Hunter ~ Made For More Than Killing

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This was it, you were done for. You were out of ammo, had no molotov or pipe bomb, and the grin on the hunter in front of you was making you shake. Your back was up against the wall as the hunter approached, and as it got closer you could see something dripping from its mouth like drool.

Then it suddenly leapt at you, letting out a screech. You brought your rifle up to smack it in the head but it clamped its mouth on the weapon, growling like a dog. You swung your gun back and forth, trying to loosen its grip on your only defense against death, but when that didn't work you picked up your booted foot and kicked it hard in the stomach. It rolled backwards before hopping back onto all fours, hissing in pain and anger. No more playing, it was time to kill you.

Holding up the rifle like a bat, your eyes hardened as you glared at it. It snarled and started crawling back and forth, gradually making its way closer. You moved your feet to a better position to knock it away, the hope that you might actually live fueling your determination.

But then something appeared from the shadows, crawling towards the two of you with sharp claws and glistening canines. Two hunters?! The hope you had dwindled as the first noticed its buddy and growled something you couldn't understand. The second hissed back and the first turned to face it with what you would guess to be confusion.

The second screeched and attacked the first, creating a brawl you didn't see coming. Maybe they were fighting for the honor of killing you? As they fought, you slipped away, and once you deemed it safe, you sprinted off. You'd really rather not have to deal with the more savage of the two (or both if they decided they could kill you together).

Once you were a ways away, you went searching for something to use to kill infected with. You kept your rifle with you to use as a bat until you found bullets for it, or switched to a different weapon. Being in an apocalypse forced you to learn weaponry fast, and though you weren't the best shooter, you usually hit your target.

Anything was better than an empty weapon, and finding a shotgun with some ammo in it, you dropped the rifle in your hand to the floor and rushed over to it. It was lying on a desk, so you checked through the drawers. One of them was locked, and since you had nothing to lose, you slammed your foot a couple times into the handle. Since that got you nowhere, you picked up the rifle and slammed the butt of it into the metal handle, and after a minute of pounding, it broke.

You tossed the rifle to the ground and yanked the drawer open. There was a bunch of paper, probably torn from a book, along with a few shotgun shells. You pocketed the shells and spun in a circle, looking for a chair to sit in. It was a zombie apocalypse, you had nowhere to be and not much other entertainment, why not read a little?

There, in the doorway, was a hunter. Your hand went for the shotgun on the desk but the hunter didn't move. Pointing the weapon at the hunter, you recognized it as the second hunter you encountered earlier, bloodier than before. It just sat back on its haunches as you honed in on it with your weapon, but when neither of you moved, you slowly started to put the shotgun down. Why wasn't it attacking?

It got onto all fours and took a step forward; your gun was trained on it before its hand could touch the ground. It drew back, sitting back down, until you relaxed again. It attempted to move towards you again and the same result. This went on for a few minutes until your gun didn't move. He viewed this as progress and stepped again, and when you didn't react it waddled over while crouched, making you smile. It was goofy.

"What's your name?" You asked. It acknowledged the words like it understood what you were saying, but it didn't know how to answer. "Are you a male or a female?" It pulled back its hood to show short, dirty hair and glazed over eyes. "You're a guy then." He nodded. He pulled his hood back over so his face disappeared, the only thing showing being his mouth.

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