L4D ~ Easter

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You hung onto Francis as he walked along, your arms snug-ish around his neck. You made sure to keep your arms a centimeter away from his neck to make sure you didn't choke him, which would've been bad. He was in a good enough mood to even let you have a piggy-back ride right now, but if you choked him like last time, he might just drop you onto your butt. Kindness from Francis was something you were fortunate enough to receive, and you assumed it might have something to do with your age.

You were young, 11 years of age to be exact, and shorter than half the kids at your school. You didn't say were shorter than half of them because you were hoping they might still be alive, not zombified, hiding somewhere. It was a vain hope, you knew, but its what helps keep you alive.

Francis paused and you perked up, looking for signs of danger. Being on his back allowed you to see more, being higher off the ground and all, and you made sure to use it to your advantage. Bill had stopped in front of a house, a note nailed to the door with words you couldn't read scribbled on it. He tore it off, read it quickly, then handed the yellow slightly-crumbled-from-Bill's-grip-on-it paper over to Zoey to take a look.

"What's it say?" Francis asked, adjusting you to sit more comfortably on his back.

" 'Supplies are inside, but they're hidden all around the house. I've already taken care of any zombies you would've found, so have fun searching. Happy Easter survivors!' " Zoey read, then looked up at all of you. "Supplies, free for the taking?"

"I don't trust this guy," Francis said automatically, the statement surprising none of you.

"It could be a girl," you suggested. "Would you trust them if they were a girl?"


"It doesn't matter who wrote it," Bill said, looking up at the house with narrowed eyes. "It could be a trap, we can't trust this person."

"But there might actually be supplies in there, we could use that," Louis argued. It was true, all you had was a couple medkits and Zoey and Louis had both been injured by special infected not too long ago. Francis moved a couple feet away to set you down on a picnic table sat next to a tree, the faded look of the paint suggesting its use and weathering. It might've been a bright apple red at one point, but now it was a faded dirt brown with bits of the whitish-grey wood showing.

Your feet landed on the table and Francis stepped away, rolling his shoulders a couple times and letting his shotgun hang in one hand. You touched the holster at your side, the metallic smoothness of your magnum greeting your fingers, and jumped onto the bench then the ground.

"Well I'm not going in there," Zoey folded her arms, knowing she wanted to stay alive and not risk her life trying to go on a silly little Easter egg hunt. You walked up to the others, them all standing in a curvey, not really circle, circle. But the sight of something shiny in the window caught your attention and you looked over, seeing a pipe bomb sitting there, ready to be taken. You looked back up at the young/middle-aged/old adults around you then ran to the door.

You had thrown it open before the others could stop you, and you were into the room with the pipe bomb in a few seconds. You held it up so the others could see it through the grimy window with a smile, and traveled back to the door to toss it to Bill. He caught it, looked down at it with a frown, then back up at you.

"You can stay out there if you want," you shrugged. "I kinda want to see if anything else is in here." The idea of getting to search a house for Easter eggs hooked you, but when the eggs were actually supplies to help you survive the zombie apocalypse it made you determined to find all of them. You had considered yourself very good at finding things that were supposed to be hiddenーyour parents agreed with youーso you knew you could find everything this house hid.

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