Rochelle ~ Genderbent

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Requested by: @StrangerToTheStars (Male!Rochelle x Reader)

It all happened so fast. Any time a horde attacked it always seemed that way. The common infected would swarm towards you and your group, everyone would steel themselves for the long and hard battle ahead, and if anyone had a pipe bomb or molotov or bottle of Boomer bile they'd throw it.

However, your group had just run into a Tank, and thus had low ammunition and no pipe bombs/molotovs/jars of bile. Everyone was beat up and tired from running and shooting the Tank. You let out a groan when the Tank died and just so happened to fall on top of a car, setting off its alarm and alerting the horde of your presence.

Anxiety rose in everyone as they saw the common's black eyes and open mouths as they sprinted for all of you, screeching in that weird way they do. You ran out of bullets quickly, so you acquired an ax from Ellie and slashed at any that came close. You didn't like using a melee weapon because you feared you wouldn't be fast enough to stop any infected from getting too close.

But your fear became reality when you swung the ax too early and an infected pounced on you. It clawed wildly at you, reminding you of a Hunter. You tried to keep it from killing you, but it just didn't turn out the way you hoped. When you had fallen back when it initially pounced you'd smacked your head against the ground hard enough to draw blood, and since then had been a little dazed. Your attempts to fend off the attack were futile, and you thought you were done for when a couple other zombies got in on the fun.

Fortunately for you, Richard saw what was happening and blasted them off you. You gasped when the first infected that got to you collapsed on top of your smaller form. Richard shoved it off and kneeled beside you, asking if you were alright. All you could manage was a thumbs up before your nerves finally let you know how bad your condition was. You cried out as the flood of pain reached you, the adrenaline that was once in your system now disappearing.

"Is she ok?" Coach asked the male beside you, glancing at you worriedly.

"I don't think so," Richard responded, concern all over his face. You looked awful, he wouldn't lie to himself, and it was entirely possible you wouldn't make it.

"I'm fine," you croaked out, though you knew you weren't. All you wanted was to pass out so the pain would stop, but your brain wouldn't let you black out. The gunfire around you ceased and you checked the surrounding area to see no more zombies. But then again, you couldn't see a whole lot from the ground, especially with hazy vision.

Nicole cussed as she saw how few bullets were left in her magazine before she shoved it back into her gun. "We need to get moving," she said, jerking her head towards the way you all were originally headed.

"Wud 'bout (Y/N)?" Ellie asked, tilting her head.

"I'll carry her," Richard slid his hands under you, picking you up bridal style. You didn't have enough energy to blush, and it felt like you were quickly losing any energy you had in you. You swung a little as Richard walked, and as you rested your head against his chest, you knew what was going to happen to you. Your group had little-to-nothing, only a melee weapon and a few guns with a small amount of bullets left. No medkits, no pain pills, nothing to keep you alive.

"Set me down," you whispered, only managing to get your voice loud enough for Richard to hear. He pulled a puzzled expression but gently did as you said. Once on the ground, you grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, your eyes barely open at this point. "Leave me."

"No." The word was out of his mouth faster than a bullet from his gun.

"I'm going to die," you wheezed, coughing afterwards. You couldn't see what condition your body was in, but the pain that had once been everywhere was now numbing. There was no saving you now.

"No, no you're not," he shook his head rapidly. What you couldn't see was the hurt in his eyes as they filled with tears. You closed your eyes and let your head fall to the side, your energy levels dropping further. "No, please," he started crying, holding your hand tightly as he pleaded with you again and again. But you didn't respond. "No...." He rested his head on your shoulder. "I love you."

He felt your head turn and he pulled back to see you looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. "I loved you too." Then, the little light inside you went out, and your whole body went slack.

"(Y/N)?" Richard pushed your shoulder, but he got no reaction. He checked your pulse. Nothing. "(Y/N)!!" The other's looked away, knowing what they suspected would happen, did. They were all going to die, it was just a matter of time. Your death just came a little sooner than any of them had hoped.

Ellie's eyes were filled with tears as she tried to pull Richard away, but the man stayed firmly rooted to his spot beside you. Nicole just sighed and stayed where she was. She wasn't exactly the top choice for who to send over to Richard to console him. Coach moved to pick you up but Richard did before she could. Your limp body was just a reminder you were no longer with them, and a fresh wave of tears flooded down the man's cheeks.

It all happened so fast.

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