Ellis ~ Passing Through

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*if it isn't obvious, this is in The Passing campaign*

You ran away from the group, heading towards a spot you remember seeing a gas can. Your group had met another that were up on a bridge, and they offered to lower it if you filled a generator with gas. That seemed fair to all of you so you set to getting the cans. The generator required a lot of gas, which wasn't overly surprising but it was exhausting. After all, you had done something similar to get the car you had rode here in full of gas.

You spotted the gas can and picked it up, hoisting it into your arms. They were heavy, and you weren't strong enough to carry more than one. Along with that, you also had to carry around your auto shotgun, which was especially hard when both your hands had to hold onto the orange container of gas.

Rounding the corner, you saw a hunter crouched in front of you. You weren't able to do anything before it pounced you, causing the gas to fall on top of you along with the hunter. It shoved the can aside before starting to claw at you. You attempted to hold its arms away from you, but it dug its nails into your arms, making you yelp and let go.

It was able to slash your shirt once, revealing your stomach and just cutting the skin, before getting shot in the head. You pushed the hunter's body off you and looked up at the other group, which were standing on the bridge. Zoey, the only female in their group, nodded at you, her hunting rifle's scope next to her eye. You gave her a small smile as thanks before getting to your feet and snatching the gas can again.

Zoey. The girl Ellis had looked at with hearts for eyes. If you were being honest, you were jealous of the way he looked at her. You liked him, had since you first met him, so you were none too happy when he mentioned how pretty she was.

You had become cross for a while after first initially meeting them, something Nick picked up on, and he proceeded to tease you about it. You pretended to hit him with a golf club you found and he backed off for a little bit, but whenever anyone mentioned the other survivors, he would send you a look. You avoided talking about the survivors, didn't even mention them, not that anyone besides Nick noticed.

Although you were thankful for Zoey saving you, you still weren't too happy about the way she held Ellis's attention. Snatching your shotgun off the ground to hold along with the gas, you took off for the generator.

Rochelle had voted for everyone to go in pairs to find the gas, and if they needed help they would just call for it. You were the one that was supposed to help anybody if they needed it, so that meant you just stayed by the other survivors. However, the gas can was close enough you figured it wouldn't be too bad if you went to go get it (Nick went with Rochelle and Ellis went with Coach to get the other gas cans).

When you got to the generator, Ellis was already there, waiting behind Coach, who was pouring his can into the generator. You dropped your weapon and unscrewed the lid on the can while you waited, watching Ellis step forward to pour his orange container of liquid into the generator as Coach backed away. You sat admiring the country boy for a moment, happy you could do this simple act without anyone noticing and judging you.

"Whatcha lookin at, honey?" Nick's voice came from behind you. You groaned. Scratch that noticing and judging part.

"Someone hot," you replied, glancing back at him.

"Who's that?" Ellis asked, making your head snap back to face him. He looked curious, like you had just stated you had a sister and he wanted to know her name.

"I'll tell you later." No you weren't really going to, you were just buying time and hoping he'd forget about it.

"Okay!" He chirped happily. You stepped up to start pouring as Ellis left, leaving Rochelle and Nick behind you with gas waiting to be poured.

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