Ellis ~ Crying Girl

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Requested by: @brofist666  (Ellis x Witch!Reader)  

Sorry, the end was a bit different than your request.

You wept bitterly, clawed hands covering your face as you sobbed on the ground. As far as you were concerned, you were a human trapped in a Witch's body, and you hated every second of looking like a monster. It wasn't that long ago you found yourself making a stupid mistake, or a brave one, it really depended on how you looked at it.

You were with your group, Louis, Francis, Zoey, and Bill were their names. You couldn't remember who startled the Witch that day, but it probably would've been the death of them if you hadn't jumped in front of them. The timing was perfect as Francis accidentally shot a car with a still working alarm while aiming for the Witch, and then they were forced to leave you as the infected swarmed in numbers bigger than any of you had ever seen.

After the Witch hacked you up, it left, thinking you were dead. But instead of dying, you stayed alive and turned into a special infected. You knew what being a human was like, remembered everything, you even held emotions other than sadness and angry. But you were doomed to walk the rest of your days as a hideous clawed monster all survivors avoided.

That was why you cried. You never figured out why the other Witches cried like you, but it didn't matter. You didn't want to be like them, not in the slightest. Except for the crying. I mean, you just couldn't help it! You had no hope left in you, and the thought of your depressing future constantly sat in your mind, not allowing you to think on the bright side.

The only good thing about looking like a Witch was that all infected left you alone. All of them knew not to mess with a Witch, so you were left to be your only company most of the time. The few times you were bored and needed entertainment you approached a common infected and ripped it up, or stalked it, or watched it, or literally anything to bring you a half an ounce of happiness.

Today you couldn't bring yourself to even look at anything but the disgusting wall in front of you or your clawed hands. You had tried once to get rid of your 'fingers', or at least try and dull them down, but it was like they were made of metal. It had fascinated you, and for half a day you were distracted as you tried to find what your new hands could do.

Footsteps approached your position, and you perked up. Your crying dulled to a soft occasional sniffle, and you peered through your (H/C) hair at the direction the footfalls came from. There had to be more than one person coming towards you. The thought of actual people made you start crying again and the people must've heard you, as they paused.

"Lights off y'all," a deep, male voice announced. A light was what startled the Witch that fateful day. Your crying got louder.

"Ooo, luk at dat!" Another much more childish voice came from that direction, and then you could see a light coming closer.

"Wait, Ellis!" A female shouted, but then the guy came into view. He froze as soon as you came into view, his light pointed right at you. The light annoyed you, especially cause it was pointed directly in your eyes, but you didn't move from your position. He flicked off the light as the rest of his group came into view, looking scared excluding the one with the white suit.

Your crying had stopped, you just realized, and Ellis tilted his head. "Why didn't she move?" He whispered to the lady beside him.

"I'm...not sure."

"Let's go," the suited man tried to get everyone to keep going to wherever they were originally headed but Ellis stepped towards you.

"Ellis," the lady said slowly, the worried look she had on her face returning.

"I got this, Ro," Ellis flashed her a smile and crept towards you. You watched him, your jaw nearly dropping. He wasn't scared? You shifted to face him and he froze, but when you showed no threat, he continued.

As he got closer, he moved slower and slower, until he was less than 3 feet away. You had a staring contest before a smile formed on his lips. The last time someone smiled at you was back when you were with your group. A Hunter was leaping for Zoey and you shot it out of the air, and it landed by her feet. You blew air at the end of your gun where a little bit of smoke was coming out, just to be goofy, and she had laughed.

Tears flooded your eyes and Ellis' smile dropped, confused why you were about to cry. You crawled towards him and he tensed, but you just wrapped your arms around his legs and hugged him. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw one of the group had raised their gun to shoot you, but didn't when Ellis bent down to give you a hug back.

It was such a foreign feeling, having someone's arms wrapped around you in a comforting way. He was strong, that much you could tell just by the hug, and he was also really nice. I mean, who willing hugs a Witch? Either way, you would be happy sitting here for as long as the group could stay.

"Ya give great hugs," Ellis said, pulling away so he could look at you. The group was looking at each other with 'What is he doing?' and 'What the heck?' faces, but you didn't mind. You hadn't been talked to in too long.

"You too," you smiled in a way only a Witch could. (The smile was basically you trying to lift the ends of your lips to form a rough smile.) Ellis was so surprised at hearing your voice he fell backwards and the shock was evident on the rest of his group's faces.

"You can talk?" Ro spoke up, keeping her voice kind so as not to tick you off.

"Yes," you nodded, a hint of wistfulness in your tone. "I wasn't always a Witch."

"We've neva heard a Witch talk," Ellis grinned, thinking this was super cool.

"Well they aren't human," a scowl almost made its way on your face. You really didn't like being compared to the other Witches. The black man glanced in the direction of the way they came and his eyes widened considerably.

"Tank!" He alerted his teammates. Ellis got to his feet and held his sniper tightly as he walked over to his friends. You got up, watching for the Tank as the group looked for an exit.

"Over there," you pointed to the hidden path leading away and they ran for it.

"Wait, wud 'bout 'er?" Ellis stopped, gesturing to you.

"She's a Witch, Ellis," suit spat.

"My name's (Y/N)," you mumbled, not thinking you were loud enough for anyone to hear.

"We have to leave, El," Ro said, regret in her voice, but they had to go now.

"Go, I'll hold it off," you pushed Ellis gently towards the exit, hating yourself for making them leave like this. They were the only people that had ever given you a chance, and you already loved all of them. But then again, they had a life ahead of them they could keep fighting for, you had already lost.

"We'll see ya again, right?" Ellis frowned, looking genuinely upset.

"Of course." Figuring there was nothing to lose, you sealed your promise with a kiss. You pulled away as fast as you had leaned in, and the boy was left speechless. "Now go." He didn't move so the black man had to grab his arm and pull him away, sending you a nod of farewell as he did.

The Tank's bellowing yell sounded throughout the area and you smiled to yourself. You had always been a risk taker. And Ellis was pretty cute...so you supposed you could get through this alive. The Tank shook the ground as it came closer, and when you turned to face it, you got your claws ready. It came to a halt a little ways away, breathing heavily like a bull, and your deadly gaze met its angry beady eyes. Then you screamed just like a Witch and leapt at it.

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