any other women he had taken like this before. He would usually just begin with his way of "curing" his victims.

Little did Evan know, Jessica was playing him like a fiddle. He hadn't touched her physically yet and for which she was grateful. She didn't think she could handle that if he were to take her against her will sexually. Evan had told her that he wanted to do things right this time; he wanted to marry her first before taking her to bed. He would sleep on the couch each night as he gave Jessica her space.

Jessica plotted and planned her escape; she started cooperating with Evan. The last thing she wanted was for Evan to hurt her or worse, kill her. She would play nice but late at night when Evan would go to sleep, Jessica would lay awake and breakdown thinking of her family. She had told Evan that she didn't miss them at all. Jessica also watched Evan's every move; she kept track of where he would put the key that locked and unlocked the bedroom door. She noticed the other keys that were on the key ring and knew that those were the keys to the front door. Also, Evan had started to let Jessica roam the rest of the house. She took note that the front door had three locks on it. She tried to imagine the day when she would make her escape, how long it would take for her to unlock that door before Evan could get to her.

One day, Jessica was sitting in the living room watching tv. Evan was cooking dinner; Jessica wanted to make a move already but she wasn't sure if she could. As much as she wanted to be back with Sarah and Isabelle, Jessica knew she needed a bit more time. Evan still carried the keys with him everywhere. She still couldn't figure out how to get the keys from him.

Suddenly, Jessica saw something on the tv that immediately caught her attention. Tears sprang into her eyes instantly.

There on the television was Sarah and Isabelle. Jessica grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. A picture of herself flashed on the screen.

"Please, if anyone has seen this woman, please call the local police department. Her name is Jessica Lange. She is a wife and mother and we miss her dearly. She was abducted by this man. (A picture of Evan flashes on the screen) She has been missing for a month." Sarah said as she tried to be strong but by the end, her tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Would you like to send a message to Jessica, in the case she is watching." The reporter asked.

Sarah nodded her head. "Jessica, I love you so so much. You are my world! If you are watching and you can't escape...just know we are working our hardest to find you and bring you home to us. Just know, when I see you again....I will never let you go. I will fight my hardest to protect you and love you until my very last breath!"

Jessica was sobbing by now; she continued to watch. Unbeknownst to her, Evan stood in the doorway to the living room and watched her breakdown.

"How about you little one? Would like to tell your mama anything in case she is watching?" The reporter asked Isabelle.

Isabelle nodded her head causing her dark brown pig tails to bounce. "Mama! I miss you a whole lot! I hope you can come home soon."
Just then Isabelle wanted to say something else. Her face contorted into a scowl then she said. "I hate the bad man that took you mama! I hate him a lot! He needs to let you go! Please bad man...if you can hear me...please let my mama go!"

Isabelle stopped talking and buried her face into Sarah's chest. Sarah was sobbing as well; she held her little girl in her and tried to soothe her.

The reporter took over then and once again told the viewers all the information they needed in case they had any tips and of course to keep and eye out for Jessica.

Jessica slumped to the floor in front of the television and sobbed.
She kept repeating. "I miss you so much. I love you both so much."

Evan came rushing towards Jessica in a blink of an eye. He grabbed her and shook her.
"So, you've been lying to me!!!?" Evan yelled. "You said you didn't care for them anymore! You said you didn't miss them anymore! You said you didn't want to go home! You said you wanted to start a new life together, just the two of us!"

Jessica had had enough; she stopped sobbing as her anger began to rise. She shoved Evan with all her might. He stumbled back, too shocked to respond. Not one of his previous victims had ever tried to fight back.

"Of course I lied! I don't want to be here! You took me against my will! I want to go home with my family! Didn't you see my wife and daughter crying their eyes out! My baby girl misses me! I miss her so badly! I want to go home to be with her; I want to be with them! Please let me go!" Jessica yelled back.
"No! I will not let you go! You are the one I want as my wife! I thought you were cured but apparently not!" Evan yelled. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened them and was much more calm now. "I guess, I will have to resort with the first step in curing you. You will have to be punished!"

Jessica didn't care if he was threatening her. She held her head high and looked him straight into his eyes. "You fucking idiot! Being gay isn't a sickness that needs to be cured! There is no fucking "cure". I was born this way Evan! And so have many of the woman you have hurt!"

Evan saw red; his hand flew across her face. "I will cure you fucking dyke!" He said as his voice raised. He then grabbed her face so she could look at him and said sickeningly calm. "I will cure you, even if it's the last thing I do."

So...what do you all think so far?

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