Ellis-Nick ~ Keep Going?

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This one's shorter, but it was a quick idea I just needed to write down.

The gun whipped to the side of your head faster than you thought it would. Was your decision that easily made? You would've nodded if you had the time. Yes, it was that easy, for what reason was there to keep going?

~4 hours previous

"Hey Nick, your suit is turning brown," you commented, trying to distract yourself from the horror of what you'd witnessed not too long ago. The male glared at you, not liking the idea of his once perfectly white suit getting its appearance altered.

"It is!" Ellis exclaimed, just becoming aware of that fact.

"Shut up," Nick hissed, too tired to come up with a more colorful way of saying the same thing. You all needed to find some place to hunker down, maybe find a way to move on and deal with Coach and Ro's death.

"Wait, do you hear that?" You asked, your voice going quiet. The males shut their mouths and strained to hear what you were. It was a soft, nearly inaudible noise that just screamed trouble to you. You couldn't tell how, but you knew something bad was about to happen. Your gaze swept the surrounding neighborhood you currently stood in for some sign of something, but nothing met your eyes of any importance besides possible places to hold out for a little while.

"Watch out!" Ellis shouted. Whipping around, you saw a couple zombies pounce on Nick and he fell to the ground on his stomach. A cry from your left made your eyes drift that way to see a smoker strangling Ellis. Instead of its tongue being wrapped around his torso, it was tightly around his throat, clearly cutting any air supply from entering his lungs. You went for your gun, but it wasn't on your back.

Panicking, you spun around in circles looking for something to kill the zombies with. No gun, anywhere. That's when you remembered you had run out of ammo for your shotgun and dropped it a while ago, and you had been constantly on the lookout for something since then. You attempted to kick the zombies off Nick but that just put you off balance, and your butt hit the ground a second later.

Something else hit the ground after you and you turned your head to see Ellis had slumped to the ground, his eyes wide and frightened, and he wasn't breathing. You gasped and something clogged your throat, making you start gagging. You forced yourself to take in deep breaths and got to your shaky feet, nearly falling back down after stretching them so you stood as tall as you were. Nick filled your eyesight, or what remained of him.

You were running before you could tell yourself you'd be the same if you didn't leave, but you realized you were leaving them. Even if all they were were dead bodies at this point, you were fearing for your own life while they died feeling the same. Why couldn't you find their weapons, they would've dropped them wouldn't they? You had been too adrenaline powered to slow down and focus, and for that, they died.

You didn't stop running for an hour.


"I'm so sorry." You whispered through barely parted lips, watching the infected swarm towards you. This was it, you weren't making it through this, not even your pistol you found an hour ago could kill this many. For a moment, you thought you saw Rochelle, Coach, Ellis, and Nick all next to you, shooting at the infected like they used to.

Coach pulled a pipe bomb from his belt and pressed the red button to start the timer, Rochelle was shouting about a smoker up on the rooftops, Nick was making a snide remark about how dumb the infected were to run towards you all when they were being mowed down, and Ellis was letting out a whoop of knocking out about 10 of them with a single grenade launcher blast.

If they were here with you, you would've been able to handle these zombies easy, but right as that thought occurred to you, they slowly faded away.

Your hand trembled as the infected closed in and the smoker standing on the roof got ready to shoot its tongue towards you. The trembling stopped as you stared it straight in its dead eyes and spat on the ground at your feet. The small act of defiance was followed by you inhaling sharply and shoving the gun against your temple before squeezing the trigger.













"(Y/N), wake up!" You felt your body being jerked around and your eyes popped open soon after the person started jostling you.

"I'm up!" You said, shaking your head and blinking up at Ellis. "What's going on?"

"There's a horde at the door and I thought I heard the hinges creakin'. Can ya help me take care of 'em?" You took a quick look around the safe room and saw all the others still curled up and sleeping, nobody was dead.

"Sure," you smiled. You grabbed Ellis' hand and he pulled you up, then you both went over to the door to take care of the infected.

No way was I ending this one sad like the other two!

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