Francis ~ Just Friends

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Requested by: @StrangerToTheStars

"Come on guys, it's not too much farther," you exclaimed positively, being the optimistic person you were. Louis, who you considered your best friend of the survivors you were with, kept pace with you as you all rushed to the safe room.

Upon arriving at the door, you rammed your shoulder into it for it to open, but you just injured your shoulder and got nowhere. Louis sent you a worried look before checking through the bars to see if the bar was across the door, but it wasn't. He frowned, confused why it didn't open. You usually reached the doors first, you knew how hard to hit the doors so they'd open, why was this one stubborn?

"Is it stuck on something?" You asked, rolling your squished shoulder. He peered through the window again.

"Not that I can see, no."

"Step aside, ladies," Francis approached, holding his shotgun pointed at the ground with one hand. You looked up at him with admiration as you stepped aside. He rammed into the door once and it opened, swinging so far it bounced back.

"Thanks Francis," you breathed, smiling brightly. He nodded at you, strolling inside like he owned the place. You paused a moment to watch him before following, the rest of your group trailing after you.

Once everyone was inside, Bill shut the door with a bang and barred it, dropping his gun so it leaned against the doorway you all came from. You kept your gun with you as you climbed up to the second floor, where the other door leading out was. You peeked outside, surprised to see the sunset from your high position, and of course the random zombies outlined against the bright colors the sun made in the clouds.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Francis asked, bringing you out of your view admiration session (er, switching it to something else really).

"Oh, um, just the sunset," you blushed, looking up at him then down at your weapon hanging from your hand.

"It's something, ain't it," he agreed, his eyes reflecting the view outside as his head turned so he could look out the glassless window.

"Yeah..." You took the chance given to stare shamelessly at him, an opportunity you weren't often given. You were so shy about your feelings for him, only when his back was turned did you show any signs of liking him. Louis would disagree with you about that. It wasn't like you were going to tell him anytime soon.

Why would you tell someone you like them if you know they don't return the feeling? That's just a recipe for embarrassment and regret, something you wanted no part of. It was easier, anyway. What if you were to break up? That would just cause unnecessary tension in the group that nobody wanted or needed.

You let out a sigh at your own thoughts ruining the moment and Francis looked over. "What's up?"

"Nothing." You could tell he knew that was a lie, but being Francis he didn't push too hard. He knew what it was like to not want to share your thoughts with someone, and he would respect your privacy.

"We're in for a long day tomorrow, I'd get some rest," Bill announced to the room at large. The others heeded his words and got comfy on the floor, grabbing anything in the room that would serve as a sleeping surface. Moving every day and resting every night meant constant movement, and if you brought sleeping bags or pillows with you everywhere, that would slow you down.

Louis settled down next to you and you glanced over at him as you grabbed the only blanket in the room to spread over the both of you. A single person shouldn't get it all to themself. You didn't notice the ticked look Francis sent Louis, but Louis did. He held up a hand as if he were backing down, then turned to you.

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