Ellis ~ Elis

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You held your little 5 year old son's hand, your dominant hand holding the pistol you obtained a while back. You were looking from side to side, watching for any sign of an infected. You hadn't stumbled across any for a while, and you were getting more on edge each step you took.

"Where are we going?" Elis, your son, asked. You stopped walking long enough to look at him with tired eyes.

"I don't know," you heaved a sigh. "Away, where there aren't any zombies...hopefully." Wouldn't that be nice, a place without being constantly paranoid an infected would pop out of nowhere and attack you or Elis.

"How far away is that?" He asked, his green eyes showing his curiousness.

"I don't know." You looked back up to watch where you were going. If only you had your husband with you, maybe he'd know what to do. He was a great man, good to you and your son, and he had just gotten a promotion the day the infection hit.

You had all gone out to dinner to celebrate his success, even ordered dessert for the special occasion. You never ordered dessert, so Elis was overjoyed at the sweet treat at the end. Right after you finished, a couple zombies had broken into the restaurant and attacked people.

One of them got your husband, tore him up. As more started coming through the broken windows, people started running for their lives. Your husband knew he wasn't going to live long in his current state and told you to run, just take Elis and run. So that's what you did, tears streaming down your face and Elis in your arms, confused and scared.

You had moved on from his death as best you could, but it wasn't easy. You couldn't tell Elis what had happened to Daddy, not if you wanted to protect him. That's why you kept hoping, kept moving, kept searching for a safe haven or rescue squad. Your hope had begun dwindling though, and you didn't know how long you'd be able to keep up your positivity.

Then you found a highway, which one it was you couldn't tell, not that it mattered anymore. There would still be as many zombies on it if it were called Route 57 instead of Route 34. You were happy to see no infected in sight, at least not on the highway, and walked onto it. It wasn't like you needed to be aware of cars passing by anymore.

Hearing a hum steadily growing louder, you turned to the noise. Then headlights blinded you and you quickly covered your eyes, Elis doing the same. A car?! You weren't able to react fast enough to avoid getting run over, but you didn't have to, as the driver screeched to a halt.

The headlight nearly touched Elis's arm, and he let out a whimper, wrapping his arms around your left arm tightly. Because the lights were no longer in your eyes, you got to see who was in the car. A younger male sat in the driver's seat, a hat on his head with a logo you didn't recognize and surprise on his face that mirrored the older black man's next to him. A lady and a well-dressed man sat in the back, looking confused as to why the driver stopped, but their eyes landed on and they found out.

You weren't sure what to do, talk to them or run for your life. You didn't know them, at all, and although they looked friendly enough, looks could be deceiving. Holding onto Elis tightly, you watched as the black man opened his door and took a step out.

"Are you infected?" He asked.

"No, no I'm not, and neither is Elis," you placed a hand on your child's head as you said his name. The man's eyes widened a small amount and he looked back at the driver. The driver got out and stood behind his door, looking at you and your little boy.

"Hey, my name's Ellis, what're yers?" The boy smiled, something that despite the terrible recent events, made life seem just a little bit better.

"My name's Elis too!" Your son piped up. He spoke a little louder then you thought he should but you didn't say anything about it.

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