L4D2 ~ Smol (Y/N)

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(L4D2 Survivors x Child!Reader)
If you want more fluff between a child you and the survivors, you can read the witch oneshot before this. :)

Now get ready for fluff!

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Now get ready for fluff!

You didn't know how long you'd been running, but your lungs felt like they were on fire. Who were you running from? The infected, though you called them the crazies. You finally had to stop, so you leaned over and heaved air into your small body to supply oxygen to your muscles. The teddy you held swung from the by its arm, which was gripped tightly in your hand, its fur dirtied and in some places matted.

A snap of a twig and a low growl made you perk up. Your terrified pools of (E/C) scanned the area, but you couldn't see the thing that made the noise. You clutched the teddy for comfort, but even the bear didn't seem to calm your racing heart. A small whimper escaped as the bushes nearest you shook, and you took a few small steps back.

A hooded figure poked its head out of the twigs and leaves and a sickening grin took over the small part of its mouth you could see. You screamed and took off, causing the Hunter to shriek and leap after you. It missed with its initial pounce, but as it geared up to leap again, you tripped and skid across the ground. Your teddy protected your face from the rough pavement, but your hands, arms, and legs got badly scraped up.

A cry ripped from your throat as tears sprung to your eyes. The knowledge that you were going to die passed through your mind subconsciously as you cried from the pain coming from your limbs. The Hunter screeched and jumped into the air. You saw the shadow approaching and squeezed your eyes shut, holding your teddy close as if it would protect you.

A sound like thunder made your eyes shoot open and something heavy hit the ground in front of you. You scooted yourself backwards as you saw the blood pooling out of the hole in the Hunter's head, whimpering.

"Headshot!" A cheery voice shouted behind you, making you turn with big teary eyes to see your savior smiling as he held his sniper rifle with pride. He looked down at you, his green eyes gleaming, and smiled wider. "Ey, ya okay?" He crouched down beside you while holding his sniper rifle so it pointed at the sky.

You didn't answer verbally, instead just moved your teddy so it covered most of your face and nodded subtly. His smile seemed to become bigger as he tilted his head. "What's yer name? I'm Ellis."

"(Y/N)," you mumbled, your voice muffled beyond recognition because of the stuffed animal in front of your mouth.

"Waz that?"

"(Y/N)," you pulled the teddy away a few centimeters.

"That's a very nice name." You didn't react, just simply cuddled the bear in your small hands. "Say, do ya wanna join me? I've been lookin' fer a buddy." You shrugged and looked away. Your mom and dad never said anything about avoiding non-crazy people, they just said to avoid the crazies and run for your life if they came your way. "C'mon, let's get to the whirlybird 'fore it leaves without us," he held out a large hand and you took it, finding it felt quite a bit like your dad's. He stood up and lead you towards a large hotel that seemed to be on fire on at least a couple floors. You spotted a chopper on top of it and people getting on board.

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