Nick ~ Death Wish

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This can either take place before Nick (and you) meet up with the group, after the group presumably splits up, or they're dead and its just you two left.

This girl has a death wish, Nick thought to himself with distaste as the woman he was talking about ran ahead of him with a loud whoop. You had your weapon in the air and your finger on the trigger, causing occasional shouts to ring out caused by accidentally pulling the trigger. Your gun safety instructors were probably rolling in their graves.

"Stop wasting ammo!" Nick shouted. You turned to meet his glare with a half-grin, resting the gun on your hip still aimed to the sky.

"Why do you walk so slow?" You asked, watching with amusement as he slowly made his way closer to you.

"There's no reason to be fast," he replied, squinting his eyes in your direction as if daring you to challenge him. You considered what he said then shrugged.

"I guess." Hearing something behind a nearby tree, your attention was immediately taken from the conversation and directed onto killing what had to be a Smoker hoping to catch a human. Nick lifted his gun but you were already running towards it like an idiot. Before he could call out to you the Smoker appeared and lassoed you with its tongue. You were able to pump some lead into it before the tongue tightened around your arms and your shotgun fell to the ground.

You squirmed wildly as Nick ran over, shooting the Smoker as it reeled you in like a fish. It died with a puff of smoke right before you reached it and you were surrounded in a cloud of green. You coughed and crawled away out of the smoke, searching for your gun once you could see. Nick plucked it from the ground and you looked up to see his glare, ever present on his face, but this time with a bit more ferocity behind it.

"Do you ever think before you act?" He spat. You felt embarrassed, not really sure why he was so angry but knowing you must've done something wrong. "You need to stop rushing into danger half-cocked dumba$$!" You shrunk back like a kicked puppy.

"I'm sorry."

Nick sighed loudly, rolled his eyes, then tossed you your gun. "Get out of the dirt, we need to reach shelter before nightfall." He headed off as you scrambled to your feet behind him. He supposed it wasn't really your fault, at least not 100%. You were born to be a daredevil, look death in the face and ask if it wanted to fight. It would do you good, though, to remember that unlike in video games, you only have one life and you better not waste it by getting yourself killed by rushing into things too fast.

As the sun descended from the sky you gradually returned to your former state of the doof you are. You made a game of avoiding the shadows of the surrounding objects, but occasionally Nickーwho had noticed what you were doingーstepped right in front of you so you fell in his shadow.

Eventually the pair came across a building that would suit them, at least for the night. You took the main floor while Nick covered the 2nd, searching the many rooms for infected before deciding the house was secure. You stumbled across a couple ambling about aimlessly in the living room, disposed of them quickly, then grabbed one to drag out of the house.

On your way you passed through a room you hadn't secured and ran into another infected. You dropped the dead zombie to attempt to shoot the other in time but it scored a slash on your arm before it dropped dead. You took a second to calm down, the adrenaline coursing through you still giving you plenty of energy, before you tried to move and fell on your butt. Your feet had gotten trapped under the dead body when you dropped it.

You used the extra energy in your system to shove the thing off before standing. Returning the weapon to its holster, you continued with disposing of the dead bodies. The mark on your arm wasn't bad but blood was already leaking out and down your arm. You huffed in annoyance. It wasn't worth wasting your health kit on but it still irked you considerably.

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