Witch ~ Etched Into The Dirt

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(Witch x Male!Reader) Requested by: @Alienkiller3000

"Come on, Alpine Creek is just up ahead," you called to Coach, Rochelle, Ellis, and Nick. They followed after you, the sun setting behind them outlining their features. Coach was lagging behind, and because of this he was perfect prey for a female hunter to attack. You were too far away to take an accurate shot, so you shouted for Ellis to help him.

From there, everything went downhill.

A charger shouted into the ever cooling air and pummeled Nick, smashing into Ellis on its way and knocking the southerner back quite a ways. As Ellis got to his feet, trying to shake off the head injury he gained, something wrapped around him and pulled him away, making his gun drop to the ground.

Nick cried for help as blood dripped out of his mouth and the charger continuously smashed him into a tree. You ran back towards them, Rochelle behind you, and you kicked the huntress off Coach. As you stood above the black man, you could see his glossy eyes. You had to focus on killing the huntress before she could hurt anyone else, and that's exactly what you did.

Kneeling down beside the man, you saw he wasn't breathing, and the growing pool of blood around him was supplied by his shredded-to-pieces stomach. You nearly hurtled up the food you had earlier that day, but you managed to hold it back and turned to help the others.

Ellis' body was swinging by the smoker's tongue, limp and dead, and Nick's cries for help had been silenced. The charger tossed his body away before letting out a victorious roar. You screamed and rushed it, surprising it and giving you the upper hand as you smashed into it, knocking it back a couple feet. Both the smoker and charger were going to pay dearly for their mistake of taking your friends' lives.

You were shooting down the smoker when you heard Rochelle scream bloody murder. That quickly dissolved to strangled screeches like something was over her mouth, and you whipped around to see green acid on her face as a spitter ran away. You rushed to her side when she fell to the ground, not knowing what to do as the goop chewed through her face, her agonizing cries cut off by her mouth getting destroyed.

Pushing her onto her side, you tried to shake her and make the acid fall onto the ground, but it wouldn't move fast enough, and soon enough she was dead as well. You didn't cry, never, you were a man, but you could feel tears come to your eyes. You just lost everyone in one fell swoop.

As the sun disappeared completely, you didn't leave your friends' dead bodies. After a while, you got to your feet, knowing they'd want you to continue and make it to safety. For them. Trying to keep your eyes ahead so you didn't look back and convince yourself not to leave, you brushed at your eyes with the back of your hand so no water would slip out any more.

The creek was the last thing on your mind as you approached a stream called South Pine Stream. Hearing crying in the distance, you held your gun closer to your body and approached the noise carefully. It was a witch, sitting by the stream and bawling her eyes out. She etched something into the dirt at her feet as tears kept rolling down her face. You felt sorry for her, but since you just experienced something tragic in your life, you could understand why. You never could understand why witches cried, but it must be a real good reason if they're constantly sobbing.

You moved a few steps closer to see she wrote 'Violet' in the dirt. Was that her name? You decided to call her that.  Her long nails on each hand weren't as long as most witches, and she was physically appealing. Opening your mouth, you were about to call her name when you heard rustling.

A hunter was crawling towards the witch, hoodie almost touching the ground as he moved. Across the front of his hoodie was the word 'Billy' in all caps. Violet and Billy then.

Billy had a look in his eyes you'd seen many times, it's the same look all special infected had when they were shredding you to pieces or beating you to a bloody pulp. A look of murder. His sights were set on Violet, and you felt something in you shift. You weren't going to let a hunter hurt anything else in your life, not after what happened a few hours ago.

As Billy let out a screech and leaped into the air, you jumped and gave him a sidekick to the side of the head. He fell from the sky and landed on his back, but he was flipped right side up the next second. All infected had better recovery than a human. He hissed at you as he paced on all fours in front of you. You were standing between him and his target, so deciding he should take care of your first, he set to work on that.

You dropped your weapon off to the side about halfway through the fight, and although Billy didn't do bad, he underestimated you. He didn't know you were a black belt in Wushu. You dodged all but one of his pounces, and after smacking him backwards, you knocked him over so he cracked his head against a rock.

While he was down you jumped on top of him and grabbed his head. With one swift movement, his neck snapped and you dropped him. He didn't stir after that.

Breathing a sigh of relief that that was over, you trotted towards your gun to pick it back up. Violet watched you with big eyes, no longer crying, and you slowed to a halt before you reached the weapon. You waved, and she lept to her feet. Not hearing the familiar sound of anger all witches made when startled, you stumbled back and debated your options.

You weren't able to grab your gun before she wrapped her arms around you, hugging you tightly. Whispers that sounded similar to "Thank you" escaped her mouth as she hugged you.

"Um, no problem," you hugged her back, surprised to find she was a great hugger. She removed her arms from around you and smiled, showing teeth that weren't what you were used to. You wondered if she brushed her teeth. You retrieved your gun and slung it over your shoulder by its strap and she followed you as you walked away. Deciding to just go with it, you let her follow you.


After walking for a while, you had found a safe room to stay in. Since that day you'd met, Violet had stayed around you. You rather liked her company, and not too long later you two started dating. It wasn't that weird to date an infected, especially when you consider the fact that the witch had once been human before the virus changed her.

You hadn't encountered any survivors since your old team died, and you could officially say you had moved on from their deaths. You didn't forget they existed though, it was impossible. You all thought for sure you'd make it to the end of the apocalypse together, and for a while you had survived in a group, but one well placed attack by the special infected and everybody was gone.

You never told Violet what happened, she didn't need to know, but you stuck with the vow to never let a hunter live another day if you saw them. Violet liked that about you, it was rather attractive, but she was a special infected that shredded people up so that shouldn't be too surprising.

It was after you returned from murdering two hunters that Violet spotted you covered in their blood and couldn't stop herself. She kissed you, pushing you up against the wall. It was heated, and as the clothes started to drop to the floor, you both knew what was going to happen. It excited her and she didn't let you ask her if she was sure about it before she was kissing you again.

"I love you," you mumbled against her neck as the both of you lay on the only bed in the safe room. She cuddled into you, muttering the same thing back. You both laid quietly for a few minutes before you pressed a passionate kiss to her lips and closed your eyes. The both of you drifted into a deep sleep.

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