Witch ~ Warlock

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Requested by: @Hannah_Hunterss (Male!Witch x Lonely!Reader) If you didn't know, a male witch is known as a Warlock.

You stumbled, clutching your side with one hand while your other gripped your gun. The gun was slipping from your grasp but it hadn't fallen yet, and you hoped it wouldn't hit the ground before you entered the alley up ahead. Your back slammed into the wall of one of the buildings forming the alley and the gun hammered against the ground as it fell from your hand.

You took in ragged breaths, groaning in pain. You just encountered a horde, and dang that took a lot out of you. Literally, your side had a hole in it with blood pouring out. This would be so much easier if you had a group, so so much easier. But no, it seemed nobody would want to team up with you. Or nobody was alive to team up with.

You took a few minutes to calm your breathing before you pushed off the wall to keep on going, out of the alley and down the street, when a voice made you stop. It sounded like they were ranting about something, what you couldn't tell because the words weren't clear. Curiosity getting the better of you, you plucked your gun off the ground and shuffled towards the noise.

It was slow-going considering you were injured and didn't have a medkit, but you eventually found yourself in a nice big open space. A dumpster was along one wall while a fence blocked off your exit into another alley. The words of the person had been cut off, almost like they knew someone was coming so they shut up. But you were silent, how could they know?

It was too dark to see most of what lay in the area, so you jimmed your flashlight out of your pocket and clicked it on to look around. You nearly jumped back and bolted when you saw a male witch leaning against the dumpster, maybe 15 feet away from you. He had a single cloth around his lower half, and as his hands lay on the ground next to him, you saw his eyes looking boldly at you. It terrified you more than seeing the horde run at you with inhumane glints in each and every zombies' eyes as they reached for you, wanting to sink their nails into live human flesh.

The Warlock, as you called them when they weren't a female witch, just stared at you and you openly stared back. Maybe you weren't supposed to look at him? Or maybe you were, so he didn't attack. You'd never been in this situation before, and you yearned to get out of there but you didn't move. What if movement triggered the chase-and-kill reaction?

You stood still for about 5 minutes before everything became too much and you had to move. Your body made you move, it was so fed up with sitting still. And to your great relief, the Warlock didn't move. Well, his eyes moved so they would stay on you, but the rest of his body stayed put on the ground. With how toned he was you had no doubt he'd be able to rip you to shreds, and you were perfectly happy without getting to know how sharp his claws were.

When you made it to the end of the alley, after painfully slow inching away, you found the exit was covered by a tank. The tank hadn't seen you yet thanks to your reflexes getting you out of sight as fast as humanly possible, but if you wanted out you'd have to go back to the open area with the Warlock and climb the fence.

Heaving an impossibly big sigh silently, you scampered back to the open area, wincing a couple times at the pain in your side. The Warlock's eyes were on you immediately, but you tried to ignore that as you made for the fence. You passed within 7 feet of him but he didn't move.

Until he got a whiff of your blood that was.

His nose was in the air like a hunter and his eyes zeroed in on your wound. You cursed under your breath before trying to go up the fence. That put too much strain on your wound and you had to slow way down, but by then the Warlock had gotten up and was headed for you.

Flipping over the fence, you fell to the ground and landed on your butt. You got your feet under you before clinging to your weapon and limping off. You thought you were in the clear...for less than 10 seconds. You heard the fence clanging before you saw the Warlock climbing over it.

A couple common infected ahead saw you coming and you blew their heads off while checking over your shoulder every few seconds. As soon as the Warlock landed on your side you tried to run but that got you nowhere, so you had to resume your rapid limp-walking. The common infected coming at you became more frequent, and as you tried to manage running away, killing them, and keeping an eye on the Warlock, you found you ended up making a mistake faster than anticipated.

You got too caught up in taking care of the commons that you ran out of ammo and allowed the Warlock to get within 5 feet of you. You tried desperately to move faster, but a blow to your injured side from a common knocked you off your feet and onto the ground. It tried to get on top of you and attack but it got swiped away by the Warlock.

You attempted to push yourself backwards, crawling along the ground as you leaned more on your uninjured side, but the Warlock stepped on your stomach to stop you. You cried out in pain and the pressure lessened, but he kept his eyes on you.

"Just kill me already," you gasped, your face contorted in pain. The blow to the side had no doubt made your injury worse, and you could already see a small puddle of blood forming. If the male didn't quicken your death, you'd be lying here suffering for longer than you'd want. You had no gun to make your end swift. You were at the mercy of this clawed creature.

He seemed to recognize your will to end your life but did nothing to help you. You spat at him, just because you could and there was no bad consequences that would come of it, and glared harshly. He seemed to wilt like a dead flower under your gaze, causing a mask of confusion to take the place of your hardened look.

He picked you up suddenly, causing you to scream and water to fill your eyes. You just wanted the pain to end, why make it worse? Any commons looking on looked away as soon as the Warlock met their gaze. Everyone knew not to mess with a witch, male or female. You had no clue where you were going, but to be honest you didn't care. You could die somewhere else just as easily as where you were lying in a puddle of thick red liquid several seconds ago.

You were set in what had to be a bed, you couldn't tell cause your eyes were closed, and the Warlock left to do something. You passed out sometime while he was gone, because once you woke, he was sitting in front of you. The pain was still there, full and strong, but there was no more blood leaking out of your side and onto what you could now confirm as being a bed.

"Thanks...I think," you mumbled, looking up from the white wrap around your middle to the special infected. He tried to smile, at least you thought so. You weren't sure of much anymore, besides that for some reason this Warlock has a special spot in his dead heart for you.

"Is it possible you could get me some pain pills?" If he liked you, there was a chance he'd get something to calm the pain, right? He was out the door the next second and you sighed, wrapping a scratchy blanket around your figure. A Warlock's pet, lover, friend, human, whatever you were. You guessed you could give that lifestyle a try.

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